Chapter 14

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Don't you really really hate it when you're like the first person to make a story with an idea nobody else has ever used for a certain ship and then suddenly, everyone starts using that idea...
Hello, I don't think that this story will be very long. I believe the longest will be 20 chapters, the shortest 15 chapters. I will try to make it as long as possible though. Hope you all are enjoying the book! I love you all.


It was maybe a week later when Luke was sitting on the couch in the living room. His tail was curled on his lap, ears flat on his head due to the cold weather and that he was tired. He was watching the news, intreaged about learning what was happening around the world, when one certain story made him perk up a bit.

"Twenty nine year old James Liles was caught making human hybrids in his house last week, police told the public not to worry about the people that bad been kidnapped and experimented on and that they would be safe from now on. Three of the kidnapped children made it out with minor injuries while the rest died from incurable diseases. Back to you..."

The picture on the screen made shivers run down Luke's back. The face of the man that had tried to take him was on the TV. Luke felt himself having a hard time trying to breath. His mind stuck in the words human hybrids.

Wasn't he a so-called human hybrid? But that didn't make sense because he was born this wasnt he, and his mother had told him that he was normal, just in a special way.

He sat there for awhile, confused because there was no way his mother would just lie to him, and he had no memory of ever being experimented on. But then again she never really cared about him in the first place. He would never really know what had happened to him.

But then he remembered that it was all in the past. Even though he may be the only one of his kind it didn't mean he was really alone. He had his kitten, Michael and Calum. But most importantly he had Ashton.

He had his own little hero that had saved him from the cold streets.

And maybe he think about that man on the screen, but he wouldn't tell anyone that. Because he was happy with who - or what he was now.


Later that night, Ashton had arrived home from work, exhausted but at the same time also very excited to finally be able to see his little kitten. That would always be the best part of his work days.

Just like that, a pair of ears and blue eyes popped around the corner. "Ashy?"

Ashton chuckled a bit, opening his arms for the small boy to run into. Luke almost instantly was in his arms, clinging to his chest, using his tail to keep Ashton as close as possible. Ashton buried his face inbetween the boys ears, humming softly from the smell of the strawberry shampoo Luke used.

"How was your day kitten?" He questioned, placing his chin on Luke's head.

He heard a small giggle against his chest as Luke replied "it was boring without you as usual."

Ashtons smile crept onto his face, slowly widening as the small boy had spoke. He hummed, squeezing his petite boxy before letting him go. Ashton grabbed his hand, pulling him over to the couch. He sat down and then tugged Luke down onto his lap, reaching up to caress his soft ears. A little squeak erupted from Luke's lips before a very noticable purr came along after as he pushing his head more into Ashton's hand.

He giggled a bit more, asking, "How was your day Ashy?"

The nickname made Ashton's heart flutter. He hated it so much, but when Luke called him it he loved it simply because it was Luke saying it. And yeah maybe he was a little bit in love.

"Well Brownie's foot is all better, he's able to climb trees again but we decided to keep him a little bit longer until we know for sure he'll be fine by himself, and we want him to be a little older for when we do release him."

Luke nodded in response after listening to Ashton's words carefully like he always did.

"Can I come and meet all the animals at your work?" He asked in a small voice, always feeling his shyest around Ashton.

Almost instantly, Ashton nodded, falling in love with the thought of Luke giggling over the variety of animals, and probably being his gentlest around them too. Soon the smaller kitten jumped onto Luke's lap, curling up with its head tucked inbetween Luke and Ashton.

Luke had decided earlier in the week that the kitten should have the name Teacup. He said it was because the kitten was so tiny and was white like a teacup. Therefore she was named Teacup, her nickname being Tiny, or what Luke liked to call her; Tiny Teacup.

Of course, Ashton could never say no to Luke.

They ordered Chinese take-out and watched Disney movies, up until Luke wanted to go down to the little garden. Ashton helped him with his beanie and tail, then led the small boy put to the little patch of plants. Luke went for the flowers first, gently brushing his fingers against the petals like they would break any second.

As Ashton sat next to him, leaning back onto his hands to watch the sun disappear behind the mountains. Luke sat criss cross, slowly picking a different flower each time and weaving it with the other. He continued this process until he had made a colorful crown, setting it upon his own head.

He turned to Ashton, smiling shyly towards him. Ashton smiled in return, examining the way Luke looked under the moonlit light, the flowers sitting softly on his head, around his fluffy ears.

He leaned over, pressing a soft kiss onto Luke's pink lips, making the youger flutter his eyes closed, slowly pressing his lips back onto Ashton's.

And yeah - maybe Ashton was a whole lot in love.


I just realized that the last chapter is in first person so I'm going to have to go fix that.
I'm sorry about the delay on updating, I was just so busy with school, but I'm hoping to update on weekends, I don't know yet.

The next chapter may be the last one, unless you guys want anything to happen then I'll throw a few more chapters in but you NEED TO comment for that to happen. Comment chapter ideas if you want more because I don't know where to take this story but I've loved writing it.

Love you all, see you for the next update.


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