Chapter 13 (M)

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Okay so unless you guys didn't figure it out, M means mature. But this isn't going to be very mature is just a little bit.

I had been so happy lately. Not only did Luke say yes to being mine, and by the way I was pissed at myself for giving into that for a little. He is the cutest person known to man kind. He makes me the happiest I've ever been in my life.

Michael and Calum are happy for us too. They told me that "they've been waiting for me to ask him" after I had told them that Luke and I were together now.

I've known since I first met Luke, that he was very innocent. When we watched movies and there was even just the mention of anything sexual, he would ask questions. He always wanted to know what they were talking about meant.

There was a moment when Calum and Michael had came over for a movie night, and Calum almost told Luke what sex was and I almost punched him in the face. Lucky Michael was there to stop Calum, because we all know that Calum is so deep that he listens to every single thing that Michael tells him to do.

So when Luke came up to me one day and just straight up asked, "Ashton can you show me what a handjob is?"

To say I choked on my spit was an understatement. I literally stuttered over my words while he just looked at me so innocently.

"B-baby. Are you sure?"

Luke smiled. "I looked it up on your phone and it sounds fun."

Okay I needed to block a afew things on my phone.

The way his voice sounded made me want to pin him to a wall. But I refrianed for the sake of his innocence. But I couldn't hp but to stop and think about it.

The way Luke would squirm under me.

His whimpers and moans.


"Only if you're sure." I answered, gently grabbing his hand and leading him into the bedroom.

He blushed a little, nodding, "Yes I'm sure Ashy."

I nodded slowly laying him down onto the bed. He looked a little confused at first, but when I kissed his lips softly, he seemed fine. He relaxed almost instantly and that made me feel good, knowing I could do that to him.

I slid my hands down to where his tail was, gently petting his tail. I knew that if he was nervous that always made him feel a little better.

I didn't know if he felt pleasure the same way humans did, but that didn't stop me from slowly kissing down his neck. As if he knew what he was doing, his hands slid into my hair, making me hum and push up his shirt slowly.

"Is this okay?"

He nodded eagerly, making me chuckle. "Okay."

I gently kissed down his chest and stomach, unbuttoning his jeans. I slipped them off his thin legs. I noticed right away that his boxers had a small tent like shape and I couldn't help but to lick my lips.

Luke blushed deeply and covered his face and I laughed softly. "Aw baby its okay, it's normal."

He just nodded, lifting his hips as I started to pull down his boxers. Once they were off I softly took him into my hand and moved up and down. He gasped and I scooted up to kiss his head. He bit his lip, closing his eyes.

I kissed down the side of his face and started pumping him a little faster. He whimpered, bucking his hips up a little. I hummed against his cheek, kissing his jaw softly. I slowly moved down, kissing his neck.

Just as he began to squirm, I started sucking on his neck, him letting out a little moan. I smiled against his skin, already loving the sound.

He whimpered again, "A-ashton."

I hushed him, knowing what he was trying to say. It didn't surprise me that he was already close. This was his first time being touched, so I expected him to not last long. I pressed a few more kisses to to his neck, before leaning up and pecking his lips a few times.

His nose scrunched up and he gripped the sheets hard before he came all over my hand. His face scrunched up in pleasure and he let out several whimpers. A pressure on my leg made me look down and see his tail wrapped tightly around my thighs. I let out a breathy laugh, just as he began to relax a little more.

For some odd reason I felt very proud of him. I didn't think he'd ever want to do anything like this for at least a little longer. I wiped my hands with a fee tissues then looked down at him.

Soon he was opening his eyes, a blissed out expression on his face. I smiled a little more and kissed his nose.

"You did very good kitten." I whispered, pecking his lips.

He made a little noise, rolling so he could snuggle into me. I looked down at him, kissing his head just as he started to fall asleep. This made me shake my head fondly, before nuzzling into his hair and relaxing myself.


We weren't asleep for very long, the kitten had jumped onto the bed and climbed all over us. We got up, made dinner and now we're on the couch.

He is currently playing with my hair, talking about how much he liked my curls. I just smiled fondly, continuing to watch the show that was playing right now.

I felt terrible because I couldn't get the images out of my head of luke squirming and moaning. It was possibly the hottest thing I've ever seen and Luke was way to innocent for that.

But I would not lie. I very much enjoyed making Luke feel good.

But I'm not telling anyone that.

Hope you liked it!

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