Chapter Four (Moon POV)

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"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The blue icy glare stared on her, as she looked at him helplessly.

"I-I thought you knew." Moon said, holding up her talons.

"You probably didn't," He spat. "All Nightwings are liars."

Though fury and fear swirled up inside of her stomach, there was a slight burst of sympathy. Winter probably just hated Nightwings because of his parents.

"I wouldn't hide something like that." She said with a frown. Why couldn't this Icewing just trust her? What in the three moons did she do wrong?

"Sure." Winter said crossly, though there was hesitation glimmering in his gaze.

Moon felt her heart falling to the bottom of her stomach. What is wrong with me? Just appreciate your future mate- you're so picky. He'll get over it.

She winced. "I'm going to go see Qibli. We have history class soon anyway."

Winter gave her a wounded, sort of disgusted look. "Why are you going with Qibli?"

"He wanted to meet up." She told him. Did he have a problem with that? "Why? Is something wrong?"

"No." He grumbled.

"Okay then." She said dismissively, turning away to the Sandwing's cave. A pulse of excitement spiraled inside of her. Why was she so excited to see him?

She walked along the stone tunnels, which were quite empty- other than a few dragons running to different classes hurriedly- probably because it was near the morning.

Finally she found the brightly lit cave, which she found quite nicely decorated.

As soon as Moon walked in, Qibli ran over to her. "You're here!" He grinned a impossible to not smile back smirk at her.

Her eyes shone. "Hello! Whew- it's nice to take a break in this warmth. It's always so cold in there." She shivered slightly with a warm smile.

"Well, it has lots of torchs and stuff. Doesn't yours?" He asked.

"No, Winter doesn't like warmth. So I have to sleep in the cold and dark." Moon said, slowly looking to her talons and back up again.

She saw Qibli looking at her with sympathy, and they sat there for a few moments, still and looking each other in the eyes.

It was then she realized their tails were loosely twined, but she didn't move.

"Moon, do you like Winter?" Qibli suddenly asked her.

She paused awkwardly, unsure of what to say. "Well I've only just met him." She said softly. She couldn't say she thought he wasn't a good fit for her, could she?

Qibli dipped his head. "Yeah," He said quickly. "I know I shouldn't have asked that. It's only the third day."

"You're fine." Moon said, holding in a sigh. She really did still have time to get to know him. Maybe everything would still be alright.

"But we really should get to class. The first bell already rung." Qibli continued, she noticed something in his expression, maybe embarrassment? She didn't want to take off the skyfire to see, but she really hoped she hadn't made him think she didn't like him.

As a friend. She reminded herself, feeling as if it was true.

"Alright." She said. "Let's go."

The two walked beside each other, their wings lightly touching, and her heart raced. What was this feeling?

They were walking together through the halls, and Moon was feeling quite awkward. Maybe she should tell Qibli what she really thought of Winter.

"Qibli, I-" She started, interrupted by a huge crash, and a lot of noise after that. She could hear the screams from here.

Before she could see what was happening, Qibli whispered, "Stay here," and ran away.

She watched him turn the corner, and her eyes dropped to the floor. Moon should follow him right? She needed to make sure he was alright. Or maybe she could find some other way.

Her eyes dropped to her skyfire necklace and she slowly slipped it of to absolute chaos.

Thoughts were thundering everywhere, and it took her a while to focus trying to find someone's thoughts that might help her... There!

What is he doing here? What does he want with-

The thought was interrupted abruptly, as the cloud of thousands of thoughts crowded her mind, and she placed the necklace back on.

Who was this dragon looking for? And who was this dragon?

Moon debated on whether to follow Qibli quickly or to stay here, but her decision was decided for her.

Qibli rushed over to her in a few seconds. "We need to get out of here. Hurry Moon." He panted, a terrified glow in his eyes.

"Why?" Moon asked, quite worried. "What's happening?"

Qibli didn't have time to answer, because Moon had fallen to the ground, a dreamy blur crowding her vison.

"Moon!" Was the last word she heard before she slipped into a dreamlike phase, flashes before her eyes.

A dragon, Soulflight- how she know his name? Betrayed, vengeful. Then she saw her, and Soulflight was there. So was a Sandwing, no, not just a Sandwing, Qibli. She had fallen to the floor- with a- red, sapphire studded book in her talons? Everything went black.

She gasped, waking up in the real world.

"Moon?" Qibli was lightly shaking her. "Moon, we need to go! Now!"

"Okay." She said, quietly exhausted. What was that? She had never had some sort of vision like what had just happened to her.

"Oh there will be no need for leaving." A cruel, amused voice rumbled. " I have much more plans for you, Moonwatcher."

Well, I finally got that done. 917 words. Also, I would like to know if you want me to keep the villain, or just use the forbidden love.

-Firefly out!

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