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Fiona's POV part two.

I ended up going to the water and sat on the grass. I saw a mom playing in the water with her kids. She was using her water power I smile to myself if I had the same power as my parents I would have did that when I was younger when I hurt my name being called, I looked at all it was Madison. She sat down next to me and said she was looking all over for me and ask me why did I leave? Explain to her that no one needs my help I told her that everybody was using her powers to do everything and I was just standing around not doing anything so I just went to go get some fresh air she asked me if I was still upset about me having a different power and I told her that I wasn't really that upset. I explain to her that I was just tired of everybody blame me for everything because of my powers I told her that sometimes I just want to leave her and never come back as soon as I said that she looked at me and told me not to say that.

Fiona, you can't leave town only because if you leave, I wouldn't have anyone to talk to also no one left town before well, except for this one boy! She said looking at me.

What are you talking about? I said confused.

Well my mom, is this song stories about this boy who had a different power just like you apparently he was born around the time we were born. You know when the town was open and we can go to the human world back to our world! She said, throwing a rock in the water.

That doesn't make sense when we were five to town was closed I would know if the town was ever open! I said, shaking my head.

I don't know my mom used to tell me the story which means it's probably not true come on the ceremonies about to start! She said getting up.

When we walked in the ceremony call everybody was there taking a seat Madison went to go take a seat in the front next to her mom and dad. While , I want to go take a seat next to my mom and dad  after everybody got situated one of the teachers came home to the stage and said she was so happy to see that everybody made it out for this year's ceremony she said that she was one of the teachers who taught everyone's child she kept talking and talking. I just rolled my eyes when she handed the mirror of our town the microphone, everyone clapped the nearest smiled, looked at us and said that he was so glad to see that the town is doing amazing.

When my father was the mayor of this town, I watched him struggle to make this town Absolutely perfect for everybody and when he died I was next in line to become the mayor of course after some competitive competition I was finally the mayor of this town, and I'm still making it the best time ever! He said looking at everyone.

So, with that being said, I would like to call each one of the six-year-old kids, so they can get their power! He said smiling.

We watched as he called each one of the kids name when it got to Madison's brother we braced ourselves when he moved the cup a little but we all cheered no one has it ever gotten a new power besides me after I got a new power everybody was worried that there would be powers in town mayor told everyone that I was the only one with a new power we ended up going back to Madison's house apparently her mother threw it after party as my parents were talking to Madison's parents, I was holding a cup of fruit punch in my hand Madisons for Brother ran towards me and asked me if I saw him move the cup I told him yes I did. I told him that I'm very proud of him for not being scared. He ended up grabbing my hand and I ended up seeing his future but it wasn't his future. It was now everyone was yelling and screaming, and there was fire everywhere when he finally let go of my hand. He looked at me and asked me if I was OK. I shook it off and told him I was fine.

When he went to go play with his friends, I put my cup down. Somethings going to happen at this after party, and I have to protect Madison's brother, no matter what I was keeping an eye on him, making sure that he wasn't doing anything he was supposed to win the baker brought out a cake. I started smiling when I saw them lighting the candles, my heart stopped. I saw the baker in my vision. He was lighting the candles on the cake everyone was smiling and then the fire happened I was about to stop him into Madison, grab my hand as soon as she did end up seeing a vision but instead of seeing her future, I saw her telling someone that she never wants to see them again she looked at me and asked me if I was OK and I told her yes she did ask me if I saw her future I never really did physically touch Madison before so she's really the only one that hasn't asked me about her future when I didn't give her a yes or no answer she took it as yes she smiled and asked me what did I see.

I wanted to tell her the truth of what I saw but instead I told her about her brother I explain to her that somethings going to happen at her brothers party but instead of telling me that everything will be OK and asking me more about it all she said was I was paranoid. She told me to lighten up and have more fun and then she left the rest of the party went by pretty smoothly, which is weird, considering what I saw as I was, hoping Madison's mom clean up her little brother came up towards me and asked me if I can light something for him. I look and saw that he had a sparkler I told him yes, but just be careful because something bad is going to happen because I saw it in my vision. He awkwardly said OK and left after I lit it.

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