Chapter five

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I took off my shoes and placed them in the entrance, then joined Noah and Mushrooms in the kitchen. I sat on a countertop next to the plate he had placed.

"What're you making?" I asked as he rummaged thru the fridge. "I don't know yet," he shrugged as I threw a ball across the floor and Mushrooms ran after it.

I had my sweater over my nose as the smell of fridge was overwhelmingly unpleasant.

I think I had a very good smell-sense, as every time I had- for example -a fridge or trash can open or had just been open, I would need to cover my mouth and nose.

Noah knew this, as he had known me for years, so he tried to quickly find something.

"Need me to go shop for you soon?" he questioned at the almost empty fridge. "I guess," I replied quietly.

Shopping for me was hard and stressing, even if it was just quickly. I knew there was nothing wrong with it, but I still felt awkward about it.

"You know it's no problem," he reassured and took out some butter, cheese and ham. He closed the fridge and got bread next to the it.

I jumped off the counter, opened a drawer where the toaster was. He plugged it in and put butter on the bread slices, cheese and ham in them, as it heated up.

Then he put them inside and we stood in silence, waiting for the red circle to go green.

The silence was broken by Noah's phone going off, followed by the click that signalled the food was done.

He took it out and cut it into triangles as I checked his phone.

"It's a text from Olivia. Oh and there's one from your girlfriend from an hour ago."

"Oh, oops. Give me a moment," he said as he licked some cheese off his fingers.

I walked over to the couch and took the remote, opening Netflix to find something to watch.

Mushrooms, my cat, joined me in my lap and I scratched behind his ear.

As I scrolled around Noah sat next to me and put his legs on the table, eating his toast.

"Want the pictures from today?" he asked. "Oh yeah! Thanks. Got anything to watch?" I questioned and he placed the plate in his lap to take the remote.

"Damien probably already told you, but he's voice acting in an anime. I haven't gotten to watch it yet so wanna watch that?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed and he placed the plate on his lap and took the remote from me, searching up My Happy Marriage and clicking play.

It was really weird hearing my friend in the series I was watching, but it was great. He really was a great voice actor.

At m 9 PM and we had finished binge watching the show.

Damien POV

It was 7 PM and I was playing games with Shayne at my apartment. My phone went off and I checked it, because I had died in game.

My eyes lit up as I saw Cindy's new instagram story.

It was a picture of her, Noah- both doing funny faces -and Mushrooms just laying there in a couch in front of a TV that was playing My Happy Marriage.

They were about halfway thru and text on the screen read Noah, Shrooms and I are watching My Happy Marriage. Have you yet? Go do so ‼️ @/damienhaas

I grinned and decided to reposted it on my story with two white hearts. I tried not to overthink it and just do it.

When I looked up to see how Shayne was doing he was looking at me. "What?" I muttered and he shrugged innocently, going back to start a new round of the game.

Damien haas x ocWhere stories live. Discover now