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Please, endeavor to read the disclaimer at the end of this chapter 🙂

~• Fenix Alade •~

I exit my home dressed in the awful colored uniform. This is it, there's nothing more to be done. I'm attending that stupid school, even though I chose not too. Well, WAEC is in a few months, everything would be over soon. I tried to console myself.

I strolled towards the dark BMW parked besides the other cars under the tent. I couldn't tell who owned the car, mother or father? All I know is, that's the vehicle used to convey me to school. It was something I could call my personal school bus.

I opened the door and the coldness form the working air conditioner hits my skin. It's soothing despite the damp morning weather. I go in and embrace the full capacity of the AC and the freezing leather chairs.

Can't wait to get over with today. Well for some reason, the driver was out of sight, so I'll have to wait a while.

Pride has gotten into that stupid head of yours, blocking your ability to think straight!

There and then, I saw my mother's angry figure throw heavy slaps at me. The burning sensation in my cheeks were so real. It was there, clear and evident.

I shook my head, removing the thought of my mum and the events if that night. I stared down at myself, the dull green pencil skirt i had on, reminds my brain that I should be at school already.

Where's this driver nau! I stepped half body out of the air conditioned car and yelled.

"Audu! I'm running late!"

"I'll be taking you to school" my mother's voice came to my hearing. My body shivered in fear, but I swiftly composed myself.

I glanced at the woman before me, who's presence spelt WEALTH in capital letters, then I bent my body back into the car, angrily.

My chest was rising and falling rapidly because of the growing anger in me. You employed a driver for heaven's sake, let him do his job. I hissed.

The door on the driver's side opened and I hissed again. My mother got behind the wheel and stared the engine. Before I could spell my name, we were already on the road. I hissed again.

My mother switched on the radio, Kiss Daniel's track "SHOWA" was half way through. I think the song had been playing earlier before it was ended abruptly.

Gawwwwwwwwwwd, I hate this song. I couldn't help but roll my eyes in the back seat as the woman behind the wheel hummed and moved her body rhythmically to the beat of the song. I hissed again.

The ride was boring with every passing second as Kiss Daniel's songs pierced the vehicle's interior consecutively. Worst of all, BUGA came on. This has to be his worst track. Why does she love this man so much?

"Go lo lo lo, buga o! Lemme buga o!" Mother sang as the car came to a halt. I looked through the windshield. The red light was on. Are you kidding me? I'll endure Kiss Daniel much longer? An unconscious hiss escaped the corner of my lips.

"Do that again, I'll fling you out of my car and you'll find your way to school" my mother threatened with a low voice. I rolled my eyes and stared out the window, trying to block out Kiss Daniel's voice.

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