Try Not To Laugh #126 w/ Cindy West

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We all began cheering and I sat in the chair with a big grin.

"Welcome back to Try Not To Laugh, today is a very special day because we have Cindy here with us! For the first time!" Jackie yelled and I made jazz hands as she said my name.

"She is in the chair, you know how it goes, let's do it!" Jackie continued and screamed making me widen my eyes and laugh.

"I am terrified, okay?" I giggled and if this was over text I would've added the sob emoji.

A guy came up to me with a water bottle as the others got ready.

I filled my mouth with water, so much that my cheeks puffed.

I heard footsteps behind me and cracked my back, trying to get ready to not laugh.

"What's up brother?" Jackie spoke sadly, wearing a red puffy skirt and a yellow cardigan as she walked to stand in front of me.

"Man, it's hard being the sun, man. I mean what's the sun do on a bad day? Sometimes the sun gets sad too," she spoke and I nodded, exaggerating my sympathy while fiddling with my hair.

"Can't bring brightness and light to everybody. I mean no one asks that of the moon, right?"

I facepalmed, palms to my forehead, then looked up at her again.

"The moon gets to go though all these different waves and patterns, but the suns gotta be shining all the time, when it's not, people get sad!"

Her voice got louder.

"But what about when I'm sad?! What about when the sun goes down?! Sometimes it's hard to come back up! ITS HARD TO RISE EVERY DAY, MAN, ITS HARD!"

Shayne's laughing didn't help me out one bit in holding my own back.

I slapped my thigh and looked away from her to not laugh but some drops of water spilled.


Everybody started laughing and applauding and I sunk my water to laugh too.

Filling my mouth again I held my hands in my lap.

"I had such a fun time at the movies. This-" Noah dressed in a blonde wig, pink jacket and and white puffy skirt flipped his wig-hair "-was my Barbie look."

He threw off the wig, the jacket and the skirt dramatically and I started clapping my hands and nodding in a rhythm as he "undressed" making the directors and camerapeople laugh.

"This was my Oppenheimer," he was dressed in a purple blazer.

"Yeees!" Amanda cheered, voicing the movements I did before, then Noah began unbuttoning and taking off the blazer. Under he wore a shirt that said FBI.

"And this is the FBI, you're under arrest for selling drugs at the AMC. I saw what you were doing in the back row!"

At any normal time I would've laughed my ass off at that but I managed not to.

"I- I've been watching you for weeks, man."

"Mhm?" I sob-emojied.

"I saw you when you were in Barbie, I saw you in Oppenheimer, then you went to Elemental and then after that you went to, uhh- you went to the red door, the insidious red door! It wasn't that good."

The funniest part was that I had watched none of those movies.

"But you were selling drugs at each of these movies!" he accused, still attempting to make me laugh.


"Fuck I thought that was good!" he yelled as he picked up his props. "It was honestly really good!" I laughed.

Damien haas x ocWhere stories live. Discover now