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Happy new year Wattpad family ❤️✨❤️

Love y'all ❤️✨

~• Fenix Alade •~

My stomach grumbled loudly, reminding my brain that I hadn't eaten anything. I slowly crawled out of my queen sized bed and made my way to the room door.

After mother humiliated me before the whole family, I switched my attitude entirely. I stopped being the lively chatter box in the house and became the care less don't give a fuck attitude bitch.

I trod leisurely into the kitchen after being discouraged by the meal prepared by the workers. Porridge. I selected snacks from the cupboard, lots and lots of biscuits, cookies, chocolate. I stacked them up continuously in a small white plastic bag which I would take up to my room.

After piling to my satisfaction, I exited the kitchen. The living room was empty, so I decided to eat it the snacks there, rather than climbing up the stairs.

"Miss Alade, you have a guest" I snapped my head towards the maid who made the statement. She stood very close to me, extremely close. I stepped backwards avoiding skin contact with this unfortunate being.

"Who?" I attacked the woman with my words. Funny enough, these women I act rude to are old enough to be a mother to me. Money stops nonsense sha.

"She didn't state her name" the worker replied. "She's in the compound" she added.

"Oh" I pushed her out of my way and stormed to the exit door. Don't blame me, my mother made me this monster.

I opened the front door and sauntered out into the piercing 11am sun. I turned my hand over covering my face. The back of my hand was to my face while my palm took the heat of the sun.

In the compound, I noticed an unusual black Range Rover settled in my parents parking space. A confused frown formed on my facials at the sight of this large car intruding our family personal space. The frown knotted further when the side door opened and a young lady walked out. She flipped her knee length goddess braids left and right in an intimidating manner.

"Excuse me" I announced as I moved closer. The girl turned to my direction as if she hadn't seen me earlier. With that single gesture, she revealed her identity to me, even through the sun shades.

Margaret!!! I screamed mentally.

"Hey!" She said, advancing towards me. I folded my hands and bent my hips sideways.

"What do you want?" I questioned.

"Excuse me? What do I want? Can you hear your self talk?" Margaret fired back.

"Like what are you doing in my house"

"Can't I come to your house again?" Margaret asked. She appeared fazed by my statement. I rolled my eyes and hissed loudly.

"Look, I came to ask why you didn't show up for prom" Margaret said. She removed the sun shades that covered her vision.

"Hahaha. Very funny" I replied sarcastically.

"Fenix! I'm serious!" Margaret half yelled at me.

"Aren't you the one who got me suspended by your false testimony"

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