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This chapter is dedicated to my one and only, no other, best in the world and most talented cover designer💃❤️


Who else is feeling the new cover for book one and two?😎

Oh yes! PreshyO_ did it herself✨

Slide into her dm and order yours today!!!!


~• Yemima Adams•~

I stared at my screen blankly, re-reading Sky's message. I didn't want to turn him down, for the fact that I really like him, but I didn't want him coming over cause I was home alone.

What's the worst that could happen? Sky really isn't that kinda guy right? Yeah right, the same guy who tried to kiss you more than once in public last term.

"Sush!" I told my subconscious as I typed an okidoki and sent it to Skyler.  I let out a huffed breath and fell flat on my bed, backwards. I was seated, legs crossed through our conversation.

I should get myself busy, I can't sit and stare at the clock waiting for the Sky who was probably whining me in our chat earlier. Just as I slipped out of bed, my stomach growled.

I guess I'm hungry.

I hopped out of my room to the one place I love to visit in this house. The kitchen. Truly, I was home alone. It's a few days till Christmas, so mum gave the workers a break. Dad was outta the country, bro was writing his final papers at uni and my mum doing end of the year rounding up on her business.

I walked into the kitchen, walking straight to the storage room. I went to the already opened cartoon of indomie and picked out two normal sized packages. I turned to the stacked egg crates and selected three medium sized white eggs.

Just when I was about to start cooking, I heard the loud and annoying doorbell. My heart skipped a beat or maybe two, I don't know. It's probably Sky, me thinking of that made my hands feel glossy. I wiped my palm on body and took heavy breaths in.

I advanced out of the kitchen to the living room, and to the door. I took more breaths, what if it's not Sky, what if it's a serial killer. I'm not dying now! The loud piercing door bell came again and snapped me out whatever I was stuck in.

I pulled the door open and as I expected, Sky was standing right there. It was fast, like really fast. Did he want to see me that bad? Anyways, he was dressed in an all black polo shirt, blue slim jeans and converse. No matter what Sky wore, he still rocked his outfit. He had a small smile that brightened just a little bit when he saw me. His curls were held  together in two separate buns. C'mon! Isn't he...

"Are you going to stand there and ogle at me or..what?" His question or rather statement snapped me out of my whatever that was.

"Oh yeah!" I stepped aside, creating a passage for Sky to walk into my home. He moved in, with his eyes observing my house.

"I was about making noodles, you mind eating with me?" I asked, not knowing why or when the words spilled out.

"I had breakfast before coming over" he responded, following behind me to the dinning room. His not wavering gaze on me, instantly made me conscious of myself. I was in black short shorts, a blue tank top and nothing more. I crossed my arm around my chest and turned to face Sky.

"You'll see sit here and eat my noodles" I smiled partly.

"Okay, okay. If you say so" he said, but I couldn't erase the smirk that appeared on his face after that. I'll ignore it. Sky sat on one of the dinning chairs while I went to the kitchen.

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