Chapter four

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Cindy (she/they) @Cindy_Wwest
@/DamienHaas I promised my birth giver to not be a weeb smh
<one image attached of Cindy's tv playing one of Damien's favourite anime's>

A bigger smile than I'd like to admit fell over my face. She actually had listened to what I said. And she was actually watching it.

I decided to reply.

Damien Haas replying to @Cindy_Wwest
Me and my babies are happy
<two images attached of him and his cats>

Cindy (she/they) replying to @DamienHaas
Please invite me to hang out (totally not bcuz I'm gonna commit animal theft)
Liked by DamienHaas

I woke up two mornings after filming with Smosh. I abruptly opened my eyes as I heard weird sounds.

Turned out I had fallen asleep while watching the anime and I didn't remember how far I had gotten in it.

I took the remote and paused the tv, then let my head back down on the pillow.

After ten minutes of just laying there I sat up. It was Friday and I was going to hang out with Noah later.

I checked my phone. It was 10:38 and I was just scrolling thru notifications.

After some time I got up and got dressed while the anime played, circa where I had gotten to before fallen asleep yesterday.

As I was putting the belt chain on the belt chain my phone went off. Gross man read across the screen.

I plopped onto my bed and checked his message.

Hello :)
Could you come and pick me up at 2 PM?
It's in circa four hours

Yeah ofc !!
Just at Smosh?


See you:)

See you:)

"Oh hey Cindy," Shayne exclaimed and Damien turned around in his chair, both with a slightly confused expression across their faces.

"Hii! I am so sorry for just coming here, I'm picking up Noah 'cause we're hanging out but he's filming overtime and he told me to just come in," I apologised while stretching my hair.

"Oh don't even worry about it!" Damien replied reassuringly and got up, walking towards me, "good to see you again."

"You too," I smiled up at him, then smiled at Shayne and the few other people around us.

"I first of thought you had forgotten something here," Shayne chuckled as I sat down in the chair in front of him and Damien.

"Ha, that would be a very me thing to do," I replied with a grin. "So what're y'all doing today?" I questioned.

"Well us, Olivia and Angela are going to a cafè because we all have a short day today."

"Oh no way. What café?"

"Uhh, Kennedy's I think."

"What? Same. Well when are you going?"

"Wait really? That's wild dawg. We're just waiting for Olivia and Angela because they're filming overtime. With Noah."

"So you're going the same place as us?" Noah asked surprised as we stood in the parking lot.

Damien haas x ocWhere stories live. Discover now