Chapter 2

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I inhale deeply. The scent of earth and smoke invadesmy nostrils. My father kisses my forehead. I look up at him with frustration and anxiety. "I still can't believe you went through with this." I bite my lip and focus my gaze on the extravagant stone building staring back at me. It is undeniably breathtaking. It has dark and gothic elements all over. It expands for what seems like forever, the ivy covering the expanse.
" This will be good for you, you will realise that some day." My father says reassuringly. I shoot him a glare. "Don't bother trying to convince me this is for the best, I'm too angry and exhausted." I retort.
The tall black gates open slowly, it feels like I am one of those idiotic blondes in the horror movies that walks blindly into the hands of evil. Apart from the fact that I have dark brown hair, however I am slightly idiotic at times. I take a deep breath in. "Let's get this over with then."
I sit in the green leather chair beside my father with a bored expression. The Head Mistress stares at me with thoughtful eyes. "I assume your being here wasn't exactly voluntary, Ivy." She says with an amused grin.
I tilt my head towards my father. " Well, dear old Dad here thought it would be a good idea to send me here, let's just say my opinion wasn't needed in the matter."
My father pins me with a glare. "Ivy don't be difficult. I'm sorry about her Head Mistress, she just needs time to adjust to this change." The Head Mistress stands up elegantly and gestures to the door. "Well, now that we've all been acquainted, I can assure you that Ivy's disdain towards the school is temporary. We will take great care of her here at Briarwood. Your welcome to leave Mr. Thorne. My assistant will walk you out." My father gets up from his chair and pulls me into a tight hug. "I love you. Make the most of it, okay?." My father says with a worried expression. I give him a weak smile.
I'm too angry to admit it, but I will miss him endlessly. He gives me one last glance and walks out of the door, leaving me in this strange new place by my lonesome. The Head Mistress hands me a pile of books and a laminated sheet which sits on top. "Here's all the materials you will need for your classes. And that sheet has your dorm and locker information. I had the witches spell your belongings into your room so your free to go and settle in." She says hurriedly. " I have a meeting so if you wouldn't mind." I nod understandingly and walk out cautiously, a tall and heavy pile of books in hand.
I walk through the long corridor. There's portraits of different witches and vampires from ancient times. They all stare at me intimidatingly. I walk briskly through the corridor. I don't want to be under the gaze of these creepy paintings for much longer. Suddenly I slam into something rock hard and all of my books crash onto the floor. "Shit! Will you watch where your going, you just knocked over all of my books." I angrily pick up my books expecting an apologetic response. But the apology never comes. I look up and am met with a terrifying glare.
A statuesque vampire stands before me, angry and menacing. He has deep blue eyes which resemble glaciers, contrasting with his pale complexion. His jet black hair is shortly cut, with a few loose strands hanging over his face. He's gigantic. He must be about six foot four judging by the way he towers over me. He's undeniably and terrifyingly beautiful. I try my best to shake myself of the wave of intimidation.
My words fall out of my mouth without parachutes. "Well, are you just going to stand there looking at me like I'm your next meal or are you going to apologise?" I say challengingly. I put my hand on my hip looking at him with irritation. Dumb move, Ivy. Way to poke the bear when it's angry. He smirks at me coolly. Like I'm some type of amusement to him. But the anger and hunger remains in his eyes.
"I'd be careful with your choice of words, little fairy. You never know who you might be talking to." He says tauntingly. I roll my eyes at his response. "You don't threaten me, bloodsucker." He raises an eyebrow. Then he takes a step closer toward me. I instinctively take a step back. But he continues to close the distance between us until I'm backed up against the wall, and his face is daringly close to mine.
I try to push his chest but it's no use, he doesn't move an inch. Vampires and there stupid strength. I keep pushing regardless of my lack of success but then he grabs my arms, pinning them to my side. His large hands encircle my wrists. "It's okay to be afraid, little fairy. But don't bother hiding it in future. You might not be so lucky." He whispers. I look up at him angrily. And he lets go of me, taking a step back. I immediately slip out from the wall and scramble to collect all of my books. I then rush down the corridor. He leans against the wall where I once stood, watching me leave with amusement.
I arrive at my dorm room and sigh with relief. I'm utterly frazzled and probably look like I've been hit by a truck. I turn the key in the door leading to my dorm hurriedly. I still haven't even processed what just happened with that terrifying douche bag. I place the pile of books on the floor and slam the door behind me. I lean against the closed door and breathe heavily. My exhaustion a result of those heavy books and also because of my encounter with a certain vampire-dickhead. I look up slowly and my eyes meet with a tall dark-haired witch. She stares at me with perplexity and confusion. "Sorry, I didn't realise anyone would be in here, I assumed everyone was in class." I say nervously. Her dark brown eyes soften, they had nearly looked black for a moment. She grins.
"Sorry, you just caught me off guard. You must be the new roommate. It's nice to meet you." She extends her long arm and I shake her hand. "It's nice to meet you too. I apologise for my abrupt entrance, I was in a rush." I say. She gestures over at the bed and desk in the corner. "You can put your things there, ignore the cigarette buds on your desk, they're Christian's." She says.
I nod and gather the books on the floor. She kneels down and brushes my hand away. She then lifts her finger and the books begin to levitate. She points her finger in the direction of the desk, the books moving with her. They plop down on the desk when she drops her finger. "Impressive. You witches really know what your doing when it comes to magic. If only us fairies had an ounce of your power and precision." I say.
She raises her eyebrows. "Oh your a fairy, I never would've guessed. No offence but you don't exactly radiate a calming and peaceful aura."I smirk at her remark. "Ouch, but honestly I can't blame you, it's true. But hopefully it's just because I haven't gotten my powers yet." Her jaw practically drops. "No powers? Fucking hell, are you sure your not adopted or something? She says. "Nope, I look exactly like my parents. I'm just out of the ordinary I guess." I say nonchalantly. I've had this discussion many times.
"Right. Well I'm Raven by the way. We'll be good friends as long as you don't touch my shit." She says, bereft of even a hint of sarcasm. "Dually noted. I'm Ivy." Suddenly the bathroom door swings open. A boy walks out with a cigarette in his hand. He's tall and lean with a hint of muscle. His short and icy blonde hair is unruly and a few curls drape over his forehead. He smiles at me with sincerity. "Hey there, you must be Ivy." He says enthusiastically. I furrow my brows with confusion. "How come you know my name?" I say. "Eavesdropping, it's something I do a lot." He drawls. He sits down on the bed next to me and exhales the smoke from his cigarette. Raven stomps over to him and grabs the cigarette from his hands, throwing it into the bin. "What did I tell you about smoking in here! I'm all for a bit of unwinding with the help of nicotine but not when your stinking up my fucking room! She yells. He rolls his eyes "Chill out. Your so dramatic." He says. "Anyways, I'm Christian. It's nice to meet you." He grins. I exchange a smile. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm assuming your a wizard judging by the pile of spell books on your desk?" I say inquisitively. He nods proudly. "Observant, I like that. I can tell we will be fast friends." He smiles. Raven grins.

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