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"I don't care!" I shriek. "You have to know something!"

"Caitlin, they just told you she's still in surgery." Zolo tries to pull me away from the doctor, but I fight out of his arms. I barrel into the doctor, grabbing at his coat.

"Tell me something," I demanded tearfully. "Anything. I need to know what's happening!" I begin to sob again, Zolo pulling me off the man. All the doctor offers is a solemn apology before escaping my hysteria.

"NO! Don't let him go back there! He has to know something! COME BACK HERE!" I scream fighting Zolo, but he has me in a strong hold.

"You need to calm the hell down," Zolo grits out, his iron grip on me unbreakable. "They told us as much as they know." I battle until Zolo loosens up just to allow me to turn around, facing him.

"They told us nothing. They told us that she is fighting for her life. They never told us if she is going to make it. They needed to tell us she's going to make it." I break down sobbing in my brother's arms. My knees buckle and he catches me, while I grab onto his shirt, gripping for dear life. I cry so hard I choke on my own severed breaths. This is not happening, Bea is not fighting for her life right now. There was so much blood. So many shots fired. How does someone live through that?

"Sis, you need to breathe. You're having a panic attack. Please, just calm down." He cradles me in his arms. I feel him sit. He's probably taken me back to the waiting room. I try catching my breath. "Caitlin, you're scaring me. Please calm down." But that request seems impossible. I can't calm down knowing Bea is fighting for her life.

"I asked the nurse to give her a sedative," I hear Deanna say from behind me and I whip my head from Zolo's now-soaked chest.

"You're drugging me! Why are you even here? To hope Bea dies? Get what you finally want since you hate her?!" I instantly feel regret the moment those words leave my lips. I watch Deanna blanch. "I'm... I didn't mean that... I'm so..." I can't even finish without going into another fit of sobs. I hang onto my brother as tight as I can, feeling like if he lets me go, I'll break down and never recover.

I feel Deanna's frame kneeling in front of us, her warm hand on my shoulder. "Caitlin, I... God, I don't hate her. I just wanted what was best for you. I'm sorry I was so blind. Please don't hate me for just wanting to protect you. I would never want something like this for Bea."

I take in a deep breath and lift my head to turn to my sister. it's then we all hear the familiar shriek.

"What the FUCK?! Where is she? Is she alive?" We turn to see Carly, disheveled and barging into the emergency room. Deanna stands to comfort her wife, but she pushes her away and makes direct eye contact with me. "Is she alive?" Her words are blunt but strained. She doesn't want it candy coated. She wants the truth.

"We...we don't know. She's st-still in surgery." I have to stop because I can't say anything else without the fear of losing it again. I can't tell my best friend that her sister is fighting for her life because she was shot trying to save my life.

Carly comes at me and we embrace, both breaking down. After a few long moments, she pulls away.

"Honey, are you hurt? Is this you..." She looks at me, and it reminds me that I'm still covered in blood. Bea's blood.

"No... it-it's not mine." Oh God. Why haven't they come out yet? We've been waiting for over an hour. They should know something. "Carly, I'm so sorry, she tried---"

"You stop right now. This is not your fault. Bea is a stubborn shit and she'll pull out of this just to laugh about it. Have faith. We all just need to have faith." I want to believe her. Hand on to her every word, but the shakiness in her voice and the wetness in her eyes tells me she isn't even sure of her words. "I called Mom. She and Dad are on their way. Deanna told me you won't let the nurse check you out. Honey you were drugged, you should have someone--"

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