Chapter 3

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I continue to unpack my things. I open each box with care, making sure I don't break anything. One of the many downsides of not yet having my powers is that I have to complete mundane tasks without the assistance of magic. I take a flimsy old photo out of a box. In the photo my parents stand in the forest, holding me. I must have been around two months old in the photo. My father looks down at me lovingly and my mother smiles at the camera.
I can't help but miss them when all I see in the boxes are memories of home. I'm furious that they left me in this strange new place, but I also love them deeply. I stick the photo up on my mirror. I jump when I see Raven behind me in my reflection. "Jesus Christ. Raven don't sneak up on me like that!" I say shakily. "Sorry, I like to lurk. You'll get used to it." She says dismissively.
"Anyways, there's a party in the common room. Get ready." She says hurriedly. Raven begins to apply a dark red lipstick, still looking in the mirror. "I don't really feel like going to a party on the first night. I have a lot of unpacking to-". Raven suddenly interrupts me. "Nonsense, I can unpack all your belongings with a simple spell. You are coming." She says. Christian chimes in from behind us while he pulls a shirt over his head. "It will be fun, Ivy. Don't be boring." I raise my hands in defeat. "Alright, fine. I'll go."
Christian, Raven and I walk down the dark hallway. There's tall windows lining the walls with gothic mosaics surrounding them. " This will be fun, trust us." Christian says. I nod hesitantly at his response. Raven pulls a pack of cigarettes out of her leather purse. She gives one to Christian and lights it for him. She wears a short black dress with a lace design covering it. Her long necklaces dangle over the dress, complimenting the outfit. One necklace  is a heart locket and the other a big red gemstone. Her outfit is a clear giveaway that she is a witch.
I wear a white flowing dress which has a few flower designs dotted on it. Raven said it was too modest but I didn't have anything else. My Mother never would have let me own anything revealing. Fairies were supposed to dress appropriately, nothing dark or skimpy. We come to a stop when we arrived at double-doors. Christian knocks on the door and it opens slightly. "Password" the person behind the door says bluntly. "Defy". Shouts Raven. The door then slowly opens.
My eyes widen. Hundreds of students fill the room, all of different species. Loud music plays through giant speakers, filling the room. The book shelves of the common room shake with the waves of sound. A long table is lined with different kinds of drinks and other substances. People dance carelessly with red cups in their hands. Raven smiles at me. "Isn't it great, nobody parties better than us Briarwood folk." I laugh at her remark. "It's definitely something, I'll give you that." Christian gives me a red cup. "Here, have this. It will calm the nerves." I sip on the strong liquor gratefully. "Cheers to getting hammered and having some fun." Raven says playfully. We raise our cups with laughter. But suddenly Ravens smile disappears and she chugs the entire contents of her drink.
Her gaze is directed at a group striding towards us. I look over nervously. Great, just what I needed. It's that vampire from earlier. Two other guys are with him. "Who are they." I whisper. "Those two guys with the blonde hair are Gunner and Tom Avery, they're twin brothers. And that one in the middle is Zayne Ambrose." She says. His name is Zayne, I prefer bloodsucking dick. It's more fitting. "Unfortunately I've already been acquainted with Zayne." I say, thinning my lips. Raven sighs.
"Well at least now you're aware that he is a first grade ass. He's used to having girls worship him, it's had a major affect on his gigantic ego." She takes another drink from the table and begins to sip on it. "Anyways, they're all insanely close. They're practically a cult. Tom and I used to date. It's my biggest regret." She rambles while she continues to drink. The three of them approach.
Gunner and Tom both wear confident smirks on their faces. They have bright green eyes and have chiselled faces. They bleed charm and cockiness, like they can get anything or anyone with the click of their fingers. Zayne has a stone cold expression on his face, as always. But the glint of hunger in his eyes still lingers. "This must be the new girl. How rude of you not to introduce us, Raven. Some might think you're avoiding me." Tom drawls with an arrogant grin. His eyes fixate on Raven's.
She glares at him with fear and hatred. The tension between them is almost palpable. Clearly whatever they had ended badly. Raven swallows. "Well, forgive me for my lack of hospitality, Tom. It's just that I'm not that fond of lying and manipulative cheaters." She gives him a rough smile. She may appear confident but I can tell that she's struggling to maintain face.Raven may appear strong and resilient, but I know that whatever he did killed her. He extends his hand out to her.
"I understand completely. Come with me and we can work out these differences in private." Toms anger is masked by his reassuring words. But I've always been able to see the insincerity within people. He may appear charming and shiny on the surface but he's dark and damaged underneath. I look up at Raven with concerned eyes. "Fine, let's go. Ivy I'll be okay. Just enjoy yourself, alright?" Raven takes his hand and he leads her into the abyss of the dark room.
