Always the pretty ones

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After beating the asses of the Kyoto students, you guys , especially you, insisted to celebrate by touring tokyo, something that Gojo had promised you guys but as usual his lazy ass forgot. Right now you guys were running towards the station, to catch a train into the city.

" Run faster people, especially you Panda!"" Maki shouted over her shoulder as she and Yuji were in the lead, followed by you and Megumi the Nobara and inumaki and of course Panda in the end. While running down the stairs the loud speaker announced that the train had arrived throwing you guys in panic, you were already slowing down slightly so Megumi grabbed your hand, just like the time when you both were running from the collapsing building.

" I hate running" Nobara screamed annoyingly and Inumaki grumbled in approval, you giggled, feeling light hearted for some reason and the butterflies in your stomach flew rapidly when Megumi's face ghosted a slight smile, though he hid it the moment you guys approached the station, running inside the train that was due to leave any second.

As it was morning the train was not crowded so you guys collapsed on the seats, catching your breaths. Your hand still in megumi's, it was not until he whisked it away did you realize it. Your heart dropping, yep, that's Fushiguro Megumi to you, closed off asshole who deems himself stronger than you, just because he was raised by a the strongest. You huffed inaudibly, always the pretty ones, with the heart of a cactus.

Your bad mood stayed for the entirety of the short trip, the fact you had waited, no prayed for this day, when the last time you were in tokyo, for your brother to be alive and all of you enjoy being normal. But no, you were destined to bad luck.

Nobara noticed your blue mood, she wasn't the brightest but she sure as hell was observant, especially when it comes to a friend she cherishes. " you look pissed?" she asked you quietly, as the rest watched panda being interviewed by two girls, cosplaying sailor moon.

" i am fine" you lied, you would have told her the truth had it not been megumi's eyes sparkle in your direction. " periods" you lied again when Nobara opened her mouth, looking a little she closed her mouth, but not leaving your side.

This is why y/n, you scold yourself, you can't have friends. Feeling guilty of being rude to Nobara you leaned down a little, she was two inches shorter then you and you rarely missed to make it annoyingly obvious to her.

" i heard a new clothes shop opened up here" the moments these words left your mouth she perked up and you let her lead you to where it was, leaving the rest to themselves.

As usual Nobara browsed while you sat on the cushioned sofa, looking at the different assortments.

" you look like a guy whose girlfriend dragged him shopping" she pouted, you smirked, wanting to annoy her.

" if i had a girlfriend like you, i probably wouldn't care about being dragged around japan" you jokingly flirted with her, in turn her cheeks reddened. You laughed at her flustered expression and she threw a hanger at you, out of anger

" Y/n Itadori, you are such a flirt" you laughed only to be interrupted by an incoming call.

" what" you answered annoyingly as nobara picked the clothes she liked, walking over to the counter now.

" Where the hell are you and Kugisaki? We are waiting for half an hour outside the mall,i texted you the location right now" Yuji said from the other side.

" Nobara needed new clothes, we'll be there" you answered and ended the call, now skimming through your messages to find yuji's, not before the ten unread messages from your stalker. You groaned, some people.

" OI, i saved that for gojo sensei" Yuji said slapping Nobara's hand off a Fried chicken.

" the blindfolded idiot can survive another day without this" she said picking up the fried chicken. Usually you would have stepped in by now but you were reading the pervy texts from your stalker, you phone under the table.


Give me a chance Y/n
I like you a lot and i do gym and i am totally can treat you better
Please give me a chance to taste your sweet lips.
I know you are interested in me
I am a hot guy afterall
You should consider yourself lucky that out of all the girls who want
Me, i want you
So please be mineeeeeee
I will never stop until you i have you
So stop ignoring Me.

Seen 10 mins ago

Disgusting, asshole pervert! You screamed internally, wanting to throw your phone on the floor. This is getting way out of hand. Why cant he leave you alone! Your anger from the morning bubbling back

" Oi y/n, tell this cow to stop taking others' food" Yuji called out to you, making you look up.Maki and Megumi and even Inumaki, busy on their phones, panda noisily slurping the cold drink. For no reason your temperament exploded, this whole day was going downhill, everybody was tired from yesterday, you felt a little guilty of ruining everybody's free day for this so-called trip. Why did you so dearly want to go to the city? To re experience it with your now alive brother? You had been selfish and this angered you further. Fuck this stalker, Fuck Fushiguro and Fuck this outing

" Yuji quiet your ass down, Kugisaki stop being a bitch" you said angrily, there was a pindrop silence afterward. Everyone was staring at you with wide eyes. Shit, you never raise your voice, you never let your anger get the best of you.

" its getting late we should head back" Maki broke the silence. Everybody didn't waste a minute collecting their purchases and leaving the table. Yuji went over to the counter to place a new order for his beloved sensei.

This is why a person shouldn't let their anger get the best of them, it makes them feel guilty, like right now. You walked quietly beside Maki, head hung low in shame. Maki put a hand on your shoulder sympathetically

" You seem troubled lately" she states looking ahead.

" I ruined everything, we all were supposed to have fun" you uttered quietly, your voice cracking at the end.

" Look, you didn't ruin anything, we had fun. I did for sure and if i did it means other did too, you love being too hard on yourself" she scolded you. " and this is not the first time i have noticed it, during training you always over exhausted yourself, i thought it was a way for you to null the pain, but even now you have been trying to get everyone to have fun. The real question is are you enjoying this?" she asked sternly but her eyes hinted concern. All you could do was nodd since if you uttered another word you might start crying in the middle of the street. Luckily your brother arrived grabbing your arm tugging you.

" Wanna get ice cream?" He asked sparkle is his brown irises that twined yours. You smiled, Maki was right, you are too hard on yourself.

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