Chapter 5

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I stand in the cold corridor outside of the nurses office. Ben insisted on me leaving and promised he'd be fine, but I didn't believe that. I know he's a werewolf, but Zayne is stronger and much larger. Christian told me that Zayne is the strongest vampire in the school, so god knows how strong that punch would have been.  Ben comes out of the door abruptly.
I immediately rush to him with concern. "What did the nurse say? Are you going to heal okay?" I say worriedly. He shakes his head with frustration. "I told you to go to your dorm. It's late now, I didn't want you waiting for me." He says. I stare up at him with annoyance. "I wasn't going to leave without knowing if you were okay." I say frustratedly. He sighs and gives in.
"The nurse gave me some herbal ointment from the witches that should heal the wound within a day or two. I'll be fine." He says. I sigh with relief. "Okay, thank god. I was going to call your brother but I assumed you would want to tell him." I say. His eyes widen with alarm. "Please don't tell Cain any of this happened! You can't, Ivy." He pleads. I furrow my brows with confusion. "Why not?". He shakes his head. "He would be furious that I put you in any danger and I also don't want him knowing about my situation with Zayne." He bites his lip. His eyes whirling with anxiety and compunction.
I take a deep breathe. "Fine, I won't tell him." He sighs with relief. I raise an eyebrow. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to know about the obvious issues you have with Zayne. What the hell do you have on him? I ask firmly. Ben tenses. "I can't tell you. Just know that he did something unspeakable." I shake my head in frustration. "Come on, Ben! What could he possibly have done that you can't tell me?" I raise my voice. What the hell is going on with him and Zayne? Whatever Ben is holding over him will only get him into danger. Zayne doesn't seem like the merciful type. Ben stares at the floor.
"I can't tell you." He reiterates. I sigh in defeat. "Fine, but please just stay out of trouble." I say anxiously. I'm worried for Ben. Whatever he has going on is dark. Lying to Cain seems like a terrible idea, but I don't want to betray Ben's trust. Although we've only known each other briefly, he feels like a true friend whom I wouldn't want to wrong. I walk down the dark hallway leading to my dorm. I turn the doorknob and walk into my room. I'm deep in thought, reflecting on everything that just happened. I yelp suddenly.
A tall figure stands in front of the window. Looking out at the moon. "What the hell are you doing in my room!" I yell. Zayne turns to face me. The moonlight illuminating his sculpted face. "What were you doing in the forest with him?" He asks roughly. I clear my throat. "That's none of your concern. Now please leave."I say firmly. He steps forward. His face stone cold and beautiful. "Answer my question." He presses. I roll my eyes. I turn on my phone to text Raven and Christian when he grabs my arm firmly. "Don't." He says. I scoff and try to pull away from his grasp but he won't budge. "Stop fighting me. Answer my question." He says firmly
This guy just doesn't give up. I huff in anger. "It had nothing to do with you!" I lie. I don't want to get Ben into anymore trouble with Zayne or anyone for that matter. He shakes his head slowly. "Don't lie to me, Ivy." His hold on me tightens. "I'm not lying. We were just studying." I say desperately. He can detect my lies easily. "Fine don't tell me. But stay out of the forest." He says. My eyes widen with fury. "You can't tell me what to do!" I yell. I'm about to continue my rant when I'm cut off by the door opening.
Christian and Raven come in. "Ivy we were just at the best party in the old cemetery." Christian raves. I look back and Zayne is gone. I look around with alarm and he's nowhere to be seen. I take in a heavy breath. "Where were you all evening?" Raven asks with concern. "Oh, I had some school work to catch up on at the library." I lie. Christian's brows furrow. "Are you alright? You seem tense." Christian asks. Raven eyes me suspiciously. "The library was closed today." She says. I purse my lips. "Oh, well I- ." Christian cuts me off. "What really happened today? We're your friends you can tell us." He presses. Raven nods in agreement. "Whatever it is you can trust us." She promises. I sigh.
"Well for starters Ben brought me into the forest to talk and there was this whole confrontation with Zayne." I say quickly. Raven's eyes widen. "What? What did Zayne do?" Raven presses. "He punched Ben." I admit. Raven and Christian's jaws drop. "Why the hell would he punch Ben?" Christian asks. I shake my head frustratedly. "Bens got something over him but he wouldn't tell me what." I say. "Damn. Well is Ben alright?" Raven asks. I sigh. "Ben was bruised but fine. He insisted on me not telling Cain about any of it."
Raven shakes her head. "But you and Cain have a little thing going on. That puts you in a really awkward position." She states. I run my hand through my hair. "I know. But I don't want to betray Ben's trust. He's been nothing but a good friend to me." I say full of conflicted emotions. I gulp. "And if that isn't bad enough, Zayne showed up at our dorm right before you both arrived. He wasn't exactly a  pleasure to deal with." I say. Christian shakes his head angrily.
"That bastard. He doesn't get to mess with my friend and get away with it." He says to himself. He storms towards the door. "I'm giving him a piece of my mind, and my fist." He murmurs. Raven approaches behind him. "I'm with you on that. I have some new spells I can try on that dick." She says with a glow of excitement in her eyes. I run in front of them and block the door. "No! That will only make things worse." I say with desperation. Christian shakes his head.
"He doesn't get to come into our dorm and threaten you. Let me through." Christian says firmly. "Please! He'll only get angrier. I'm asking you as my friends to stay out of it!" I plead. Raven nods in defeat. "She's right, Christian. You know what a short fuse Zayne has. Respect her wishes." She says. Christian rolls his eyes. "Fine, but if he bothers you again I won't be as generous." Christian states. Raven nods in agreement. "Tell us if he pulls a stunt like this again." I nod in relief. "I promise, I will. Thank you." I smile at them. "You guys are scary when your mad." Raven laughs. We spend the rest of the night eating junk food on the floor and talking. I have to admit, I'm really grateful for these two crazy idiots.

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