Chapter 4

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I yawn tiredly as I walk down the busy corridor. I clutch my books, looking intently for the classroom. My first class of the day is potions in room 32, but I can't seem to find it in this ginormous school. I walk around aimlessly looking for the classroom. Feeling defeated and lost I sit down on the bench. This school is way too vast, how does anyone get around? As I sit on the bench, feeling sorry for myself I feel a warm hand touch my shoulder. I look up.
"Hey Ivy, you alright there?" Cain says with warm eyes filled with amusement. "You look a little..frustrated." I sigh and look up at him. "I can't find the potions classroom, this stupid school is like a maze." I say. He smirks at my remark. "Already admitting defeat on your first day?" I tilt my chin up to meet his eyes. " I know, I'm truly pathetic. I can't even find a stupid classroom." I say filled with frustration. Cain laughs.
"Come on I'll bring you to the potions room, It's not too far from here." He says as he takes my hand and helps me up from the bench. He also scoops up my books in his other hand. As we walk down the corridor he looks down at me as his strong hand clutches mine. "By the way, I'm sorry I got angry last night. Ambrose really knows how to tick me off." He says with a weak smile.
I smile up at him. "Don't apologise. He's a complete dick." He shakes his head. "I know but I still shouldn't have left you alone with that psycho." He says with a glint of anger in his eyes. "It's fine. He can't scare me anyways. He's just an asshole." I say with a weak laugh. He smiles warmly at me. "Can I make it up to you? There's this ball tomorrow night and I was hoping I could take you." He says confidently.
I look up at him with surprise. "Oh I didn't realise there was a ball happening, I would love to." I smile at him. "Great. I can't wait." He says. I can't help but admire his warm smile and his adoring eyes. He's a good guy, why wouldn't I go with him? He guides me to the door to my classroom and opens it. I smile at him and walk into the classroom. The class has already started and the teacher looks up from her desk at me with frustration. "You must be the new student. For future reference don't show up to my class late. This isn't a playground." She wears thick black glasses and a permanent scowl.
She would probably look twenty years younger if she smiled. Cain steps in from behind me. "Hey Ms. Black. It's my fault, I wanted to give Ivy a tour of the school." He gives her a charming smile. "Sorry for any inconvenience this has caused." He says. She blushes at him. "Oh well in that case, it's fine. Just don't do it again Ivy." She says. Cain looks down at me. "See you later, I better get to class." Cain gives me one more smile and leaves.
Ms. Black looks up at me with a flustered expression. Clearly Cain's charm works on everyone. "Take a seat. There's a chair left there in the back." I nod and walk down to the back of the classroom. I see the empty seat but then my eyes meet with a cold glare. I sit down beside him with annoyance.
Of course the one unoccupied seat has to be right next to that cold-blooded asshole. He continues stare at me with that stone-cold expression he loves to use. I stare right back at him with anger and hatred. His stupid intimidation tactics won't work on me. I may be terrified of him on the inside, but there's no way I'm letting him know that. The teacher drones on while I engage in a staring contest with Zayne.
Suddenly I snap out of my trance of fury when Ms. Black calls on me. "Ivy and Zayne. Since you two seem to be so distracted by one another, it seems fitting that you two are partners for this history of potionology project. I look at her with panicked eyes. "No! Don't pair me with him, I-." Zayne cuts in. "Fine by me. Thanks Ms. B." He smirks at me coldly. I roll my eyes at him.
In my peripheral vision I see Cain's brother Ben looking at me with concern. I could've been mistaken but for a split second I saw a crippling fear in his eyes. I know it's not ideal that I'm partnered with Zayne, but why does he look so utterly troubled by it? Suddenly the bell rings and everyone arises from their seats. I gather my things swiftly.
As I walk to the door, I see Ben waiting for me with pure anxiety written all over him. "Hey Ivy, can we talk for a second." He says. I look at him with confusion . "Uh sure, what's wrong? He looks around at the crowded hallways nervously. "Not here." I nod in understanding and I follow him into the forest surrounding the school. There's a clearing in the forest with benches and a small fountain, presumably for students to sit at.
We sit down and I look up at him. He's similar in appearance to Cain. He has the same golden skin and dark hair. But he's noticeably smaller and younger, since Cain is a senior while Ben is a sophomore like me. But the one really significant difference between them is their demeanours. Cain exudes confidence and charm while Ben is like a nervous puppy. There's no light in his eyes, it's like he's just waiting for something bad to happen. He swallows.
