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Special announcement 📢

Y'all should go back and check out the character aesthetics, I added two new individuals...

You'll meet them very soon 😉

Much love guys💖

Thanks for sticking this far✨

~•Yemima Adams•~

Imagine your first day of school started off with a sleepless night? Shitty right? I know. That's exactly what my day was heading to- shittyness. How do I know? First days of resumption were never in my favor.

I stared blankly into the dark room for quite some time, still blaming myself for checking out that message the previous day. I sighed- more like hissed, then flung my duvet off my body. I guess I'll have to go with the flow. I sat upright and hopped unto the grey fluffy rug below my feet.

The moment my feet made contact with the fluffy material, a familiar, yet what I can never get used to high-pitched ear-piercing noise emanated from my bedside. I shrieked a little before proceeding to switch it off.

That thing can be really annoying; wonder why I chose that sound in the first place?

On a normal day, that alarm clock had the ability to throw me out of sleep and most likely even my bed. I chuckled silently. Unfortunately, today wasn't going to be listed as one of my regular days. Why? I didn't have a reasonable amount of sleep over night because my mind was roaming. Why was my mind roaming? Good question!

The previous day, or I may say a few hours ago. I was scrolling through Pinterest, searching for new ways to style old black braids. Then a WhatsApp message popped up from the dead class group chat. I would have ignored it if it hadn't been from Dale, so obviously I was objected to check it out and I did.

Little did I know that checking that message was going to be the reason for my sleepless night and my day turning into a bad one without even starting it. Like dumb me had to go check it out. I air quoted with my fingers.

It doesn't matter, you'll still find out at the end of the day; my subconscious chipped in. Yeah whatever! At least that would be the end of the day.

Anyways, Dale posted a general announcement on the group that stated; Due to the rapid collation of last year's examination results, the school management have decided to release the results this coming Friday.

That was all it took for my stomach to twist and churn. That feeling somehow developed into nervousness overtime. Why? I remember clearly how I flopped most subjects. My head wasn't in my books, infact my full concentration was on Sky. He had confessed his feelings to me and had kissed me passionately at the school garden a week before exams begun. That's enough reason to have my head in the clouds isn't it?

I sighed the thousandth time since I left my bed. I pressed quite an excessive amount of toothpaste unto my toothbrush, then shoved it into my mouth. How I got to the bathroom is a mystery I have little or no time to uncover.

I stared at my reflection as I scrubbed and brushed my teeth. A disheartening memory came to me and I shook my head sadly. Economics exam had to be the worst of all as I remember submitting a two lined answer in the booklet.

I know my results would come out woeful, I just had to believe it won't be that bad.


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