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Fiona POV. Part two.

As I was sneaking in the hallway, it was so dark every time when I moved, it made a loud noise. I almost bumped the lamp off the dresser in the living room but I caught it in time I open up the front door I snuck out. Madison said that there was a secret way I can leave time without being caught, which was inside a cave. Apparently the mayor put up a puzzle figured it probably wasn't that hard to do when I went to the cave, it was dark, but there was a little bit of blue light I looked everywhere but I could not find this puzzle that Madison was talking about. I figured she was probably setting me up so I sat down next to a puddle of water. I was about to give up, but then I saw something in the water couldn't really see because the water was muddy but as I moved it around, I saw there was a riddle on the top of the cave 15 minutes later I finally have the answer for the riddle so when I press the button a robot voice, so please say the answer to the riddle so I did it as I was hoping that I got it right I heard the robot said congratulations you may now pass.

I couldn't believe my ears I got the riddle right and I was this close to leaving town, but for some reason I just stopped I looked at the dark hallway my heart was telling me to go that what I'm doing is best for not only me but for the town, but my brain was telling me not to that it could be dangerous out there on my own but I didn't listen to my brain I listen to my heart, because before I knew it, I was walking down the dark hallway with another set of doors open, my brace myself, but when I walked outside, I was in the middle of the woods it looks like the words that was in my town I knew that I was just back in town so I was on my way back to my house but when I passed a woman walking her dog, she said good morning and continued walking. I looked around.

A man and woman said coming behind I looked and saw them jogging past me as I was walking on the trail that other people were walking one. I finally made it out of the woods and saw that I was in the middle of the parking lot with a lot of cars. I haven't been out of town before so we don't have cars at all but usually just walk to where we need to go I want to go sit on a bench next to a really old man. He smiled and asked me how my morning was going so far I wanted to tell him pretty freaky, but I realize that he was a human so he couldn't really know who I was so I told him it was going pretty good I wanted to ask him where we were so I asked him how long has he been living here? He smiled and said he's been living in New York for about five years now.

Now that I realized I was in New York I figured it was best to start my new life. I told the old Man by and continued walking I didn't know where to go I almost got hit by a car when I was trying to cross the street as I was walking the right side of the street, I passed by a lot of businesses. There was so many people in New York City. There was people walking and talking on the phone other people talking with their friends or people, just ignoring everything and continuing on with their day off, I didn't walk into a clothing store as I was looking around. I heard a woman to another person that they will call them if they get the job as the two ladies were talking I figured that in order for me to live in New York City I would have to have a job.

Excuse me, if you're not going to buy anything that you need to leave we don't really like homeless people in the store because they have a tendency to steal! The woman behind the cash registers said looking at me.

Oh... I'm actually here for a job. Yes that's why I'm here for a job. I need it! I said smiling at them.

Okay well, if you wanna follow me in my office, we can have an interview! The other lady said walking away.

As I follow the woman, I sat down in a chair. She sat down at her desk smiled at me type something on her computer and asked me how long have I worked in retail. I didn't know what retail was so I told her that this will actually be my first job explaining to her that where I'm from we didn't really get paid for what we did we will just help out whenever we had to. She gave me a small smile and asked me where exactly am I from I didn't know what to do so I just looked around before I came up with a fake place. She told me that she never really heard of that. I told her that it was like an Amish group, but not that Amish.

After she got done with the interview, she told me that she will call me to tell me if I got a job or not I told her that I didn't have a cell phone She gave me an awkward smile, and said OK after I left I continued walking around New York City and I had up stopping at a diner I didn't have money, so I just sat in a booth. I guess I fell asleep because I'm texting someone was shaking me and telling me that I had to leave because they were closing. I looked and saw it was a waitress. I gave her a small smile and asked her if I can sleep here for tonight she looked at me like I was crazy and told me no.

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