Chapter six

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"Oh and for those who don't know, Bat Cave and I played DnD and my character was called Edgar Collins, a transfem half-orc!"

She played DnD? I need to watch that.

"She has a lot of simps, which I get," at the last words Cindy put her hand, shadowing her mouth with mischievous eyes.

"Have you eaten dinner yet?" a donation sounded.

"Uhh, technically not," she replied. "I ate a toast earlier but that wasn't dinner," Noah added.

"I actually kinda just forgot about dinner," Cindy stretched her hair with a sheepish smile. "Yeah me too," Noah spoke.

Damien Haas: Please go eat

"Yeah chat y'all right," Cindy started, then looked at Noah with a lower voice, still loud enough for me to hear, "should I go check what I have?"

"Yeah sure," he replied, then turned to the stream and began talking with us.

Cindy POV

I opened my fridge and was met with a sad sight. I genuinely barely had anything.

I didn't wanna admit it, but I had been getting worse lately. Not worse in a I'm-gonna-hit-rock-bottom-with-my-depression-way but in a I-can't-handle-shopping-and-malls-anymore-way.

Even after a year and a half I found it hard to go shopping. You would think I had gotten used to it. And after all I'm almost 30.

I found myself just staring into the fridge, even the beeping not pulling me out.

The fridge was closed, the beeping stopping. I didn't notice Noah at first, but his voice got louder, still sounding like it was in another room.

"Tell me five things in the room," he said and I blinked, attempting to remove the "fog" from my vision and mind.

"Uh..." I succeeded in moving my head to look at him. "Your coloured hair..."

"Good job."

"The counter..." Noah bowed down but my eyes didn't move with his movement.

He slowly took my wrist as he was standing up again. At the top of my fingers I felt something soft and warm.

I placed my full hand on it, grounding myself. I don't know how long after, but I was "back to normal" again.

"I'm sorry," I muttered with Mushrooms in my arms. "You don't have to be," Noah said softly, yet sternly.

"Yeah," I nodded and opened the fridge again, getting out some stuff for a salad.

Damien POV

After she had been gone for a bit long, not suspiciously long but still long enough for chat to tell Noah to go check on her, he left with a "be maybe right back chat."

I got a bit worried when they had both been gone for a while.

I distracted myself by taking off my headphones and laying them next to my laptop on my bed, then going to the kitchen.

I filled up my cats food bowls and got myself leftover spaghetti and meatballs.

I coincidentally enough got to my bed when Cindy and Noah returned.

Chat filled with "welcome back"s and "you good?"s.

"Hii chat, sorry for the wait," she sat down in her chair, Noah down in his. Chat seemed like they knew what happened and they quickly moved on so I didn't stay worried.

"We got some salad with typical salad things, some microwaved chicken from yesterday and dressing," Noah shared to the ones who couldn't see or wasn't sure.

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