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Fiona's POV.

I've only been in New York for about two days now and it's already not going so good. I tried to see if Amber will let me stay with her but she said that she can't because the place she has a super small place  as I was sitting on the couch. The guy who was looking for a roommate, was smiling at me and told me not to look so scared. He told me that he's actually happy that I came to look at the room for rent so he's been looking for a roommate for about a month now I saw the bedroom and it was actually a very good size. I even had my own bathroom he told me that he pays $1200 for the apartment so all I need to do is pay $600 a month it sounded really good honestly, too good and I felt like he was hiding something or something was wrong with him.

And as soon as he told me that if I can't afford to pay the rent, all I have to do is do something to make him feel good, and he will pay it for me. That's when I knew that he was a disgusting person, or as my mother likes to say a pedophile so I awkwardly told him that I was looking at another apartment after this, but if I do not like it, I will come back. He smiled and watched me walk away and said OK that he'll be waiting. I already had an interview at that clothing store, so I was just going to go back to see if they decided to hire me as soon as I walked into the clothing store. The manager who did my interview told me that I couldn't be in here that I had to go. She looked at me and said that obviously I was just a homeless man who wanted to rob them.

I'm not here to rob you guys yes, I am actually currently homeless but that's why I need a job just so I can get my own please please! I said, begging her.

Fine... I don't really do this but you seem like a good person. Plus I can't really find anybody else to take so I guess you're hired! The woman said looking at me.

Thank you so much I would not disappoint you guys! I said going up to hug her .

Okay first off I don't really like hugs second off I know you won't disappoint me because if you do, I will fire you quick I know you're homeless and I feel bad for your situation, but everyone in New York City is a little bit homeless Veronica will teach you how to do the cash register! The woman said walking into her office.

The cash registers pretty easy all you do is you bring up a price tag that's on a piece of clothing  then you hit the green button that says total and if they're paying with cash your enter them out, then press the blue button that says cash but if they're playing with card you'll hit the pink button that says credit card! She said, showing me the register.

I smiled and told her sounds easy. She told me that it pretty is she said that they're usually slow about this time so I can help put all the go back clothes that people cannot walk at first when I saw two clothes laying down on the register I thought it was put that but when she brought out a whole rack of clothes I knew it was going to be a long day as I was putting up the clothes that people didn't want she was telling me what not to do and what to do on this job she explained to me that a lot of homeless people will come in here and try to steal. She told me that there's actually an easy way you can tell someone is homeless all you have to do is see if they are dirty and if they are, then that means that they are homeless.

And I'm not talking about just got off work dirty I'm talking about not showered in a couple of weeks dirty before Julia took over this business. The old manager didn't care that people were stealing we lost about $5000 worth of merchandise! She said put up a shirt.

That's a lot of money, so whatever happened to the old Manager! I said putting a pair of pants up .

Honestly, I don't know the last thing I heard, was he bought a farm and started working on it! She says pushing the cart.

Veronica was pretty cool to talk to and I feel like she was giving me good tips before I knew it. It was time to close reading a closing at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. Julia said that they always close at five on Mondays but they always close at 8:00 PM Tuesday through Sunday she held me a piece of paper and told me that this is my schedule for the whole entire week. She told me do not lose it because I'm going to need it she told me she'll see me tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock after her and Veronica left, I didn't really have anywhere else to go so I showed up to Amber's doorstep as I was sitting on the couch, she said that she takes it out of the apartments. I looked at was good explain to her that the last apartment was nice, but the guy was a pervert. She asked me if I found a job and I told her yes that I am working at the clothing store.

I don't know what Amber and Andrew were talking about but I could tell it was something serious and I'm pretty sure it was about me Amber cleared her throat and said that her and Andrew pitched them together to get me a hotel for three days she told me that she knows it's not much, but at least he'll give me a roof over my head so as I was in the hotel room laying on the bed I smile to myself having a friend like Amber and her boyfriend. Andrew was honestly pretty cool if my parents were here right now, they would be proud of me. I'm living in the human world and I'm doing good so far I just wish there was people like me.

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