Chapter 7

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I honestly really like this chapter :) Sharbear

I smiled as Ashton opened the door for me once we finally arrived to the place that he was taking me for this so called date. Right now we were in a parking lot, which honestly I found a little weird, but Ashton told me that we weren't there yet. And after about five minutes of walking, we came to a stop at a little grange. It had lights wrapped around it, making me smile. In the middle was a little table with two chairs, music was playing and there was candles lit on the table. I looked at Ashton in awe and he smiled down at me.

“I had Mikey and Cal help me with it. I hope you like it.” I smiled and walked up the two steps. “Honestly how could I not.”

Ashton walked over and pulled out a chair for me and I blushed and sat down. What a gentlemen. I would like to meet his mom right now please. I looked around and noticed that the trees and bushes around us, basically covered the grange, so you would have to look for it. I was amazed to be honest, at how beautiful it was even this late at night.

I smelt something really good and looked over to see pizza sitting in front of me. I giggled and glanced at Ashton. “Oh thats so romantic.” He smiled and shrugged. “Yep this is as romantic as its gonna get.”


I giggled again and took a small sip of wine. I couldn't make myself believe that I was here, with Ashton Irwin, on a date. Like me. Luke Hemmings the weird cat person that nobody liked in school, was on a date. It was such a foreign thing for me, I had never been on a date in my life, nor did I ever think I was gonna go on one. It was insane for me to think of. But now here I am. On a date. With a very cute boy. Like I cannot explain this boys cuteness okay.


I was a nice night. There was a little patch over us that allowed you to see the sky, and the stars were shining bright, the night sky dark, and the soft music playing was soothing and helped fill our silence as we ate. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, it was nice. The sound of crickets and frogs, and a faint river or stream not to far away. I glanced at Ashton every now and then. The lights on the little grande, lit up his face and eyes becoming bright. He really looked really pretty.


Once we had finished eating, I didn't expect Ashton to stand up, and turn up the music a little more. Then he walked over and held out his hand for me. “May I have this dance?” I blushed and looked up at him. “I can't dance.” He laughed and shrugged. “I can't either.”


Right as I grabbed his hand, Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran started playing and Ashton wrapped one arm around me, while his other hand still held mine. I blushed a little more as he smiled down at me and rocked our bodies together. I couldn’t believe we were slow dancing to this years most romantic song. It made tingles shoot through my spine, and it didn't help when Ashton pulled me closer and laid his head down on my shoulder. I couldn't hold in m smiles as I put my head on his collarbone. His breath was warm on my neck, and it caused me to shiver a little. I had never had a moment like this with anyone before. It felt amazing. It felt amazing to be loved by someone. Or atleast this I hoped that this was love.

As we were dancing, Ashton leaned up and started singing along to the song, quietly into my ear. He had a beautiful voice, and I was honored to have him sing to me.


“'Cause honey your soul could never grow old, it's evergreen


And, baby, your smile's forever in my mind and memory


I'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways


Maybe it's all part of a plan


Well, I'll just keep on making the same mistakes


Hoping that you'll understand.”


I was tempted to sing along, but I wanted to keep listening to him sing into my ear. His voice was unique, i'd honestly never heard anyone with a voice like his. I was in love with it. Even though it was quiet, it was balanced perfectly and he knew exactly what notes to hit. Nobody had ever sang to me other then my mother. It made my heart race, and pound against my chest.


“But, baby, now


Take me into your loving arms


Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars


Place your head on my beating heart


Thinking out loud


That maybe we found love right where we are.”


As the song continued he leaned back to look at me. My stomach started doing flips as he leaned his head against mine. He had a smile on his face, and his eyes were closed. All I could do was watch as his lips moved, and look at all the features on his skin.

He opened his eyes as the last few lines of the song played, while at the same time he sang, he leaned in a little closer. I could feel the heat on my cheeks getting hotter and hotter. I fluttered my eye closed as his lips brushed mine.


“We found love right where we are.”


Then suddenly butterflies exploded in my stomach as his lips pressed fully to mine. Ashton let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around my side, just like the other one, and pulled me impossibly closer to him. I placed my hand on his cheek and kept my other arm wrapped around his neck. Our lips moved slowly and gently against each other. His hands stayed placed on my lower back, right where the curve was. You know, for a first kiss this was pretty damn good. Oops I said a bad word. Oh well.


Soon we started to lose our breath so we pulled back at the same time, and I opened my eyes to see that Ashton had a wide smile on his face. One grew on my face too and we stared into each others eyes. His were sparkling with happiness and I wouldn't be surprised if mine looked the same. I swallowed, feeling the way my cheeks were probably bright red right now.

I was 100% sure that we had found love, right here.

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