Chapter two

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We just finished tntl. I really fucking enjoyed it. Everybody told me that I did great and it boosted my confidence and eased my anxiety a little bit.

We all walked out of the set and some parted ways. I headed to the bathroom.

After about the half a minute of Damien and I walking the same way we both began laughing.

"You headed to the bathroom? he awkwardly asked. "Yup. Think I gotta fix my eyeliner a bit," I replied and pointed at the eye that i had gotten water on after making Noah laugh.

"Oh I actually think it looks good," he said as he looked down at me. I wasn't much shorter, no, i was 5'7.

"Oh really? Maybe I got lucky then."

"Also just looks good in general but..." Damien mumbled then got quiet, hoping I didn't hear him. That probably came off so creepy, he thought to himself.

I decided not to say anything or think too much of it, because I could clearly see on his facial expression that it came off wrong, tho I wished he had meant it.

We got to the bathrooms and obviously separated. I took off my flannel, hung it on the door handle and put the toilet lid down and sat with the heel of my shoe on the edge of the lid.

I placed my forehead on my knees and took a deep breath. I sat there for maybe two minutes before standing up, not wanting to seem like I took long on the toilet.

I stared at myself in the mirror. My hands clasped around the sink.

I fixed my posture, puffed up my hair, took my AirPods from my pocket and put them in my ears, playing a random of my playlist.

I spun around thrice and then left with my flannel hanging around my waist.

I headed to the kitchen area to get some water.

Damien POV

I existed the bathroom, my hair a bit wet after fixing it because it had gotten messed up during try not to laugh.

Cindy was maybe twenty steps in front of me. I wanted to jog up to her and strike a conversation but I felt like I had talked to her too much today, and didn't wanna come off like I was trying to constantly interact with her.

I walked another direction than the way she was going. Walking towards my desk place I waved or nodded at people as I walked past them.

When I finally got to my space Shayne was there, on the couch, scrolling on his phone.

"Hello," I said and he looked up with a smile. "Hey Damien, how's today so far?" he asked as I sat down in my chair, facing him.

"It's actually been a really good day," i replied with a small grin.

"Yeah, thought so," he looked at me and I raised my eyebrows, "you seemed to get along with Cindy pretty well."

"Oh, yeah. She's nice," I nodded, holding back a smile from creeping onto my lips.

"We'll film the Reddit stories in half an hour," Shayne informed me and I nodded. "Does Cindy know yet?" I questioned and he shook his head.

"Someone should tell her," I said and Shayne thoughtfully look at his phone. "I'll text the Smosh group chat that someone should let her know," he spoke and I thumbed up.

I took my phone and went onto social media. I had promised myself to not do it too much. I searched up "Cindy West" on Twitter but nothing came up.

Nothing came up on instagram either. Interesting.

Cindy POV

I walked into the kitchen where Courtney and Spencer were stood talking. I think Courtney was making ramen, and Spencer eating gummies.

"Hi," i said softly to not startle them. "Hi!" they exclaimed in sync.

I walked up to the fridge and got out my water bottle that I had Ian put in earlier because I forgot. "How are you doing?" Courtney asked politely.

"I'm pretty good, how about you two?"

"I'm good."

"Yeah, me too."

"That's good," i smiled and made my way over to the snack wheel, taking something as we struck conversation.

"Out children, out," a man I recognised as Garrett said. "Ooh, you gonna make something for tomorrow already?" Courtney questioned.

"Just gotta check some things out," Garrett waved his hand dismissively and we chuckled and left.

"Oh, Cindy the Reddit stories will be recorded in half an hour," Spencer informed me after checking his phone. "Thanks for letting me know," I smiled and he smiled back.

"I have to help out with some directing stuff now, so hopefully see you later! It was go great meeting you!" Courtney spoke and I returned a "see you!"

"What social media's do you have?" Spencer asked as we just walked a bit around, talking about random things.

"Most. Either Cindy West or Cindy_Wwest," I replied and he hummed in response. "What about you?" I questioned and we followed each others on stuff.

"Wait are you listening to music?" Spencer asked as I stretched my hair, probably making my ears visible.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry. It's just like background music, I'm still listening to you, I promise," I answered nervously.

"Oh don't worry! Was just wondering," he smiled reassuringly, then went back to talking about a show he was watching lately.

As I asked about different things from it we got to the offices. When we got to his i noticed Shayne and Damien there.

"Oh hi," I smiled at them and they greeted me back. Spencer sat down on his chair as he continued explaining the plot of season two of the show.

Shayne made space for me on the couch by going to sit on the desk to the side behind Damien and I sat down.

"Wait okay, so who killed who?" I giggled softly as I had gotten something mixed up. "We haven't really found that out yet," Spencer replied, seeming happy that someone was actually listening to him ramble.

"Ohh got it!"

Damien POV

I maybe once a minute looked over at Cindy and Spencer talk about some show, but still attempted to hold the conversation with Shayne.

I had watched her YouTube videos a couple times and she always seemed like someone I wanted to be friends with irl, and now I had the chance but I felt too awkward.

I had learned about her thru Noah. He had been on her YouTube channel twice, becoming friends with her after and he was the one who suggested that she should come on Smosh.

"Damien, Cindy, Shayne," one of our producers came up to us with Noah besides him, "come on we gotta record now."

We all got up and said bye to Spencer, then followed them.

Noah and Cindy quickly struck conversation and I joined in. We were discussing Christmas music.

"No but Christmas music sucks, I don't see the enjoyable in it," Cindy stated and we shook our heads.

"Do you just not like Christmas?" Noah accused and shook his head sadly, in a jokey way.

"No I love Christmas. Though Halloween is much better, I love all the "spooky" stuff," she said as she put on her flannel again.

"Halloween is amazing," I agreed and she high fived me. "Halloween is amazing, yes, but it's also kinda scary," Noah spoke.

"There's much scarier things than free candy and plastic ghosts that don't even look accurate to what ghosts look like," Cindy said a time higher in a matter of fact-ly way and we all shared a laugh.

"Do you believe in ghosts?" I asked. "I believe in the paranormal, yeah."

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