Try Not To Laugh w/ Cindy West

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A/n writing this I realised how fucking unfunny I am 😭💪

Guess I ended up in another try not to laugh video. I would've been more excited if it wasn't so unexpected.

"See you," Spencer spoke and I nodded, "see you!"

I walked over to the others and they pointed to the chair, where I sat down and put a smile on my face.

"Hello everyone, welcome back to try not to laugh!" Tommy yelled out. "We have Cindyy with us today!" Keith added and I high fived him behind me.

I knew him, we had hung out before, a few times. Never just us but with Noah.

Cindy's turn

I sat in the chair and filled my mouth with water, preparing to not laugh. I had my acupressure sensory ring, rolling it on and off my fingers, then repeated when I was done with both hands. (Picture above)

"Hello Cindy, it's me, your mental illness," Tommy appeared and broke a plate making me jump a bit and throw my hand on my mouth.

I hadn't realised he was in there. He was dressed in a colourful onesie with a yellow wig.

He jumped behind me with a twirl and stood next to me, a big smile on his face. "Did you have a good day? Well suddenly being thrown into a Smosh video must've ruined that!"

I dropped my head into my hands, trying to hold back a smile.

"Remember the time you didn't shower or brush your teeth this morning? You're gonna think about this the rest of your week" he sympathetically curled out his lips and raised his eyebrows.

He strutted over to the hanger and someone threw him a plastic trombone like instrument. He began playing it in a bad, loud rhythm and I held my hands to my ears.

"I'll come back for you," he danced away as the time was over.


"So I found this body," Damien said in a deeper voice with his arms crossed.

"I'm your sister," Keith spoke from the floor with a "dead" expression on his face.

My mouth opened in shock, water falling onto my clothes and I heard multiple gasps from people in the room. Damien's face showed that he didn't know what the joke was gonna be.

"Damn you Keith," I wheezed and he stood up. "I'm so sorry," he laughed, his hands waving in the air.

"It's okay," I said in a high voice. "I will say I did not know that was gonna be the joke," Damien informed.

"Oh don't worry," I laughed.


"Welcome to zoo where kids can pet animals!" Ian's voice heard and he walked up beside me with a top hat on.

Arasha in a messy blonde wig and a dress walked on her knees over to us.

Ian took off his hat, revealing an elephant plushie. His face fell dramatically and he began shaking the elephant.

"Shit I forgot to poke holes in the hat!" he violently hit the plushies chest and Arasha began baby crying.

I held my hand or my mouth, trying to hold back the laughter.

"My mom fucking promised me I could peg a fucking elephant!" Arasha yelled, catching me off guard and I spit out the water.


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