hoes or bros first?

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Somebody wise once said that without pain there is no pleasure and you find yourself agreeing with this with a groan when you woke up the next and walked towards the bathroom. Your back was hurting like a bitch, from all the physical exercise and don't get me started on the pain between your legs.

On the bright side your mood was a lot better, you were smiling at 8 on a Saturday morning. Everything felt perfect and amazing. It was as if someone made you wear rose tinted glasses. So even though the pain was telling you to spend the morning inside your room your heart made you walk out of your dorm, with extreme pain might I add, but still you got in the kitchen and started preparing breakfast.

The smell of your pancakes made Nobara and Yuji wake up, rubbing their eyes and yawning. They both peeked in to see you humming and making breakfast for all of them. This was rare, you made food for all of them but sometimes you all preferred take out anyway.

" What made her so happy?" Nobara finds herself asking Yuji, she tries to remember if it's anyone's birthday or any holiday. Yuji scratched his head in confusion trying to think what could possibly be making you happy when he had seen your deflated mood for a month.

" Maybe she has unlocked a new technique " Yuji muses, you were improving in jujutsu and he had faith in you since day one. Maybe your lessons with Yuta are more successful than he had anticipated

" Salmon! " another voice says quietly behind those two taking a peek in the kitchen as well

" Inumaki senpai?! "The underclassmen got a jumpscare and shouted loudly causing you to turn in their direction.

" Good morning guys, hope you're hungry" you gave them your smile as you piled the last pancakes on the plate and carried them to the table.

After a while the rest of the second years arrived and all of them noticed your vibrant mood. You were chatting animatedly with Nobara and inumaki, probably to distract yourself from the fact that a certain spiky haired sorcerer has yet to arrive.

Although last night ended on good terms, you were still in doubt where you and Megumi stand. Does he want you as his girlfriend or maybe he just wants no strings attached. The latter was not what you wanted.

You liked him, a lot in fact, and you were scared that you like him.

Your brother's death told you enough that life as a jujutsu sorcerer is unpredictable. You or him can die in the next mission. Your mood faltered a little.

No, you should see where this would go and call it delusion but you have a feeling that Megumi is too respectful for suggesting a sex only relationship.

Megumi POV:

I was looking forward to seeing Y/n, but of course luck has never been on my side since day one. Gojo called me into his office, first thing in the morning.

Hilarious, absolutely fucking amazing.

I got ready as soon as possible so I could get this over with. While failing in taming my hair, my eyes fell upon the towel I used last night, abandoned on my bedroom floor.

Fuck, i don't know what came over me. I never lose control, never act on my instinct but yesterday I lost it. All of my resolve to push her away broke the moment we kissed.

And I am glad it did.

Her every breath, every moan, every word is ingrained in my mind. I felt myself smiling. That girl doesn't even know how deep she has dragged me to my doom. How happily I have entrusted her with my heart. I am well aware of the consequences of this. Gojo always reminded me that we are destined to die alone but still the selfish part of me desires her to die beside me.

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