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Ambers pov.

As I was cleaning off tables, I was looking at everybody that went in and out of the diner. I had to kick out a homeless man because he was trying to get free food before I knew it was closing time as soon as I went to go clean another table. I stopped. There was a homeless person sleeping on the table. When I went to go shake the person up I told him that they had to leave because we were closing. I was surprised when it was a teenage girl, she didn't look homeless. She asked me if she can sleep here for the night. I told her no I explained to her that this wasn't a hotel that this is where I worked explain to her that this is where people come to eat.

I'm sorry, but you cannot sleep here! I said looking at her.

Okay... do you know where I can go to sleep for the night? I don't have my own place! She said looking at me while getting up.

I would say go to the homeless shelter, but you're a New York City so they don't have one I'm sorry you were good little bit young to be out here by yourself where exactly are your parents! I said, crossing my arms.

Well.... I sort of had a fight with him and told him that I couldn't live with him anymore so I left to go my own way! She said trying to leave.

Before I can say anything, she said she was sorry and that she will leave now after she left I looked at her walk away, and I continue cleaning up as I close the diner. I text my boyfriend to tell him that I was on my way home Me and my boyfriend started living with each other about two months ago the apartment we have is a one bedroom one bathroom we're trying to save up money so we can get something different I absolutely hate my job but the only reason why I'm working at the diner is because supposedly I'm good with customers after I text him I put my phone in my pocket and I was walking towards the bus stop but I stopped when I saw the young girl sitting on the ground. I walked up towards her and asked her if she really doesn't have a place to stay for the night. She told me no, but she doesn't after I helped her up. I told her that my name is Amber. She told me that her name is Fiona. Apparently she was from somewhere name Sandalwood I had no idea where it was but she said it was like an Amish group.

I told her that she can stay with me for the night that my boyfriend won't mind as I was walking she walked up next to me and asked me where we were going. I told her the bus I explain to her that New York has a few ways to get around. The first one is a taxi. The second one is the bus and the third one is the 24 hour New York train station explained to her that taxis usually stop driving people around at 10 o'clock at night and the bus stops driving the routes around 9 o'clock at night she asked me how long does the New York train station open and then I told her it's open 24 hours I told her that New York City is a busy place 15 minutes later we were walking up my apartment stairs. It would usually take me about five minutes, but she was scared to get on the bus when I walked inside my boyfriend was watching football will drinking a beer He kissed me and ask me how my day was and I told him it was fine..

He stopped when he saw Fiona standing awkwardly beside me. I told him that she had nowhere to go so she's going to be staying here for tonight. He asked if he can talk to me before I can see anything he dragged me towards the room he close the door and said that I can't just be inviting random strangers to our apartment.

Chill out Andrew she's super young plus I didn't want her staying on the corner in the middle of the night. It's only for tonight that's all! I said looking at him.

Fine, but if she kills us in our sleep, it's going to be your fault! He said, sitting on the bed.

I rolled my eyes kissed his cheek, and told him that I was going to take a shower after I got out of the shower I noticed that he wasn't in the room which is weird because usually when I tell him I was going to take a shower. He gets ready for bed and goes to sleep. I put on a big T-shirt, and went into the living room I stopped when I saw Andrew trying to teach Fiona how to play Uno usually Andrew doesn't like talking to strangers but it's like him if you wanna have stuff in common , so I'm not surprised that they got along so fast I need up joining in a new route Weird up falling asleep at 12 o'clock in the morning when I woke up the next morning, it was 8 o'clock I didn't have to be at work until three when I went into the living room Andrew was eating some pancakes. I smiled and asked him if he cooked all of his he should've said no, and said that he woke up and it was already cooked. I looked at Fiona and watched as she was washing dishes.

I cleared my throat and asked Fiona if she had a job yet since she got here she told me know that she had an interview yesterday but she doesn't know if she's going to get it. I asked her where exactly was her interview and she told me I heard of the store that she's trying to apply to. I want to do a couple of times with my friends that I work with not really my style but a job is a job What do you wanna sit down? I was eating the parts she made. It was absolutely amazing. I almost choked on my orange juice when she asked me if she can stay here until she gets on her feet.

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