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Cody's POV part two.

When I told her that what she said is wrong, I tried to explain to her what she meant to say, she proceeded to shake her head and said that she's getting real tired of me, telling her what she meant to say, and what she didn't mean to say I told her that I was just trying to help her out that I was sorry that we can just continue our second date. As soon as I mentioned a second day she looked at me confused and told me that this wasn't a second date.

What... you said in your text message meet me at this restaurant for a lunch date if this isn't a second date then what is it? I said, leaning in the chair.

That's what I was trying to tell you before you kept interrupting me. I've been thinking, and I really don't think this relationship is going to work out I mean yes the first date that we went to was OK but I'm not really looking for a relationship right now! She said shrugging her shoulders.

You're not looking for a relationship right now, but you are on tinder do you know how slow that sounds? The only people who are on tinder is for people who are looking for fuck, buddies or relationships! I said trying not to get angry.

OK so clearly I made you upset but that doesn't mean you should call me slow look I'm sorry for leaving you want but like I said this isn't going to work out I have to go because I told my boss that I'll be back after my lunch break is over! She said getting up before leaving.

I rolled my eyes and told her she's not employee she's a volunteer. She looked back at me, shook her head and continued walking out the restaurant I didn't even finish eating because I was so mad. I ended up going home as soon as I walked inside Rufus came running towards me. He tried to jump on top of me to wake me, but I told him to get down that I wasn't in the mood. I ended up going straight to my room and face planted into the bed as I was laying down I felt someone crawling on me as soon as I heard the bell I knew it was midnight.

Let me guess your date didn't go well did it I told you the broad was too dumb for her own Good! He said laying on my back.

OK first off get off my back second off. No it didn't go good turns out that she wasn't looking for a relationship right now did you know she wasn't even an employee at the pet store? She was a volunteer! I said getting up.

I did she didn't really give me employee vibes you'll be all right there's someone out there for everybody even you! Midnight said stretching.

I looked at him as he licked it, so he put his paw down and asked me what I explain to him that I can't believe I'm getting dating advice from a cat who licks his own asshole as he stretched he told me that he hast to get clean subway he also told me that he does have a lot of dating advice because he used to sleep with a bunch of female cats around the block I didn't want to hear what he was talking about so I just went into the living room. Rufus was chewing on a tennis ball. I looked at him and told him do not put a hold on that tennis ball because that's all I'm getting him explain to him that he has had 15 tennis balls these past two weeks he spit the ball out and said that he likes tennis balls he can't help it.

Midnight came in saying that wasn't the only balls he likes. I put my hands over my ears and say that I don't want to hear anything later on during dinner time I was eating ate TV dinner while watching a football game I know midnight was right that there is someone out there for everyone but it's very hard for me to date as it is I mean I'm constantly keeping my powers hidden from other humans I'm the first person to leave my old town, and I can't let anyone know that I have powers my father used to always tell me that if you meet a human and they find out that you have powers they will kill you or turn you into the government my grandfather on my dad side, called me a story once about how him and my grandmother ran from humans who tried to kill them after they found out that they had powers.

He told me that they didn't stop running until they were safe. I didn't wanna leave town it's just after everybody found out that I had a new power they started harassing me to be honest with you I would harass myself too, if I found out that another person can speak to animals after dinner it was over I was sitting on the couch scrolling through tender midnight kept telling me what Girl was cute and what Girl wasn't. I was about to swipe right on one until midnight told me that was a man I didn't believe him until I looked at the Adams apple, so I swiped left before I knew it. I fell asleep. I woke up and looked and saw that it was 12 o'clock in the morning. I turn the TV off and went into my room. Rufus was all in my bed so I had to push them over as soon as I got comfortable he put his feet in my face.

Maybe midnight right there is someone out there for me and whatever she's doing. I hope she knows that I will be here waiting for her.

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