Chapter Five (Winter POV)

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Moon. Was all Winter could think. He felt surprisingly bad for what he had said to Qibli two days ago, but it didn't matter right now. Moon was in trouble.

He didn't know how, or why he was so worried about a stupid Nightwing, but for some reason he couldn't bear it if she died.

Maybe spending time with her for five days did him some good.

Winter saw the giant Nightwing with a gleaming evil glare in his eyes, and knew he wasn't going to go ask Moon to have a tea party.

I was running through the halls, to see what the terrible commotion was. What was so important to wake me from my sleep?

That's when I realized that the problem was much bigger than I thought.

"Tell me where Moonwatcher, daughter of Secretkeeper is." The Nightwing had ordered, but the school must have been bewitched, because they listened to him exactly.

I had seen Qibli clamber up to me, asking what was going on. So we must have both been safe, because after I told him, he ran towards to Moon, looking terrified.

"Moonwatcher." The school had said in sync, which had scared me half to death. "Is next to Qibli's, Kinkajou's, and Turtle's cave."

How did they know that? Why was everyone zombified? Thoughts had spilled through my head.

I had ran away, hoping to find Moon before this Nightwing did. But something forced me to stop. It did not take long to battle it though, because I soon was still running in Moon's direction.

The memory passed through him, it ending where he was now. He needed to find Qibli and Moon. Fast.

He soon got to where Moon and Qibli were, and he could see Qibli also trying to battle whatever bewitched the school. It looked quite amusing, him leaping forward to attack but than sitting down looking calm. It was also kinda freaky.

Winter creeped up towards the Nightwing, gathering frostbreath in his throat. The Nightwing had Moon pinned, and a violent look glimmered in his eyes.

He looked as if he was about to breath fire. Not on my watch. Winter noticed that Qibli, too, saw him, and was about to plunge his tail into the Nightwing's heart.

It was absolute chaos when they both slashed and attacked him at the same time, and Moon's attacker had roared with fury and confusion.

"Hurry up." Winter said urgently to Moon. "I'll try and distract him."

Moon nodded, and pressed close to Qibli trustfully. But both of them had a risk of going back into zombie mode. Moon didn't show any signs, but it was still possible.

Qibli and Moon sped away, while Winter gathered more frostbreath to blow at him again.

"Silly Icewing." Said the Nightwing, with a disturbing laugh. "You can't hurt me. You are in my control."

Then the giant dragon tilted his head. "Or are you a defect? Don't worry, I can change that. I just need my mother's book."

Winter stood there terrified.

"For now," He continued, "You can be locked up in one of the spare caves."

"W-who are you?" Winter stuttered.

The crackling laugh that came after that sent chills down his spine. "My name is Soulflight." The Nightwing claimed. "But that doesn't matter. I wont be seeing you in a while. You three, take this defect to the temporary prison."

His heart thumped in his chest, as he tried to summon more frostbreath before Soulflight handed them chains to go around his muzzle and wings.

But it was too late. Before he knew it, he was being sent to prison in his own school. Next he's going to go after Moon. Winter realized, with terror.

Hopefully they were smart and hid where no one would find them.

He was thrown into a small, cramped cave with a few unconfortable looking beds, a shelf with one or two scrolls, and a small lantern. Whatever happened here surely made a difference, because Sunny would hate to have a cave look like this.

Winter saw them drag rocks and heavy things to block the door after they had bolted him to the ground, far enough away so he couldn't reach the scrolls, but he could still sleep.

He noticed Kinkajou was one of the guards blocking up the entrance. He had never seen her look so serious.

"Please Kinkajou," Winter begged, not caring to act all sarcastic when a dragon's life was at risk. "You need to let me out!"

Kinkajou blinked away the serious look. "What- what is happening-" She whispered, but then in a flash she turned away, her scales a plain grey, the serious look back on.

He gave up, realizing that everyone would never listen, unless someone was not under whatever spell the rest were, other than Winter and Qibli of course.

With a small sigh, he laid down, unable to do anything.

Through the window of the cave, he saw Soulflight, and he immediately sat up. He couldn't show any weakness to this enemy.

"Hello Icewing," Soulflight spoke. " I messed around a little, and I think my spell has finally worked on you. Why don't we try?"

Though terrified, Winter stood up and said boldly. "You can try, but you cant make me do anything."

"Ha, youre already listening to what I say or think." Soulflight snorted, and Winter saw he had his chains removed and he was stepping towards the door uncontrollably

Moon, Qibli- stay safe wherever you are. Dont trust anyone.

921 words! Alot of drama in just a few chapters. Also, it would help if you commented or voted so I know you like or not prefer something. Anyways...

-Firefly out!

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