Chapter Eight (Winter POV)

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(Sorry this took so long I wrote a bunch of it but then it didn't save 😭)

Winter wanted nothing more than to save Moon's life.

And now... He was walking directly into her death.

He told himself it wasn't his choice, that he couldn't control himself.. But still, he couldn't bare to see Moonwatcher suffering.

"Find the book," Winter heard himself saying, and he shivered inwardly.

A couple other dragons sped away, while Winter sat there like a puppet. What book? What is Soulflight talking about?

Oh dear, your thoughts are just so interesting! A deep voice hummed in his head and Winter jumped a little, well, if he could move his limbs.

But really- not the brightest. Winter frowned. What's that supposed to mean? He snarled. Get out of my head whippersnapper.

All he heard were a few chuckles, and the Icewing gulped. What would this animus do to him? Was he even an animus?

But the voice thundered in his head once more in a bolt of anger. I would be an animus if my stupid mother didn't trap my powers in a stupid book!

How did you control us then? He tried to get as much information as he could from the fuming Nightwing.

Soulflight must have read his thoughts, because he was completely silent after that, even when Winter tried to ask a few more times.

This whole thing is stupid. He growled in his mind. What in the world would he want Moon? She's the most kind dragon ever.

More silence. This dragon was at least smart enough to not spill out everything in a fit of anger.

In fact, Soulflight seemed to snap out of his head completely. It was quite peaceful actually, like a headache just left his brain

What happened, actually. He mused, as he felt his body starting to move again.

Winter tried to pull away, but he was flying swiftly towards a cave, hearing yelling and screaming. What's happening?

His heartbeat sped up, and he wanted to shut his eyes as he saw the gresome scene.

Moon had been found.

Qibli too, of course, but really the only important thing was that Moon was safe.

A tinge of gulitiness swept through his soul. The only reason you don't like Qibli is because Moon likes him. The voice of his head hissed.

A crush on the target? Soulflight hummed. A little too bad for you Icewing.

And the headache is back. 

But before him, he found himself ferociously attacking Moon, all in a spikt second. Winter tried to stop, tried to not attack her, but soon, he didnt have to.

Qibli had leaped on top of him and pinned him to the ground, his jaws firmly planted between the Sandwing's talons.

Winter felt his body squirming and lashing out at Qibli, but a few figure was piling on top of him.

A Rainwing? He wondered, looking her straight in the eyes.

He now saw, that he was the only one left, that wasn't screaming in pain by venom. He saw Moon looking terrified, whispering, "That wasn't them. It wasn't their fault.."

"We'll have to leave Anaconda here." Qibli said guiltily, giving Moon a worried look.

The Rainwing frowned. "Then we're leaving your Icewing." She hissed, poking a sharp claw into his frosty scales.

"Where are we going to leave them?" Moon piped up. "Do we need to tie them up?"

Qibli nodded slowly, looking into Winter's eyes quietly.

I'm sorry. Just leave me here, I'll be fine.

As if Qibli read his thoughts, the Sandwing tied up his snout, talons, and wings. He tried to pull the ropes off, but they were firmly placed on.

Moon looked at him anxiously, and Qibli put a wing around her. "Don't worry." He said softly, twining his tail with hers. "We'll save them all in the end."

She gave him a warm smile, a smile that Winter would never get.

You do get to marry her anyway. He reminded himself, cheering up a little.

But how could he, the rude, ungrateful Icewing even deserve Moonwatcher? She probably hated him already.

He groaned in his head, wanting to fall flat on the floor. She will forgive me. Moon is like that. She probably still likes me a lot. Don't be discouraged, Winter.

He watched with his deep blue eyes as they spread their wings and blast away. Winter saw Qibli's silhouette trying to make Moon laugh, and the way she acted made Winter lose his breath for a moment.

But soon, they were gone, but the pain still lingered in his chest.

A few moments later, after sitting in the dark for a bit, dragons sped through and sliced off the ropes that were tied to him.

It all happened so fast, him starting to spread wings once again, even though he was exhausted and thirsty.

Moon might be in more danger than I thought.

Only 821 words- sorry, I just wanted to get this done so I could work on Qibli's POV. the next chapter should come soon

-Firefly out!

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