Chapter three

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"Well that was definitely some stories," i chuckled and rubbed my temple a bit with my palm.

"Yup," the boys agreed and we got up.

"Thank you so much for coming on today," Shayne said and i smiled. "This has been great," I chuckled.

"Do you know anything about when you leave?" Noah questioned and I shrugged. "I think you can technically just leave when you want? Did any dm you've gotten about being here specify?" Damien looked at me as he spoke.

"Uhh, good question," I said and pulled out my phone, then went onto Twitter and into my dms with Smosh.

"Uhhh, they just said... they said that I could go home after both videos were done but I could also stay till the rest of you are leaving. Whatever I need," I quoted as we walked out of the set place.

"Alright," Noah said and patted my shoulder twice. "Don't feel like you have to stay if you can't handle it, being social for long can be hard," Damien's niceness shined and I smiled and nodded.

My social battery was definitely dead and I didn't wanna burn out.

"I probably should go home soon then, not that I don't wanna be here, not at all, I really enjoyed this," I stopped myself before I began rambling.

"Don't worry, we know," Damien reassured and Noah and Shayne nodded.

They followed me to get my backpack and I said bye to the people I saw on my way over there.

Spencer jogged up to us as we just stood and talked a little bit. "Oh hi Spencer," I smiled at him.

"Hi, you dropped this earlier so I would just give it to you when you finished shooting," he said and handed me one of my rings.

"Oh thank you!" I exclaimed and put it on again, then waved him bye as he jogged off again.

"I wish I could go home too," Damien chuckled awkwardly, seemingly tired. "Why can't you? You don't have anymore shooting to do?" Noah asked.

"Well my car is in the shop so I need to be driven home and no one who lives closer to me gets off soon," he replied and my mind wandered a bit.

"Where do you live?" I found myself asking. "It's okay," he muttered.

"You sure? If you don't live far away it's literally no problem to drive you home. Would be kinda a waste of time to be here and do nothing, yeah?"

"Yeah I guess," he shrugged and told me his address. "That's only 28 minutes away from me, I can drive you, no problem," I replied and his eyes lit up.

"You sure?" he asked as we walked over to the door. "Yep," I smiled up at him, but avoided eye contact.

"Well, see you," i chuckled and Noah and Shayne returned goodbye's.

"Friday?" Noah asked. "Friday," I confirmed and put my arm around his head and squeezed him, slightly messing up his hair with the other hand, then left.

When Damien and I had gotten outside in the fresh air we both exhaled then looked at each others and laughed.

"So which is your car?" he asked and I pointed at it.

We got inside, Damien in passenger seat and me driving. I threw my backpack on the backseat and started the car.

I hadn't driven for long and neither of us were talking. Just comfortable silence.

"Do you want anything in the McDonald's?" I asked and he looked at the road thoughtfully. "Yeah sure," he said and i nodded, then drove up to the McDonald's.

"What do you want?" I asked as we were about to enter the drive thru. "Maybe just some fries and a milkshake?" he spoke and I nodded.

"Hi what can I get for you today?"

"Hii, can we please have a milkshake and a chocolate milkshake and some fries andd some hot wings?"

"Yes of course."

"I'll pay," Damien said as I drove up to the next window. "Oh don't worry, it's not much I'll do it," I said stubbornly.

"No I insist," Damien replied but I just shook my head. Then he gave me his card and I held back a chuckle.

We got to the window and I acted like a used Damien's card but I really used my own.

I gave him back his card with a "thank you" and he smiled satisfied.

Next window I took our things, handed Damien his and placed my hot wings down.

"Wanna listen to music?" I asked as we were back on the road. "Oh yeah sure," he said and i did stuff on the car so that he could.

"Oh that's a good song," i grinned as the song he turned on played. When people have good music taste it's literally a +60 on their personality.

"So you voice act right?" I asked when we got to a red light. His whole face light up and he began telling me everything about it and I listened with a smile on my face.

Soon enough the conversation turned about anime and which ones his favourites were.

"You're really missing out," he stated when I told him I had never really watched anime. I let out a laugh and nodded, "I probably am."

"There's 19 minutes till we're at your place," i informed him and he thumbed up.

"Do you know if I can post about having been on Smosh yet?" I asked and Damien put on a thoughtful face.

"I don't know but I think you can?" he replied and i shrugged.

The rest of the ride went with Damien talking about anime and his other's interests. Turned out he was a really interesting person. Not that I didn't expect that.

I pulled up in the parking lot and stopped the car.

"Wanna take a picture?" Damien asked sheepishly but I agreed. We took a few and shared some laughs at them.

"Take care!" I exclaimed as he began leaving the car. "You too. Please take care!"

Damien POV

I plopped onto my bed and my babies joined me. "Hii," I said softly and they nuzzled into me.

I found myself following Cindy's Twitter and Instagram, then going thru them. I made sure not to like them- at least attempted not to.

Her profile picture was of her in a forest with the sun shining nicely on her.

The next was a couple pictures with her cat. Most were some funny ones.

The third was with KallMeKris, where they had done a collaboration on YouTube.

Next one was with Noah where they were watching a horror film.

The fifth she was at a fire with some people in the background that you couldn't make out who were.

Then there were a picture of her arm and hand where she was wearing a bracelet and a ring (that she also wore today) captioned "forever 🤍"

I wondered if she had a lover that she just didn't talk about, but I quickly erased the thought from my mind, as it wasn't my business.

Then I went onto her Twitter and scrolled thru. Most were jokes and that sort, but some was also about more serious things.

As I were in my kitchen to make some food I got a notification. Cindy had followed me back and a smile appeared on my face.

I remembered that Cindy had done some covers and I played it on my speaker. Her voice was surprisingly good.

First song that played was Dealer by Lana Del Rey.

I posted a picture on my instagram story of me with my food and put text that said "food and @/Cindy West music" and she almost immediately liked it.

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