VI. Success is a curse

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I am a product of my own two hands.

All of my misfortunes I deserve.
Everything wrong is made by me.
My emptiness is my own. I own it. I created it.
I can't face it. I will never truly accept it.
But deep down I know it is true.

I fight in the wrong battles to prove myself that I am victorious. But I only win where I don't care about winning. And deep down I feel like I never won anything.
It is not pride. It is how I have been raised to think.

Impress impress impress impress.

I have so many things other people dream of but I don't want. I have a dream job, great fortune, many friends, everyone likes me if I want them to like me. I don't want any of this.
I did not ask for it.

I just feel my life runs in cycles.


But not pride. Not arrogance. These are not inside my blood anymore.
They are just my mentality. Not myself. Not my heart.

I can't give up. It's soo hard for me. It's so hard for me not to try and fix something. I can't accept my failure. I can't. I want to. But I can't.

I can't cry.

I can't chill.

Can't be myself. What is that. I forgot.

And reality hits.

Loneliness. Monotony. Tiredness.
And finally hope.

My sweet hope.



I don't know what to hope for... I hoped for so many things. And I got them. And what? Nothing.

It's just it.

Happy? No.

Sad? I don't know what that looks like anymore.

Void. Yes.

More clear.

I just want to rest. I am tired.

I am learning to drop my sword.

To give up.

It's done. I am finally slowly collapsing.


Collapse and rest.

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