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Good day, Wattpad family ❤️

How's your day been going so far? I hope it's good 🙂

So lemme talk straight now, I have good news and bad news.😥

Let's have the bad news first, init?

I'm using this as a medium to reach out every one of Skyline Academy readers📢

I'm officially putting book two on hold for a while, due to academic reasons.😔

I'm in the higher institution now and I need to get really serious if I wanna be that writer when I grow up.😭

I'm really sorry😭

I sincerely apologise to those individuals who anticipated this book😫

Hope you find it your heart to forgive me😭

The good news is that; I can and will still be dropping surprise updates based on requests,  prompts and if the inspiration comes😁

I promise to be back as soon as the tension dies🙂

Thanks for understanding ❤️

Love y'all.❤️

And, keep the votes and views rolling please, it's been over two months guys😭

Nonetheless, thanks for 70 views and 26 votes🙂✨

SkyLine Academy: book two |on hold|Where stories live. Discover now