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~• Emmanuel Richardson •~

"Emmanuel! Emmanuel!" My mother's voice echoed in the corridor leading to the numerous rooms in our house. The tone her voice exhibited, spelt hot pot of soup in capital letters. My mind simply told me that I should prepare myself mentally for another round of insults and bashing.

The day my mother and father received my suspension letter, their attitude towards me changed and it affected my siblings too. I really don't blame them, no one wants their any of their children doing drugs at an early age.

"Emmanuel! Are you deaf? Didn't you hear your father and I have been calling you?" Mother roared. I didn't even realize she was in my room.

"I'm sorry ma"

"Sorry for yourself. Come and answer your father!" She thundered at me also batting me with her artificial eyelashes, continuously.

I slowly crawled out of bed and followed her. I had allot of things calculated in my head as mother and myself padded down the marble staircase. Deep down in my guts I knew I was in for some shit this Sunday evening.

The moment we, mother and I, ingressed into the living room, I saw my father seated in his usual side of the sofa, watching nothing in particular but the muted TV screen. From the way he stared at the television, I could tell he was mad at something or someone.

"Emmanuel" his baritone voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sir!" I trembled. I wasn't not in the right frame of mind to absorb any insults today.

"What are you still doing with the boys we warned you about?" Father questioned and a confused frown knotted on my brows.

"Which boys sir?" His countenance enraged even more at my question. I gulped, fully aware that I uttered a mistake.

"Don't play dumb with me boy! The ones who introduced you to this drug addict life" father raged. His words opened my mind to my friends. Anthony, Micheal and Benjamin.


"Oh what? Son? Why are you bent on ruining the image of this family?" Mother yelled at me.

"You even had the guts to invite those hooligans to my house!" Father picked up my mother's high pitched yell.

How did they know my friends came over yesterday? Both of them were out and didn't come back till late last night. Kimberly!! She was the only person aside me at home and only she had the balls to tell on me. Thinking of her got me pissed off, big-time.

"I didn't invite them, they came on their own, jus t see how I'm doing that's all"

"Woman, listen to your son" father pointed at me while looking at my mother.

"Emmanuel! Emmanuel..."

"I have no words for you. Your mom and I have decided to transfer you from Skyline Academy to a new school where you would have no opportunity to mingle with those bad friends of yours" father said.

"Ok sir" I mumbled.

"What did you say?" Mother asked, she acted as if she wanted slap me or something.

"I said okay" I fired back, already angered by my bitchy sister.

"Get out! Your presence is annoying" father uttered coldly, shooing me way with the wave of his hand. I didn't need a soothsayer telling me that my father was tiered of my presence so I walked away.

They were tiered of my presence as much as I was tiered of their rantings. I ascended the stairs with one place on my mind. Kimberly's room.

I stopped right in front of a pink-purple colored door at the end of the corridor. It belonged to no other than the bitch tagged as my sister. I turned the knob and surprisingly it wasn't locked. I pushed the slightly opened door and walked into her pinkish or maybe purplish colored room. The room was designed like it was meant for a six year old, you could hardly tell she was fifteen.

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