Chapter one

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I slid a red tank top over my head and a pair of baggy blue jorts over my legs, holding them up with a belt. I threw on a open flannel and some accessories, and let my curly red and black hair be how it is naturally. I put on some eyeliner too, calling that a day.

(A/n: I imagine her hair like this person's

I thought I looked pretty good, despite being in a rush.

Today I were filming two videos with Smosh for the first time. A try not to laugh and a Reddit stories. I was quite excited as the Smosh crew seemed like genuinely great people.

About a year and a half ago I stopped filming with The Bat Cave. Linen and I had broken up and we decided she could stay instead of me. I was fine with the decision really, but it still kinda hurt considering I was a Bat Cave OG. Tenna, Luther and I were like the Ian and Anthony of Smosh.

I picked up my black backpack and headed to the entrance, beginning to put on my shoes as I got a text thru Twitter.

Hey Cindy! Excited to see you today, hope you're gonna enjoy it :)

Aw hi ! Super ecstatic :D
Omw out now, can't wait

I opened my apartment door and left to my car. On my way to Smosh I went thru the McDonald's drive thru and got a chocolate milkshake.

I pulled up in the parking lot and stopped the car. Took my bag, swung it over my shoulders and walked up to the building of the address I had been sent.

I waved as I spotted Ian and Shanye waiting outside.

"Hi," i exclaimed and shook both their hands as they greeted me.

"Great to meet you," Ian said and Shayne nodded. "Great to meet you too," I smiled and they let us inside.

"Damn this place is big," i chuckled as I looked around, while stretching one of my curls repeatedly.

"So you ready for today?" Ian asked enthusiastically. "Very! A try not to laugh and a Reddit stories right?"

"Yep. The Reddit stories will be with Noah, Damien and I, the tntl with Noah, Jackie, Angela, Amanda and Damien," Shayne informed.

"Amazing," I responded and we walked up to a table where I was greeted by the people I was gonna film with.

"Hi! I'm Cindy," I smiled and sat down on a chair next to Shayne and Angela.

Some "so great to meet you"s and "excited to film with you"s came from them.

"How are you doing?" Damien asked sincerely. He was sat in front of me, keeping eye contact which I was struggling with, but did my best to mask it.

"I'm good, thank you!, how are you all?"

They all responded that they were doing good or pretty good.

"Want us to show you around or anything?" Noah asked with a small smile. "Oh! Yeah sure," I responded happily.

"I know some of us have some things to do before filming, so, who doesn't?" Shayne asked the group.

Noah, Damien and Amanda would show me around.

We all got up and said "see you later."

"So here's the tables, obviously, and in there is the kitchen-y area. If you get hungry or thirsty or anything you can take stuff from there except if there's a label that says a name or something like that," Damien explained carefully, which helped me out a ton.

"Got it," I smiled and we kept walking. "Down that way is a bunch of computers and stuff, we can't go there currently because Tommy and Courtney are streaming," Damien continued.

"We can really just leave, Damien's got this," Noah joked and we all laughed. Right as we finished, Noah's phone went off.

"Oh I actually have to go help Kimmy with something," he said and we waved him see-you-later.

"When will we be recording and what will we be recording first?" I asked, needing to know.

"In about 45 minutes you'll be recording tntl and maybe half an hour after that you'll record Reddit stories," Amanda replied and i thumbed up.

As we kept walking we got to like a office/everyones desks place. Damien told me which was who's and I could get an overview of what it was normally like around here.

A few people were still by their desks and either waved at us thru their window or said a "hello" as we walked past them.

Damien and Amanda had finished showing me around and I were in the kitchen with Shayne and Damien.

I stood leaned against the kitchen island, Damien were against the counter in front of me and Shayne by the candy/snack wheel.

"Thirsty or anything?" Damien asked and i shrugged, "I think I'm good. Thank you tho."

"We also have this-" Shayne pointed at the snack wheel "-if you want any."

"Hand me a random one," I said in a way that didn't force him to. He picked something up and threw it to me and I caught it, then went back to stretching one of my curls.

Stretching my curls was just a stim where I would stretch it till it was flat, then let go of it, then find another, then repeat. It didn't really damage my curls which was good. I just hoped it didn't come off flirtatious because I had tried that one too many times, and it sucked.

"Good catch," Damien exclaimed and i flashed him a grin. "No I'm just good at throwing," Shayne argued, child-like and we laughed.

I looked down at what I had got and nodded satisfied, ripping open the plastic and beginning to eat the insides.

"So any hobbies and interests?" Damien asked. "No," I said and there were quiet for a second then I snickered.

"Sorry bad joke. I really like stuff to do with music, I've done a few covers over the years. Aaand I'm very into paranormal stuff, actually. I really like photography and painting but I don't do it a lot anymore."

"Oh that's actually so cool that you do music. Why don't you do photography and paint anymore?" Damien questioned.

"Well. I don't know, actually. Maybe just been busy and stuff," I shrugged and he nodded understanding.

"Where do you post your covers? If you do, that is," Damien shot a question at me again, and I blushed a bit from embarrassment that he wanted to hear my bad singing but also because people usually never cared about that.

"Uh, Spotify," I replied and he nodded and pulled up his phone. "That's some good songs. At least the ones I know," he said and I smiled widely.

"Yeah, it is. You're missing out on the ones you don't know though."

"Bet I am."

Damien haas x ocWhere stories live. Discover now