Chapter 1

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I walk through the dark and eerie forest. Leaves crunch beneath my feet as I walk.I whistle to myself in an attempt to deafen the fear and perturbation looming over me. I've never liked the darkness or the unknown, I tried my best to stay away from it. As a fairy it is in my nature to be drawn to the light.
The purpose of my existence is to nurture and heal, however I do struggle to comply with those principles at times. My name is Ivy Thorne. I am sixteen years old and I live a life of anticipation and anxiety due to the fact that I have yet to discover which element I belong to.
This may seem like a minor problem, however a fairy is supposed to discover their element at the age of fourteen. I am two years past that expiration date.
There are quite a few elements that a fairy may be given, this element will determine the powers you receive and your energy. However regardless of whatever element one receives all fairies must use their powers for good. A fairy must heal and help and find faith in the goodness of our world. This is a rule which is engrained in our minds from a young age. Kindness and joy is key.
I used to question these principles in which we fairies follow and preach. But my parents have done a good job of reminding me that I am a fairy, and I mustn't question the rules. I still have to admit I am quite defiant and tend to give my parents heart attacks any chance I get. Whether that be sneaking out into the woods to explore or arguing with them about how there is more to the world than healing and joy. But the biggest heart attack of all that I gave them was when I didn't receive my element on my fourteenth birthday.
When the clock strikes midnight and a fairy turns fourteen we are supposed to feel our powers entering our body. A fairy then should be able to access their powers easily, and utilise them. But sadly that never happened to me. I'm one giant question mark.
I have grown up in the fairy realm which is a beautiful landscape of nature and harmony. All fairies live here in a peaceful community. Earth fairies grow and supply crop for the other realms, Ice fairies train and prepare to aid the earth realm in the case of wildfires and other disasters, light fairies channel their powers to control the light in other realms to give us sufficient sunshine and electricity , and lastly water fairies control the tides of the oceans and other bodies of water, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.
Both of my parents are earth fairies, they feel a deep attraction towards nature and all of the creatures that come with it. I think that they secretly hope that one day when I do receive my element, that it will be earth. I continue my walk through the forest, it was late at night and I struggle to see my path ahead. The light breeze that flows through the leaves provides a sense of movement that I can follow. I have ventured off into the forest and I have completely lost track of time. I quicken my pace as I envision my parents filled with concern and questions regarding what I had been doing.
I eventually see the lights of the village in the distance. I sigh in relief. Thank god, getting lost and providing dinner for the wolves would not have been my idea of fun. I soon reached our hut. It's a tall structure, neatly fashioned with sticks and moss.
I can hear the chatter of a few voices behind the door. I take a deep breath and open the door. "The wolves could have eaten her by now, I can't just sit here and do nothing" My mother says in disbelief.
She paces frantically up and down the living room. "You need to relax, I know my niece and there is no way she would let her cause of death be wolves. She's far too dramatic for that, I'm sure she wants to die poetically." My Aunt Helga says in a tired and desperate voice.
My father rolled his eyes at that remark. Then the mayor of our village intervened. "Look, I've sent out the light fairies to look for her and I'm sure she will turn up." The Mayor says calmly. My father then looked up and his eyes met mine. "Oh Ivy, thank god. My little girl is okay!" He says as he runs over to embrace me. "Dad ,I'm fine. Seriously, can you loosen your grip on me, I can't breathe." I say irritatedly. My Aunt sighs with relief. "Thank god your back, your mother was beginning to drive me crazy. Don't do that again or I seriously will feed you to the wolves."
My aunt said. Aunt Helga has long wavy red hair. She's undeniably striking, but still older with a peppering of wrinkles to prove it. She presses a kiss on my forehead and walks tiredly back to her room.
Aunt Helga has always been a teenager at heart, which is why we got along so well. My mother on the other hand, not so much. "Ivy Thorne you are in so much trouble young lady! If you think I'm letting this one slide you are sorely mistaken." She yells angrily. Her eyes are wide and full of tears. My mother has dark auburn hair that reaches her back. It's pin straight and controlled, precisely like her. Her piercing blue eyes are hard to miss. They make her moments of anger even scarier. "This seems like a family matter which is why I will take my leave now, Ivy I'm glad to see you safe. Goodnight." The mayor says with exhaustion. He's old and withered. It's clearly far past his bedtime.
Once the door shut behind him a brief silence fills the room. This was only the quiet before the storm. I look down at the floor, in an attempt to avoid my mother's furious glare. "You know what, I can't do it anymore Dan I really can't! Every other week she does this to us." My mother blurts out
The silence breaks into smithereens. "Isla, honey please. Let's just give her one more chance. That school can't be our only option!" My father pleads, his voice rises slightly but still remains quiet. My father is a gentle soul. He has deep blue sad eyes and dark hair with silver strands running through it.
He was undoubtedly handsome as a younger man but he now is riddled with deep lines from stress. I love my father, he understands me much more than my mother ever did. He never yelled at me or insulted me.
I look at my parents with confusion. "What school? What are you talking about" My Mother's eyes drift over to me. A wave of serenity washes over her face. "Your going to a boarding school called Briarwood Academy. It's a school for supernatural beings and you will continue your fairy studies there." She says, her voice even and calm. My father looked at me pitifully. There was nothing he could do. When my Mother wanted something it happened.
"Mom, you can't be serious. You want me mixing with other supernaturals apart from fairies? That can't be beneficial." I say in disbelief.
My Mother exhales deeply. "Well at first that was a concern, but I read a few pamphlets and the school encourages supernatural beings to coexist peacefully. Apparently studies show that when supernaturals mix they are better able to focus on their studies, and grow as a person." My mother says with monotony. My eyes shift onto my father.
I glare at him angrily. "How can you let her do this? Just because I'm a little in my own world does not mean I need to be sent away to some weird school. I like the local school here, my life is here!"I yell. My father sighed. "Ivy this might be good for you. Being in a new environment could help you in finding your element."
He pleads desperately. I run my fingers through my hair frustratedly. "I don't care what you think is good for me, this isn't fair! I don't want to do this, doesn't that mean anything to you people?" I say desperately My mother shakes her head. "That's enough Ivy. Gather your things, you will leave in the morning."I glare at her in disbelief. I can't believe how ignorant she is.
My own mother refuses to listen to me. The words fall from my mouth without parachutes. "You were always a cold and unfeeling woman, but this? You're officially nothing to me." I yell. My father looks at me in shock. And my mother just clears her throat and looks away. Her eyes two buckets threatening to overflow. "Well y-you've made yourself clear, Ivy. Thank you for that. Just go to your room." She says unevenly. Her icy facade crumbling.

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