Gunner and Zayne remain. They tower over me with large muscular statures. Gunner looks at Zayne with boredom. "Well, since the lovebirds left will we go? This is dead." Gunner says. Zayne's eyes are pinned on mine. He doesn't even look up  to address Gunner. "Go sit at the bar, Gunner. I'll meet you there in a few minutes." Zayne says. It's not a question, it's an order. Gunner assesses me with a perplexed grin and walks away. Zayne takes a step closer towards me. I contemplate stepping back but I don't want to give my fear away. Plus there are people here, he can't do anything. I look up at him with a challenging glare.
"You shouldn't be here, little fairy. It's past your bedtime." He says. I roll my eyes instinctively. What a dick. "I'm not a child. I have every right to be here." I say with frustration. He acts as though I'm beneath him and that I shouldn't be within the same proximity. Well too bad, he can't scare me off here. I strut away angrily. I can feel his eyes burning into my back as I depart. I go to the drinks table to find Christian, but he is nowhere to be found.
He must have gone off somewhere with a girl. I grab a shot glass from the table and swing it back. The burn of the amber liquid pricks my throat as I swallow. I go to take another glass from the table when I feel a warm hand brush mine away gently. "I don't think you need another one of those, they're deadly strong." I look up and my eyes are met with a friendly expression. A tall and burly werewolf stands before me. He has chocolate brown eyes and tanned skin. He has jet-black hair that's buzzed. He's extremely attractive and it's hard not to stare.
I smile at him weakly. "Your right, I'd rather not be hungover tomorrow." I say. He smiles at me and puts his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "I'm Cain by the way. It's nice to meet you." He says. "I'm Ivy, it's nice to meet you too." He chuckles to himself quietly. "I already knew your name, Ivy. People talk, especially when the subject is beautiful." I blush at his remark.
"Well, thank you. Your not so bad yourself." I say. He smiles at me and then looks down at his watch. "It's pretty late, I'd say the professors will shut this thing down soon enough. I'll walk you back to your dorm." He says, taking my hand in his. "Thanks." I say gratefully. He begins to lead me to the exit when I feel a strong and cold hand pull me back. "You're dismissed, Cain. I'll walk her back." Zayne says insistingly. I look up at Zayne and his cold gaze is on Cain. A glint of anger appears in his eyes for a split-second. Cain scoffs.
"I'm hardly going to let Ivy go with you, Ambrose. I'm not one of your vampire minions that you can just order around." Cain says frustratedly . Zayne let's go of my hand and walks toward Cain. They are so close. Cain stares at him angrily, refusing to back down. "What did you just say to me?" Zayne says. A cold smile creeping over his face. Cain grins back at him. "You heard me, Ambrose. I'll take you on right here if I have to." Zayne laughs at him coldly. "You forget what I'm capable of Cain. I can kill you and your little wolf pack within seconds." Zayne says.
Cain begins to shake with anger. "I'll kill you, Ambrose." Zayne just continues smiling, undeterred. "I'm the strongest creature in this school, don't be stupid." Zayne says. "That's it, your fucking dead!" Cain yells as he pushes Zayne's chest. Another werewolf comes running over, he looks very similar to Cain. He pulls Cain back forcefully. "Come on brother. He's not worth it!" He yells. Cain growls. "No fucking way, Ben!" Cain yells at him. Ben steps infront of him blocking his view of Zayne. Zayne remains standing there with a stone cold expression. "Please Cain, let's just go. Don't let that bloodsucker get to you!" He yells desperately.
Cains eyes soften and he nods in defeat. "Fine, let's go." Cain says. Cain stomps away angrily and Ben follows behind him. I stand there frozen with shock from the whole encounter. What the hell just happened? Zayne walks back over to me as if nothing happened. His face lacking any emotion. "Let's go, little fairy." Zayne says. My eyes widen with anger and shock. "Your insane if you think I'm going anywhere with you." I scoff. "Fine." Zayne says. He walks behind me.
I sigh with relief. My victory is short-lived when I feel Zayne's cold hands grab my waist. He scoops me up effortlessly and tosses me over his shoulder. "Hey! Let go of me you son of a bitch!" I yell as I claw at his back. It's hard to do much since I'm upside down. Zayne ignores the profanities I yell at him and continues to walk towards the door. The party goes silent as I feel the stares of all of the students. I hear a few whispers. Well this is a great first impression. Zayne slams the door behind him as he walks out with my body slung over his back. What the fuck is wrong with him?
He walks through the empty hallway. My yelling echoing through the halls as I desperately claw at his back. It's no use, he is completely undeterred. Once we arrive at the door of my room he places me down. I raise my hand to slap him but he grabs my wrist before I can and pins my hands to my sides. "Don't be stupid. Stop fighting me and go to bed." He says assertively. I feel tempted to yell at him some more but it's no use. He'll just embarrass me even more by overpowering me. I pin him an angry glare and walk into my dormitory, slamming the door behind me.

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