Chapter eight

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"Andd cut! Good job everyone, y'all did amazing today. Cindy thank you so much for coming in on such a short notice and giving it your all."

"Of course, glad to be of service," I joked with a smile as I put on my jacket again. The majority of people that had been in the room exited. I stood just a few steps away from the door, clueless what to do now. Should I just go home? I assume so?

God, how I was envious of people just knowing what to do all the time. Or at least being capable of acting like they know what they're doing.

"Hi, Cindy right?" I was pulled out of my brain by a curly haired brunette. "Oh, yeah! Great to meet you," I smiled and shook his hand, trying to not be awkward.

"Amanda informed me you filled in for her today, I really thank you for that," Anthony spoke and I nodded, "no problem, really."

"D'you know where Noah might be currently?" I asked and he nodded. "He's in the games channel set, still recording."

"Oh okay, thanks," I stretched my hair.

"How'd you get to know him?" Anthony questioned and we began walking. "To be honest, I don't remember. He doesn't either, even. But I know it was when he was 11 and I was 14."

"Ohh okay. I feel like there's always at some point that one friend you don't know how you met," he stated and I laughed; "That's so true."

"How long have you been doing YouTube? Quite a while, right?" he continued the conversation.

"Yeah! Started at 17, but then did an Anthony at 28," I replied and he laughed, his hand to his mouth. "It was quite different from Smosh tho," I started.

"I mean we were basically housemates who did YouTube. Started off with 3 and then grew to 11.

"That's wild, man. That's a lot of people in one house."

"Really is! The house was like a fucking mansion. Two floors and a yard."

"The change must've been hard."

"Yeah, especially because change and I aren't two peas in a pod," I joked, earning a chuckle.

"Well, I gotta go to a meeting, feel free to stay a bit if you want to!" he said and I waved him goodbye.

I looked over at the exit, then over at the tables. Garrett sat with his dogs while scrolling on his phone and I thought about going over there, but I didn't wanna annoy him.

Then he looked up, noticing me and waved me over. I walked up to him and sat down in the chair next to him.

"Hey, how are you?" he greeted with a nice smile. "Pretty well, how 'bout you?" I smiled as I scratched the dog under its jaw and behind its ear.

"I'm good. This is Danny," he smiled and put his phone down in the table. "He's so cute. Sometimes I wish I had a dog," I chuckled.

"Do you have any pets?"

"Oh yeah! A cat," I replied and got out my phone. "This is him," I smiled as I showed him some photos.

"Oh he's really cute! What's his name?"



"Indeed," I grinned and he chuckled. "I love animals/pets with weird or very human names."

"Me too!"

"That's amazing," I said and allowed myself to get comfortable in the chair. "I think it's really cool that they allow y'all to bring your dogs here."

"Yeah it's great. I would feel bad leaving Danny at home, even tho he would be with my girlfriend when she isn't at work."

I laughed, "yeahh."

Then I began getting disoriented. What happened next I don't remember.

I started feeling of warm but tangled fur in my palm. I blinked, my eyes sore from staring.

My body felt heavy for a bit, the disassociation leaving. As I became more and more aware of my surroundings I noticed a new person in front of me.

I looked up, between my lashes. "Hey, you all good?" his voice sounded and I nodded.

I looked down in my lap where Danny laid. I stroked him, grounding myself.

"Sorry," I muttered at the purple haired man. "Don't apologise," he replied from the chair next to me.

I sat more upright and looked at Garrett on the other side of me. I scratched my face and ran my fingers thru my hair.

"I'm okay again," I stated as I continued scratching Danny. "How long... uh, was it?" I questioned, unsure how to word it.

"About nine minutes," Garrett responded and I nodded. "Do we have water?" I asked and Damien nodded, sliding me a water.

"Thanks," I said. "This happen a lot?" Damien asked and I shrug-nodded.

Then we just kinda sat there for a minute.

"My ass kinda hurts from this chair," I stated with a laugh. "There's a sofa in the games pod, I need to get back there anyways," Damien suggested and I nodded.

"Thanks, Garrett," I smiled sincerely and gave him back his dog. "I hope to see you again!" he smiled and I nodded, then followed Damien to the games pod.

"Hey Alex," I greeted and plopped down on the turquoise sofa with an exhale. "Oh hey," he took one side of his headphones off his ear with a small wave.

"I actually didn't see the other pod or whatever it's called," I spoke, looking at Damien's desk to avoid eye contact, referring to the place where Courtney, Josh and them had office.

"Oh yeah. It was redesigned not too long ago," Damien informed. "I really like what they've done here and there," I stated with a small smile.

"Me too," Damien said and put on his headphones. I took out my phone and sat with it for a bit.

Only about ten minutes later;

"Did you get the email too?" Damien questioned and sat down in the sofa next to me, his phone in his hand.

"Yeah, I did," I grinned and showed him. "Do you wanna go?" he asked and looked at the email, that had asked the two of us to model for a clothing-accessories brand.

"I have zero plans that day and it sounds fun so yeah! How 'bout you?" I replied.

"I just checked my calendar and I have no plans either, so wanna mail them back a yes?"

"Okay! Eek."

After we had responded back to them I found a picture I had been tagged in.

"Look at this," I gave Damien my phone. Someone had drew him and I with our cats from the stream.

"Holy cow that looks so good!" he screeched and I giggled. "Let me search them up really quick," he did as he said and replied to the Twitter post from his account, so did I from my own.

"Now I'm thinking about how people are gonna react when I'm in three fucking Smosh videos."

"I was lucky to be in all three of them too," he said and I smiled, feeling appreciated.

"Honestly it's great here, Noah should've had me pick him up years ago," I shook my head "disappointed" and Damien laughed softly.

"Apropos Noah, they must be done shooting by now," I stated and looked down the hall.

"Yeah, you're right," Damien spoke, "games can take a bit longer than pit tho."

"Mm yeah I can imagine that's true. What video are you shooting next and when?" I asked and he looked at his phone to see the time.

"Like ten minutes. Time flies I guess," he answered, sitting back down in his chair, I laying back down in the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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