Ticking Clock

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December 3-Hell's Kitchen, New York

Sundays had become routine for you and Matt. You woke up, laid in bed for a few minutes, had breakfast, and then went your separate ways. He, off to church, and you, off to see your mom. And every time he asked you to go with him, you gave the same answer. 'Next time'. He knew there was something personal you weren't sharing, but he didn't want to pry. As weeks passed, her memory got worse, and her health deteriorated. There wasn't much more you could do besides be there for her. So you were. Every Sunday like clockwork.

"I was thinking about something." Matt said as you finished your eggs.

"What's that?"

"You're at my place a lot, and but you're still paying rent for yours."

"Are you telling me to go back to my own apartment?"

He laughed and grabbed your hand.

"I'm asking you to move in with me."

"Wow. Um...that was fast."

"Bad fast?"

"Not necessarily bad. Just...fast."

"Think about it. You're always driving between apartments, the bar, and the office. Why not just carpool every morning and split rent instead of paying for two places. Plus, you don't have to go all the way to Shani's on foot if you need patching up. I'll be right there."

"You do make some good points."

"That's why I'm a great lawyer."

"And a cocky one too. I just don't want to move in too quickly and then you realize that you made a mistake."

"Honey, living with you would not be a mistake. It would be a blessing."

"You sure? Because spending the night with me and living with me are two very different things. Just ask Shani."

"I will take whatever version of you that I'm lucky enough to get."

You kissed him and rubbed your thumb along his cheek.

"I think we could make it work."


"Yeah. But, there's something I need you to do first."

"Hit me."

"I want you to meet my mom."

"Your mom? You're sure? You barley talk about her, I didn't even know she was still alive."

"Barley. She's in a nursing home with dementia. She probably won't make it past early spring."

"Is that where you go every Sunday?"


"Honey, why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know. I'm just so used to keeping all my shit to myself."

"The first night we met you told me about your dad."

"Yeah, well, I had a few beers and I was pity partying my way into your pants. I don't share things like that with people I care about because I don't want to scare them away."

"Tessa, you could never scare me away. Ever. I love you."

He hugged you and kissed your forehead.

"I love you too."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

You grabbed Matt's arm and led him into the building. The same unpleasant smell hit your nose. It must have been ten times worse for him. You walked to your mom's room and knocked on the already opened door.


She kept her eyes on the tv as you walked into the room. You grabbed her hand and she looked up at you.


"You're pretty too. Mom, this is Matt."

"Hi, Ms. Taylor. It's nice to finally meet you."

"He's glad to meet you, Mom."

She nodded and turned her attention back to the tv. She didn't say anything else the whole visit. After a while, a nurse came in to check on her and she pulled you out into the hall.

"Is everything okay?"

"Your mom's condition is progressing a lot faster than we anticipated."

"Okay. What does that mean?"

"That means that between the dementia and her weak liver from all the drinking, she has an even shorter amount of time than we thought."

"How short?"

"She won't make it past January."


"I'm sorry. The clock is ticking, Tessa."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"You okay?" Matt asked as you walked into his apartment.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just surprised."

"You can talk to me if you need to."

"I don't."

He held your face in his hands and kissed your forehead.

"You don't have to hide from me. I told you that I wanted every version of you. That includes one that's sad about her mom."

You hugged him tightly and buried your face in his neck. He held you for a while as you cried. You didn't say anything else. You didn't need to.

Me And The Devil (Matt Murdock x Black!OC)-COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now