Chapter 12

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Okay so I have decided that I am going to keep the story filled with fluff. So you guys dont have to worry about the man from the one scene coming back but it will be brought up once again. -Sharbear

Later in the night Ashton carried a sleeping Luke into the house. He was curled up slightly in his arms, with his face tucked into Ashton's neck. He carried him into the bedroom and softly laid him down on the bed, then he proceeded with taking off his shoes and pants. After he was done he got himself ready for bed also, changing from his black skinnies to his sweats.

As he climbed into bed, he kissed Luke's head and brought him a little closer. As he way laying in bed with the moonlight shinning on them perfectly, he took the time to just examine Luke.

His white ears were seeming to get just a bit darker after a few days. They were getting close to the color of his hair. His eyelashes laid against his cheek bones, nose wold scrunch up every now and than meaning he was having a good dream. His lips were parted letting out his soft breaths. Ashton was so breath-taken that he couldnt resist placing his hand on Lukes shoulder and slowly sliding it down his side.

Soon enough Ashton had fallen alseep only to dream about the kitten boy asleep beside him.


The next morning Luke woke up an hour earlier the usual on the weekends. He fed the cat before starting breakfast. He made eggs and slightly burnt toast. He was still getting used using the toaster.

About an hour later Ashton dragged himself out of the bedroom to find breakfast on the table and a kitten boy curled up in his seat.

"Moning Ashy." He chirped as Ashton walked by him to get his coffee.

Ashton smiled sleepily back at him and muttered "G'morning kitten."

He took a seat next to Luke and took a bite out of the burnt toast. He didnt cringe because he had eaten plenty of burnt toast while living with Michael before he moved in with Calum.

Luke had already eaten his food and was playing with Ashton's phone. He was curious by the concept of phones. He'd only seen them once before and after he met Ashton every morning hed play games on it and look on Ashton's instagram.

Once Ashton was done eating Luke hopped up and found his seat on Ashton's lap again.

"Hi," he giggled softly.

Ashton smiled, "Hey kitten." He responded while pressing a soft kiss to Luke's head.

He smiled brightly. "What should we do today. I was thinking maybe we could watch some movies, I think they call it a marathon?"

Ashton nodded. "Sounds great. What move should we start with?"

"Finding Nemo!" Luke giggled.

Ashton nodded and slipped his arm under Luke's legs and stood up with him in his arms. He made his way out to the living room. Then he put Luke down, put in the movie before sitting next to him and pressing play.

They didnt even get ten minutes into the movie when Luke started using his tail to tickle Ashton. He giggled softly as Ashton gave him a look but continued to do it. Ashton smiled and turned towards Luke. He started tickling his sides and Luke mewled before letting out a fit of giggles.

"N-no Ashton-" giggles ",p-please."

He squirmed under Ashton's grip. He arched his back a little, his giggles becoming high pitched. Ashton literally felt like he was going to die. Luke was being the cutest thing he'd ever seen. He wanted to record this and listen to Luke's giggle forever.

Finally he pulled his hands away, brought Luke onto his lap an then pressed their lips together. Luke made a little noise before he started kissing back, a blush rose on his cheeks as it happened.

Ashton cupped Luke's left cheek, pulling him closer by wrapping his arm tighter around his waist. There lips moved together almost perfectly, since Luke's lips were more plum and Ashton a little thinner. They pulled away when they both lost their breath. Both panted softly and looked into each others eyes.

Luke blushed even more, looking down when neither of the two would look away. Ashton laughed softly, tilting Luke's head up to peck his lips. He pulled away then pulled Luke into a tight hug, wrapping his arms around Luke's waist to press their bodies together.

Luke wrapped his arms around Ashton's neck and his tail around his waist. He took a deep breath and focused on how amazing and warm and fuzzy Ashton was able to make him feel.

Ashton leaned back and moved Luke's hair from his face. "Wanna go take a walk?"

"Isn't it getting late?" Luke questioned.

Ashton chuckled again, answering "Nope. It's just perfect."

Luke then agreed and got up to go put some shorts on. Ashton stood up while waiting on Luke. He wanted to ask Luke out but he didn't know if it was to soon. The two have known each other for about two months now. He wanted Luke all to himself, wanted Luke in ever possible way he could have him.

But he knew he'd have to wait. Luke was just learning how human love worked. He was just starting to learn how to be happy, he was learning what love made you feel like. What it was capable of doing to you. He didn't want to push Luke into this to fast.

When Luke came back out to the room, Ashton grabbed his hand and led him outside. They walked until they got to the beach. Luke let out a giggle that made Ashton's heart flutter in his chest. He let go of Ashton's hand and ran towards the water. He ran through the part of the water that made your feet wet and sink into the sand.

Ashton smiled fondly as he watched him and thought to himself. You'd think that being half cat he would hate the water.

He watched as Luke giggled and splashed around. He walked over and grabbed Luke's hand again. The younger of the two smiled, looking around at the wonderful view.

"So there's something I wanna show you." Ashton announced.

Luke tilted his head in curiosity, nodding in response, following Ashton up one of the sand dunes. Ashton sat down so Luke did the same, taking his seat right next to Ashton. Basically ontop of his lap. But of course the older was totally fine with where Luke was about to sit.

Ashton smiled, "That's what I wanted to show you."

He whispered as the sun started to set making the sky go from blue and grey to pink, purple, yellow and orange. Luke let out a gasp as he watched, his eyes lighting up.

Ashton's whole world lit up in just that one moment. Seeing Luke happy the way he was in this moment made Ashton want him to feel that way 24/7. Luke deserved every bit of happiness that he got. He was determined to make Luke as happy as he could.

As they watched the sunset, Luke played with the sand, covering his toes in it, running his fingers through the cool rocks. He hummed softly to himself, just like he always did when he was content and when he felt happy and safe.

Ashton looked at Luke once he noticed his humming. He smiled fondly and grabbed Luke's hand, pulling him a little closer, pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. He sighed happily as Luke turned towards him and softly pecked his lips. Ashton smiled widely.


Luke's head snapped up, "Yeah?"

"W-will...will you go out with me?" He prayed that Luke wouldn't hate him and that he would say yes.

He heart did that fluttery thing again as Luke blushed and giggled softly. He smiled and looked at Ashton again.

"I don't think you know how long I've waited for you to ask me that." He whispered.

Another smile grew on Ashton's face, he leaned in and kissed Luke once again, pulling him closer, onto his lap, kissing him over and over again. Luke returned each one sweetly. They're fingers stayed intertwined the whole time.

When they got home that night they kissed more, cuddled and finshied their movie marathon, soon falling asleep on the couch in each others arms.

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