Chapter One (Moon POV)

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Moon was in an arranged marriage.

She hadn't been, at least three months ago. But apparently, as the mindreader of the Nightwing tribe, Queen Glory and Queen Glacier agreed to put her with the Icewing prince, as a sign of peace.

Probably because there wasn't a Nightwing princess, so a Nightwing with powers is surely a good choice. The worst part was, she didn't know anything about him, even his name! And her mother had just.. Agreed to it?

Tonight was the first time she was going to meet him, this random Icewing Prince who she probably would not like. The queens arranged it so they would even have to be in the same cave and winglet, considering Queen Glory was friends with the owners or founders of the school.

The whisps of wind made Moon shiver, chills running down her spine. She flapped her wings, struggling a little to stay in the air during the storm.

Rain pattered on her beautiful green-black scales, as she flew across the mountains, the rainforest trees fading out of her vision.

Through all the rain, it was hard to hear the other dragon's minds, though there was the occasional faint whisper Oh dear it is raining pretty hard or I wonder if the dragonets at the school would like me.

Huh. Maybe she wasn't the only one worried about school.

She could see the faint glow on the mountain side, which was the school's visable entrance. Maybe the prince would be there already, and she could finally see if she liked him or not.

Moon winced. Maybe she was thinking to hard about this. She shouldn't expect so low of the Icewing surely? Everything was probably going to be alright. After all, her mother knew her well. Why would she pick someone not right for Moon?

The mountain didn't seem so far away anymore, and the rain seemed to quiet down. She still wanted to get out of the storm as quickly as possible though.

Moon could notice the dragons waiting by the entrance, shelterer from a large wood and leaf canopy blocking the rain. Even their voices started being able to be heard, as they drew even closer.

Secretkeeper gave her a look, and Moon realized she was handing her something.

Moon took it, and the voices in her head shut up very suddenly.

Skyfire. She remembered. Mother wanted me to wear it.

Though it was uncomfortable for it to be this quiet, Moon placed the necklace around her neck. They all landed on the stone cliff with a thump.

"Welcome!" A purple Nightwing said brightly. "I'm Fatespeaker! So, Moonwatcher, Shadow, and Eclipse are here today correct?"

"Yes." Secretkeeper said to her, shaking the droplets of water off her black, star studded wings.

"Haha, I'm good with names." Fatespeaker said cheerfully. "Here's all the maps for your caves."

Moon was handed a map with a cave number and direction on it, and the map of all the caves as well. A cave two down on the left was circled with bright red ink.

"Thank you." Moon said softly, hugging her mother goodbye.

Secretkeeper smiled and said, "Have fun Moonbud."

"I will," Moon said fiercely. And she rushed through the entrance, Immediately heading towards her cave.

She ran into a yellow coloured dragon, most likely a Sandwing, in her hurry. "Oops, Sorry!" She said, looking up at him.

He sure was a Sandwing, he looked very kind, and the way his eyes glittered as if he was about to laugh made her heart beat rapidly.

"Ha, no worries!" He grinned at her, which made her face slightly flush.

"S-see you!" Moon stuttered, quite confused on why she was almost frozen in her place, why the heck can't she say words properly.

She sped away before she would say something stupid, and turned to her cave, which was decorated quite nicely if you asked her.

At first, she didn't see anyone, but then she really did, an Icewing. But it wasn't exactly what she expected- he looked, kind of, disturbed? Haughty? Wishing that she didn't exist?

"Oh." Moon said, grabbing the Prince's attention quite quickly. "Hi. I-I'm Moon."

The prince frowned, looking at her up and down. "Winter, if you must know my name." He said grumpily from the polar bear rug he was laid on.

She glanced at him awkwardly. "So... You're the prince?"

Winter seemed to get more annoyed by the minute. "Mhm." He said, clearly trying to not burst out with a temper.

Moon slipped her necklace off, placing it on the floor for just a moment. What was her future.. Husband.. Actually thinking of her?

I can't believe they put me with a Nightwing. It's disgusting to even think about marrying her. She's nothing like I expected. Though most of his words were true and hurtful, there was also a hint of, that's what Tundra always told me.

She had no idea who "Tundra" was, but she clearly was discouraging Winter.

I hate Nightwings. All of them. So stop doing that heart beating thing.

Moon felt more than awkward, hearing his thoughts, did he feel love for her? And if he did, did she feel it back? She was pretty he hated her.

Could she really be with someone who hated her?

She slipped the necklace back on, her future falling apart.

What do I do, when this dragon isn't right for me?

Wow, 906 words. That's a lot for me lol. And don't you worry, Qibli will be coming in a lot more very soon. I have three povs (Moon, Winter, and Qibli) which should be a handful. Next chapter should be out soon!

Firefly out!

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