Chapter 5

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This is in 3rd person because I got lazy…lol -Sharbear

Luke was excited for that friday. He didn't think Ashton was going to end up liking him. He never really had any faith in himself, growing up the streets has it affects on a person. He wanted Ashton to like him, that was true, but did you ever think that someone like Ashton would like someone like him?

Yeah he didn't either.

Ashton was at work right, now and wouldn't be back for another hour, so Luke decided to just run around in his boxers and one of Ashton’s shirts. His tail swinging around and his ears perked up, instead of flattened under that darn beanie.

he would have said d*** but he wasn't that kind of person that cursed for no reason or because he could. He was raised well up until his mother couldn't handle him anymore. Could he even still call her his mom? Shed kicked him out because he was different, at the age of ten might he add, with nothing except a few dollars and the clothes he was wearing. Its not like Luke hated her for it. He understood that he was different, it was way nobody expected him. Well of course now Ashton, but not even his own mother could love him.

He understood that too. He didn't really love himself either. He liked having ears, they came in handy when he needed to hear things other people couldn't hear. His tail, believe it or not (he didn't at first either) actually helped keep him balanced. But not like it helped he was the clumsiest person alive. Well other than his old friend Harry Styles. Harry was Luke's best friend when he lived with his mother. Up until his mom kicked him out. Harry had offered to have Luke stay with him, but he didn't need to be a burden to his friend.

Thats what he was everywhere he went. Ashton could tell him everyday that he wasn't a burden, infact thats what he did, but it didn't help Luke change his mind.

About ten minutes before Ashton was going to arrive home, since it was later than usual because Ashton had to work a long shift, Luke decided to make his friend some food. But because it had been so long since he’d cooked, he wasn’t the best... He burnt some bread twice, because he was making tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. He remembered how to make the tomato soap, but the sandwiches, not so much.

And while cutting some more cheese, for the third time, he somehow ended up cutting his palm, which made him hiss in pain and drop the knife. he tried not to cry, he tried really hard, but soon he was sitting on the floor, holding his hand to his chest and with tears running down his face. he whimpered as the wound stung. But soon as he was about to panic, the door opened and he heard Astons voice.

“Luke, i’m home kitty.”

Despite being in pain Luke couldn’t help but the blush from the nickname that Ashton had suddenly started using. All Luke could do was sit there and whimper, hoping Ashton would come to his rescue.

And he wasn't thinking about Ashton kissing him after he rescued the small boy..OF course not…

not like he’d actually do it...Since i’m a freak...and hell realize that soon.

luke though as Ashton finally walked into the kitchen. He gasped and made his way over to Luke. “Hey, Luke what happened?” Luke whimpered. “I-I was trying to be nice and m-make you dinner, but i accidently cut my hand. I-im sorry i made a mess.”

Now he was just waiting for the first punch and words of ‘leave right now’.

But instead, Ashton reached out and gently grabbed Lukes hand, pulling it towards himself, so he could take a better look at the wound. It wasn’t to bad, not bad enough to need stitches but enough to hurt like a bitch.

“Aw kitty how did this happen?”

Luke can't help but to blush and sniffle. “I’m s-sorry I didnt mean to, I was trying to make you dinner and I accidently slipped and cut m-my hand. I’m sorry f-for making a mess.”

Ashton sighed and grabbed a wet swashcloth from under the sink and gently pressed it to Lukes hand. “Dont be sorry. Youre hurt-” “B-but the mess?” Ashton shook his head. “I dont care about the mess all I care about is getting my kitty to feel better.”

And who knew that the blush on Lukes face could get any brighter.


Later that night, after getting Lukes hand cleaned up, and what was left of dinner, Ashton gave Luke a piggy back ride to the couch, or what Luke now called his bed, while Luke sighed, still guilty about making the mess.

Ashton noticed as he layed him down and pulled the blankets over his small body. “Dont worry about it Luke, it fine okay Kitty?” Luke could only sigh again and nod. Ashton kissed his head as a goodnight, before shutting off the lights and walking back to his room.

Luke was in a perfect sleep, when a loud clap of thunder shounded through the windows, making him bolt up, with a squeak.

least to say. Luke hated storms.

SO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT SO DAMN LONG FOR AN UPDATE…..Plus its really short...(Facepalm)

But anywho...Lashton cuddles coming up in the next chapter. -Sharbear

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