Chapter Seven (Moon POV)

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Moon looked back into the forestry. Was it too late? Were they already spotted? What did Soulflight want with her anyway?

Her heart stopped in her chest as she heard rustling in the bushes. She glanced over to the noise, a grey Rainwing head popping out to turn to the opposite direction she was in.

Moon froze. "Qibli-i.." She said shakily.

Qibli turned back as well, and he looked absolutely terrified. They both were unsure of what to do, if they made another step, they would get caught for sure, but if they stayed there, they would also get caught.

It was the creepiest thing in the world, seeing Rainwings as serious and cruel as the face of the dragon who was trying to capture her.

But, the eyes of a dragon met up with hers, and she was forced into a darkness.


Moon blinked her eyes open. Where was she? And why did her whole body hurt so much?

Was she in the sky?

She sat up abruptly, seeing herself in a net next to a Sandwing. It's Qibli, right, and Soulflight... Oh no...

How was she going to escape now? There was a book in her vision... Maybe she could use that information? But what good is a silly book?

(Not me just realizing they use scrolls-)

"Hello?" Moon looked into the eyes of a Rainwing. Could she try to commticate with her somehow? The small Nightwing slipped off her necklace gently, as she viewed her surroundings.

They were in a hammock like thing, except their wings and talons were tied with thick vines, right into the hammock. There was two Rainwings, carrying them tirelessly.

I wonder how they can do that. But I need to focus on their thoughts.

She hummed in to one of the Rainwings thoughts, and it said.

These poor dragonets.

What am I doing?

How do I stop it?

Why are my talons not my talons?

"Hello?" She said again.

I wish she could hear me. Hello little Nightwing.

"I can hear you." Moon said softly.

But- how?

"I can read minds," She admitted. Her powers weren't much of a secret anyway. She had to try and help this dragon. How do they break the spell?

I thought they lied about their powers.

"I guess I'm just special." She sighed.

Do you have some power to break this spell? Hopefully?

"I'm surprised you know what animus dragons are. But neither of us have any powers to use."

A thought hit her like a lightning bolt. Why didn't Soulflight just capture me with his powers? Are they weak? Maybe I can break the bind..

"Wait-" Moon said quickly, before the Rainwing reacted. "I think you can break the spell yourself. Because it can't be very strong, try your very best to do something else.

I guess I haven't tried too much, I was mostly confused.

Moon looked back at Qibli, who was still unconscious. They probably used the sleeping darts. She realized. Moon kind of missed the Sanding already. He always knew what to do.

Suddenly, the hammock stopped, and the other Rainwings snatched her necklace. I guess I don't need it.. but what if I want to stop communicating with thousands of thoughts?

Moon glanced back at Qibli with a worried expression. If it was the darts, they he wouldn't be awake for another day.

What... She heard a thought buzz from the other Rainwing she was talking with. Iris isn't grey.. In fact she's green and purple? Iris?

Moon froze. What was that Rainwing talking about? This Iris couldn't be free. That means that necklace was protecting me... But how? Was I wearing an enchanted necklace?

"Wait- I can stop-" Iris gasped, her scales turning an excited shade of yellow. "Anaconda, is it over?" The Rainwing turned to her friend, who was still the serious grey Iris was before.

"Anaconda?" Iris whispered, looking quite terrified. "Who are you?" She said, looking straight into Moon's eyes.

"Oh er-" Moon stuttered. "Moonwatcher. Anaconda is still under Soulflight's control.. how did you get free?"

"I don't know." The Rainwing sighed. Anaconda, well, not the real Anaconda was tugging the hammock forward viciously without hesitation. "Anaconda - or Soulflight? What is happening?"

Moon knew that the only way they could escape is if they trapped Anaconda. "Anaconda, can you hear me?"

Iris looked at her in confusion, but the captured Rainwing's thoughts said, Yes.

"Are you okay if we try to tie you up to escape?" Moon asked, sounding uncertain.

I guess. Please don't hurt me though.

"I won't." Moon promised. "Iris, I'll explain later, but you need to untie me, and we can go home."

"I never said I wanted to help you," Iris said saucily, "But sure." The colourful Rainwing started using her claws to untie the knots, and soon Moon was free.

"What about Qibli?" Moon asked softly, showing she cared deeply about him in her tone of voice.

"The Sandwing?" Iris said carelessly. "Oh, he'll wake up soon. Maybe an hour at max."

Iris used the vines to tie Anaconda up after a bit of explaining and directions, and they both carried Qibli and Anaconda, making sure that the zombified dragonet was secure.

The four stopped by a cave, and Moon curled up to rest.

Maybe I can actually save the world.

890 words! A bit less than usual, but oh well. Have a good day! <3

-Firefly Out!

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