"You should be careful with Ambrose. He's not a good person." He says quickly. My eyes widen with realisation. "Oh I see what's going on here. Did Cain put you up to this? Because trust me I loathe Zayne, I would never-." Ben cuts me off. "No! This has nothing to do with my brother." He says frantically. I shake my head with confusion. "Then why are you telling me this? I know that he's no saint." I say. He fiddles with his rings and stares at me deeply. Like whatever he's going to say has to be drilled into my mind.
"Just promise me that you'll be careful. He's more than a bad guy, Ivy. His soul it's..corrupt with darkness." I nod hesitantly. I know that Zayne's damaged, but why is Ben so nervous about him? What does he know? Ben gets up abruptly and grabs my hand. "We need to go." He pulls me behind a tree before I can comprehend anything. "What the hell Ben? I-." He cuts me off mid sentence.
"Be quiet and don't move. The vampires are here, I can smell them. They must be hunting." He whispers. I furrow my eyebrows in perplexity. " Hunting what? It's not like they're allowed to eat fellow students." I whisper back. He's looking around quickly. "They're hunting animals. But that doesn't mean some of them won't rebel and take a fairy as their snack." I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "I shouldn't have brought you out here. I didn't realise the vampires were hunting today." He says in a contrite tone.
" I can handle them, Ben. Don't worry about me." I say sincerely. "Don't be stupid, Ivy. People in this school talk, and I've heard all about how you never received your element or your powers. You can't protect yourself." He says in frustration. My eyes widen with chagrin and shock. Everyone here already knows that I'm utterly powerless. Here I was thinking I would have a fresh start. I didn't want everyone knowing about it, it's shameful enough as it is. He purses his lips.
"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that. But please just stay here, okay?" He says with desperation prevalent in his voice. I sigh in defeat. "Fine." He smiles at me gratefully and walks away from the tree. I lean against the tree, tilting my head slightly to see what Ben is doing. He stands at the fountain with his fists clenched. Then I see movement in the corner of my eye. A group of vampires approach.
Gunner is at the front of the group, he holds a dead rabbit in his hand, it's blood dripping from its neck. I cringe at the sight of it. He tosses the rabbit in the bushes. "I just finished with that rabbit, but now that I'm seeing you here, Ben. I might just go for dessert." Gunner drawls as he walks up to Ben. Tom follows behind as he wipes a drop of blood from his mouth. "You shouldn't be here, Ben. You know the rules, non-vampire folk aren't allowed to roam the forest during hunting hours." Tom says demeaningly. The rest of the group follow behind.
Zayne walks up with a blonde girl all over him. She's too preoccupied with kissing his neck to even notice what's going on. Zayne pushes the girl off of him. "Zayne, what are you doing. I wasn't finished!" She says pleadingly while staring up at him with big brown eyes. I roll my eyes at the transaction between them. How pathetic.
Zayne ignores her pleas and walks up to Ben, where Tom and Gunner are surrounding him. "Guys lay off him. In fact all of you go, we're done hunting." Zayne says authoritatively. Gunner rolls his eyes. "Come on, man. Don't drink him up all for yourself." Gunner says. Zayne rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to drink from him, so just leave." Surprisingly, Gunner doesn't protest and they all leave, disappearing into the deep fog of the forest.
Zayne's calm demeanour vanishes within seconds of their departure. He takes Ben by the collar and pins him to the tree. "What the hell are you doing here? We had a deal!" Zayne yells furiously. "I forgot it was hunting hours, I promise I didn't come to snoop!" Ben yells out. "You know enough about me, Ben! Keep looking for blackmail information and I'll kill you!" Zayne yells. Suddenly the fear in Ben's eyes. "You forget that I have the upper hand, Ambrose." Ben smirks.
A fire arises in Zayne's eyes and he punches Ben in the stomach. I run out from behind the tree. "Get off him Zayne!" I scream. Zayne turns and releases  Ben. "What are you doing here?" He says with heavy breathes. I bite the inside of my cheek until I taste copper. Zayne turns back to Ben furiously. "Why did you bring her here, huh?" He says. Ben is keeled over in pain, breathing heavily. "I just brought her here to talk. I promise I didn't know it was hunting hours." Ben grunts. Zayne's jaw ticks. "Never bring her here again. Now both of you go."
He says with a stone cold expression. A glaze of anger in his eyes. I take Ben's arm, slinging it over my shoulder. I help Ben walk out of the forest. Zayne remains standing there as we walk away. "I- I'm so sorry." Ben grunts through heavy breaths. "That's okay, let's just get you to the nurse." I say with concern.

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