Chapter seven

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I began applying the green dye at the top of his hair while Noah explained about a conspiracy theory he had read about recently.

"That's actually really interesting," Damien replied when Noah stopped talking. I must admit I had been more concentrated on Noah's hair than his words.

I got done with the green and decided to start with the yellow too.

While I was focused on doing that Damien and Noah were talking about some game.

When I finally finished chat was spamming hello to Spencer.

"Spencer's in chat? Hey Spencer!" I grinned as I sat down in my chair, wiping dye off my hands.

"I should've worn gloves."

"I told you to," Damien stated and I scrunched up my face.

"No you didn't."

"Yes I did."

"No you did not."

"You just didn't hear."

"Chat did he?"

"Really? Using your chat? Shaking my head."

"Oh shut up."

We both began laughing and I saw that Spencer said something in chat but I missed exactly what.

"Lemme follow you really quick Spencer, just so I'm less likely to miss your messages," I repeated what I had done much earlier, when following Damien's Twitch.

Then Damien's camera turned on. His face with a smile plastered on it made me smile too.

"Hello!" I exclaimed.

Noah left to wash his hair again. "I really hope I didn't mess it up," I chuckled and Damien shrugged in a somehow reassuring way.

"Just the two of us," I sung in a higher voice, "and then I don't remember the rest of the lyrics."

That made Damien laugh. "And then I don't remember the rest of the lyrics," he mimicked and I laughed too.

Spennser: that's a Grover Washington song

"Of course you'd know that," I chuckled.

Damien bowed down and when he got back up there was a cat.

My eyes lit up as he petted it. "Oh my god," I smiled with a slightly open mouth.

"This is my baby," Damien nuzzled into her and I looked around my room to see if my cat was there. He was.

He was in his cat house thingy that was in the end of the table that faced the background screen.

I rolled over to him on the chair and he perked up his head. I put my hands on him in a way that was asking if I could pick him of or if he just wanted to lay there and chill.

I picked him up and got back to my computer with him in my arms.

"Oh he's so cute," Damien smiled at the sight of my black cat.

Spennser: can I join the call?

"Yeah sure! Damien you good with that?"

"Of course. I'll create a group real quick so you don't have to do something for a moment, Cindy."

"Thanks!" I replied to him while scratching Mushrooms behind his ear and under his jaw.

A new box with Spenser in it appeared on the top of the screen, next to the one with Damien.

"Hello?" he tested if we could hear him.


"Sup! Chat can you hear him?"

Damien haas x ocWhere stories live. Discover now