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Fiona's POV.

As I was in bed, looking out my window, I saw my mother talking to some of the people who stopped by to ask her questions about my power getting worse after I lit that sparkler for Madison's brother, he ran off to play with his friends 30 minutes later, I was throwing away trash when Madison walked up to me. She looked really upset so I asked her what was wrong. She told me what was my problem I was confused so she explain to me what was going on Apparently Madison's brother told her what I said to him so she harassed me and asked me if I saw the future of her brother. I tried to explain to her that it wasn't the future it was it was a vision, but she didn't want to listen. She explained to me that I had no right to do that and now her brother is worried about messing up his life. All of a sudden, she said that I was her best friend, but now she can see that I'm just some stranger who is dangerous. She then proceeded to say that she doesn't want anything to do with me, and now I realize that the vision I had of her wasn't her talking to a stranger. It was her talking to me.

Set an a word got around town that I was using my powers on people to spread evilness. Some people even called me a witch well, others said that I was abusing my powers, but that wasn't what I was trying to do at all when my father heard about what was going around town. He did talk to me And confronted me. He told me that I shouldn't even be using my powers on other people but after I explain to him what really happened he said he understood but I knew that he really didn't all the way as I slowly walk downstairs my mom close the door I could tell she was exhausted because she was telling the people the same thing over and over that her daughter isn't dangerous and I am not a witch.

My mother is the mayors secretary so when my father came home from doing errands, he asked my mom what was the mayor saying about the situation about me my mom sat down at the table and said it wasn't good. She said she heard the mayor and some of the other people, talking and apparently they don't feel safe with me and living in the town as soon as she said that I told him that I can leave my father looked at me and said I was crazy.

No one has ever left the town before it is closed for a reason to keep us and humans separated. The people in the town. Don't know what they're talking about and they're just trying to start trouble! I father said standing up.

That's not true Madison said there was a boy my age who left the town a few years ago she said her mom used to tell her the bedtime story about him! I said looking at him.

My father was about to say something until my mom looked at me and she said those were just stories. She said she'll figure something out until then. She wants me to stay in the house and not talk to anybody. It sounded like a prisoner so I told her that I don't want to feel like a prisoner in my own home. My father said that's the only thing they can do until they figure out how to calm the situation down then he left. My mom told me not to worry about it that everybody will stop talking about it after a few days but boy was she wrong because three days passed and people were still talking about it. I already listen to what my mother and father said I can't stay in the house any longer so I chose to leave town Madison still wasn't talking to me but I really needed her so I can tell her what I was going to do as soon as she saw me she was about to walk the other way, but I caught up to her and told her to wait she looked at me and told me she doesn't have anything to say to me and that because of her people are constantly telling her that she is also a witch, considering I would hang out with her.

Look I'm sorry about what happened and I'm sorry for what the people are saying but you know it's not true I really need your help I'm leaving town. My mom said she heard some of the towns people talking to the mayor. Apparently they don't feel safe if I'm here I've tried to stay in the house and not talk to anybody but they're still talking about it. It's been three days Madison I can't do it anymore! I said, begging for her help.

Fine... if you feel like you're going to be OK out in the human world then I'm with you no one can leave town except for the mayor and his guards there's two ways to get into the town. The first way is on the road and the second Way is through the cave. Both of those are on lockdown but there's an easy way you can get into the cave! She said walking close to me.

She told me that it's not safe to talk out in the open so we're going to meet each other behind the big oak tree 30 minutes later I was standing behind the big oak tree, listening to her. Tell me about the entrance in the cave she said she only knows about it because she heard the mayor talking about it to one of his guards she said that there is a puzzle that the mayor set up and no one really knows how to figure it out but since I'm smart, I will be able to do it I hope to her and told her thank you. She looked at me and told me to not do anything stupid and told me to be careful later on that night as my parents were peacefully sleeping I got out of bed after me and Madison meet up I went straight home. I eat dinner with my parents like I normally do talk to them for a little bit pretended I was tired and went to bed, but really I was packing some stuff that I was going to take when I went to the human world.

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