Chapter Six (Qibli POV)

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Qibli folded his wing around Moon protectively, knowing that Winter couldn't hold back Soulflight forever.

They had both decided to hide, since Soulflight would have followed them quickly if they had kept running.

Moon had told him about her vision, and it took him a moment to process. Moon had powers? How had he not known this eariler? What had she seen in his head? But then Moon assured him that when she was wearing skyfire, she couldn't hear any thoughts.

But, they needed to find out what this book was, and if was a tool to defeat Soulflight, who was going insane with power, or was it a tool for an enemy?

Maybe it's enchanted. Why else would Moon be holding a book while crying out in terror? Not excited for that part. Maybe if I'm smart I can save her. But first, we need the book before the heroic rescue. It might be a regular book- but I'm not sure. He thoughts zoomed with different ideas of what the book might be for.

They hadn't gotten that far into the future yet, and there was no way to figure out how they did find this book, or how they could stop Soulflight.

Both of them were hiding in a cave nearby the school, but pretty far out. They were planning to travel to the rainforest next, to see guidence from Queen Glory or something.

Moon was unsure if Soulflight had prophecy powers, however, and if he did it might spoil all their plans.

(Time skip, the next morning)

Qibli was relieved Soulflight hadn't found them, and he glanced at Moon. The only thing he wanted was her, but she was Winter's and he couldn't do anything about it.

He felt heartbroken, and was fighting back tears as he packed some food and healing supplies that he had collected. It wasn't much however, enough to only last them a few hours.

Qibli slipped the leaf pouch around his neck, and putting on a more cheerful expression, he said, "Are you ready to go Princess?"

Moon gave him a stern look, but couldn't help but laugh a little. "Um, yes. Let's go."

He saw Moon slip on her skyfire necklace, as she flew nimbly out of the cave they were hiding in. The skyfire jewelry also had weird stones embedded in the outer rim, and Qibli wondered if that did anything.

He followed after Moon, spreading his wings and leaping into the sky. Suddenly, he almost froze, realizing something.

If Moon had her Skyfire off this morning, maybe even last night, did she see the dreams and thoughts I had about her? Oh no, this is a nightmare. She probably hates me now.

I thought we could at least be friends. He sighed interally. But now she probably thinks of me as some weirdo who is in love with her.

There was a sick feeling in his stomach, as the two both flew to the rainforest, trying to fly pretty low, just in case.

"Let's take a lunch break," Moon suggested, studying his face with an odd expression. "We're almost there, but we should stop anyway. There should be food in the rainforest."

Qibli nodded, looking down to see her necklace in her talon. Again.

"Im sorry." Moon said quickly. "I just keep taking it off to check if Soulflight is there. I can keep it on if you want."

A bit embrassed, he shook his head. "Its fine. We might need it."

"But Soulflight might also have mindreading powers." Moon pointed out. "So this can come in handy."

"Yes, but I don't have one, so that wouldn't work." Qibli said, making sure to relax his expression, so Moon didn't think he was angry.

"Oh. Right." Moon scrunched up her snout, looking like she was trying to think for a moment. "I guess I'll just put it on anyway."

"Fine by me." Qibli said, secretly pleased. He didn't want to seem unpolite, but he also wasn't very comfortable with Moon reading his thoughts. Though she probably already knew he loved her anyway.

They both landed, swooping down to grasp the earth. Moon and Qibli sat down next to each other, eating what they had and chatting peacefully.

After they were finished, Moon got to her talons and went into the air, yelling, "We should leave now, or its going to get dark before we get there!"

Qibli nodded, and lifted into the air himself. They were flying in the cool breezy air, the thousands of trees swaying beneath them.

He blushed as he looked at Moon again, pushing against the wind with determination.

Stop it Qibli. He scolded himself. She loves Winter.

He could see the rainforest now, a large looming shape of trees, where now both the Rainwings and Nightwings lived, also being one of the closest kingdoms to Jade Mountain.

The forest grew bigger and bigger, until they were practically there.

"Race you to the rainforest!" Qibli said cheerfully, diving down to swoop to thw mount of trees.

He could see Moon chasing after him, with a grin and an eye roll.

They landed on the rainforest floor, which was covered in flowers and plants of all kinds.

"Beat ya." Qibli said to her, giving her his signature grin.

She grinned back at him. "The village is this way Prince Charming."

With a laugh, he followed the Nightwing to a more shady part of the Rainforest. There was a lot of walking, and it was near nighttime when they arrived.

"Here we are." Moon said softly. "My home."

He looked around, blinking in confusion. Why were all the Rainwings standing still? Why were all their colours grey?

Oh no- He realized. Jade Mountain wasn't the only place that was affected, all of Prryhia was.

966 words! *claps* sorry for the late upload, I said soon and then it was like a week later. I apologize, and I also hope you enjoyes this chapter!

-Firefly Out!

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