Chapter 9

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I wake up in my bed. Rubbing my eyes I look up at my surroundings. Raven sits on the end of my bed with a cup of tea. Christian sits on the couch, concern and worry on his face. I sit up tiredly. Raven rubs my back comfortingly. She's not exactly the affectionate type, so I appreciate her efforts. I smile weakly. "Hey." I say. Raven smiles. "I'm glad you're awake, we were worried about you last night." She says softly. I cringe at the thought, the memories of last night flooding in. Ben is dead. He's gone. All of the horrifying emotion I felt last night is gone. Now I just feel numb. "What time is it?" I ask. "It's ten am. There's no classes today so we figured we'd let you sleep." I lean back against the headboard. "Thanks guys, um for all of it." I respond. Christian smiles. "What are friends for. How are you feeling?" He asks. I fidget with my bedsheet. "I've been better. It's just hard to believe he's gone." I say.
"There's a memorial service for Ben later. If you don't feel like going we can just stay here." Raven says. I shake my head. "No, I.. I should be there for Cain." I say. "You sure? The whole school will be there?" Christian asks. I purse my lips. "I'm sure. Hopefully people will take a day off from whispering about me." Christian and Raven exchange worried glances. Christian sighs. "Should we tell her?" He asks. Raven nods stiffly. "Some people are saying it was you who..killed him. They're just looking for someone to blame, and since you found him you're the next best thing." Raven says. Unbelievable. "He was my friend! That's disgusting!" I sputter in disbelief. I didn't know Cain for long but he felt like a brother, all I wanted was the best for him. To think people would go to as far as saying I did it.. I can't even think about it, it makes me feel sick. Raven puts a hand on mine. "We know you didn't do it. People are just idiots." She says. I sigh. "I'm still going. They can talk all they want, I need to be there for Cain." I say. Christian acquiesces in my decision. "Alright, if you're sure. We'll have your back." He says. Raven nods in agreement. "Let's get you ready then." She says.
We walk into the ballroom. What was once a space of opulence and uplifting beauty is replaced by a dark cloud of grief. Black roses decorate the vast room, a few photos of Cain hang on the wall. He's looking at me, a smile on his face. He looks so happy in the photos, like he didn't carry so many dark burdens of constant secrecy and dispiriting anxiety. What hurts most is that I really did feel a deeply platonic connection with him, and that are friendship won't ever get to grow and flourish. I look forward at the pool of black suits and dresses. Students are hugging one another and crying. Christa is crying hysterically, her friends surrounding her, desperately trying to comfort her. Raven and Christian stand by my side. "This is so weird. Students are crying over a guy they never took any interest in." Raven says. Christian speaks. "I'm pretty sure Christa made fun of Cain last year." I frown. "She'll take any chance to bathe in attention." I say bitterly. Raven sighs. "She just wants a shoulder to cry on, otherwise known as Zayne." Raven says. I bite my lip. "Where is Zayne anyways." I ask. "Nobody's seen him since the body was found, he just disappeared." Christian says.
I swallow hard. What if Zayne. No. He wouldn't. He's not that depraved, is he? The room spins. It makes so much sense. Clearly Ben knew a secret about Zayne, they were always fighting and disappearing. Maybe Zayne wanted him dead, so that his secret was safe. "Are you okay, Ivy? You look a little pale." Christian says. I gulp. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it." I say. Raven studies me. "I knew it would be too hard for you." Raven says. Christian takes my arm, steadying me. "Yeah, let's get you back to the dorms." Christian says. I pull back my arm. "No! I'm fine, really." I say. Christian opens his mouth hesitantly. "Alright, if you're sure." He says. I nod. "I appreciate the concern, but I really am okay." I lie. Christian and Raven assess me with concern. Then I see him. In a sea of faces Cain stands. He looks heartbroken. Visible dark circles under his big beautiful eyes. "I'll be back in a minute." I say. I approach him swiftly. He watches me approach. His eyes softening, a weak smile on his lips. "Hey." He says. I meet his eyes with a heavy heart. I smile softly. "Hi." I say. He pulls me in tightly, hugging me.
We stand there for a while, his comforting embrace a desperate one. He pulls away slowly, staring into my eyes sadly. I sigh. "How are you doing?" I ask. He exhales slowly. "I still don't believe it." He looks down. "All of these people are coming and offering their condolences, but I keep struggling to remember why." He says. "I'm here for you Cain, whatever you need." I say.
"After the private burial later, my family is having a small wake to remember him by at my house. I was hoping you'd come ." He says hopefully. I nod without hesitation. "Of course I'll be there, I wouldn't miss it." I say. He smiles weakly. "Thanks." He says. I see a few of Cain's werewolf friends approaching. " I'll let you have some time with your friends." I say softly. Cain turns as they approach and I walk away. They surround him, hugging him tightly. I glance back, giving Cain a reassuring smile. I walk into the cold corridor for some space. If I'm going to be around people all day, I need a little time. I take a deep breath in, trying to clear my head when I hear soft gasps. I turn. At the end of the corridor a girl is up against the wall. Zayne is biting her neck, feeding on her blood. He's desperately sucking her blood like it's a drug. I read in the school rule book that it's prohibited for vampires to feed on students, clearly he doesn't care. He's carelessly feeding on this tiny witch in the middle of the hallway, anyone could catch them.
I yelp. "Oh my god! What the hell!" I scream. Zayne pulls away from her neck slowly. He wipes a drop of blood from his plump lips. He turns to meet my eyes. The girl breathes heavily, her curly red hair a mess. "That was such a rush Zayne! Have my blood whenever you want!" She says excitedly. Zayne growls. "Sarah, go. We're done here." He says frustratedly. She skips away excitedly. Like she just hopped off a rollercoaster. He takes a step forward, glaring at me. "You should be inside, little fairy." He says coldly. I take a few steps backwards. "Stay away from me you psycho! First you murder Ben and now this!" I yell shakily. His eyes widen for a split second, a brief expression of shock flashing over his face. "What did you say?" He says. Taking another step forward. "You heard me!" I shout. His eyes darken.
"I did not kill Ben. And that girl I was feeding on wanted it more than I did." He says. I shake my head. "I don't care about your weird brainwashing blood rituals! You still killed Ben." I say. I back up into the door, desperately searching for the doorknob, with my eyes cautiously still on him. He grabs my arm firmly, pulling me away from the door. "I did not kill Ben." He reiterates. I'm shaking now. "Don't lie. I know it was you. Nobody else hated him quite like you did." I say. He blinks. "Don't accuse me of things you can't prove."He says. I scoff. "I plan on proving it. I'll find out what Ben had on you!" I say. His grip loosens. "Ivy, don't play with fire." He threatens. I pull my arm back. "I'll do what I want. You disgust me." I say with deep loathing. I scurry to the door quickly, opening it quickly and slamming it behind me. I reenter into the crowded ballroom, the public sea of people now a comfort, it means I'm safe from the monster lurking outside.

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