Chapter . 5; Jealousy

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*Isabella's POV*

"Emmett, has Bella slept with any boys." Edward immediately asked. I felt Jasper tense behind me, as I sat up, he sat up as well and sat me on his lap.

"What are you talking about Edward?" Jasper asked.

I heard a growl, "Where are you guys? I didn't here Bella walk, or here TV?" He instead responded.

They both looked at me, I bit my lip, then grabbed some paper beside me, tell him we are sitting reading, while Emmett plays his Xbox silently. I wrote quickly.

"I'm reading, and so is Emmett, Bella's sitting right beside Emmett which is why he didn't get up, and I'm on the couch at the far back. Me and Bella are both just reading, while Emmett plays his Xbox." Jasper said smoothly.

I smiled and dragged my hand down his chest tracing a bite mark he had, making him shiver. "Then why can't I hear the Xbox?" Edward challenged. I held in a sigh, but rolled my eyes.

"Because I figured you'd get mad if Bella heard the guns firing, and saw all the blood being spattered." Emmett answered, I nodded slowly.

"Wait, why did you ask if I-Bella slept with someone? But sounded as if you meant me?" Jasper asked. He stood up, and ran to a drawer, pulling out clothes, and ran back to me, giving me some clothes, which was just some of his shorts, and Emmett's shirt that was on the floor. And he changed into clothes as well.

"Bella, you hungry?" Emmett asked me. I looked at him.

"Um, yeah.." I said, making my voice sound innocent, which I guessed turned him on because his eyes turned black.

"Wait! You haven't fed her!" Edward shouted to where even I could hear, if it wasn't on speaker I mean.

"Edward,calm down. I wasn't hungry earlier." I said.

Emmett stood up, and put on his clothes, leaving his shirt off, and then ran down stairs.

Jasper grabbed the phone, and carried me down the stairs,walking carefully so as to not make noise.

"Edward, why did you ask about Bella sleeping with someone?" Jasper asked.

"Give the phone to Bella." Edward demanded. I rolled my eyes, and Jasper handed me the phone. He wrapped his arm in mine, and we walked into the kitchen, where Emmett was cooking. And by cooking I mean heating up Roman noodles.

"Hey Edward." I said in another innocent voice, this time both Jaspers and Emmett's eyes turned black, I bit my lip to hold in a giggle, which of course turned them on more.

"Bella, do you love me?" Edward asked.

"Of course I do Edward." I said with honesty, I did love him, just not The same as I did before.

"Then why did Alice have a Vision of you and two other males Sex..?"

I sighed, rubbing my temples, "Edward..I don't know why.. But I love you, okay? I love you so much." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry love, its just.. I know your so beautiful, and your alone with Jasper and Emmett.. So., I guess I just figured since I wasn't giving you what you wanted.. You'd persuade Jasper or Emmett to give you what you want." he said.

I sighed, "Edward I love you okay? Look I have to go, I don't wanna keep you from hunting... I love you Edward a lot.." just not the way you think. I finished in my head.

"Okay bye Bella, I love you, and miss you, and early goodnight." He said, then hung up.

I sighed setting the phone on the counter, "Here." Emmett said harshly, setting the food in front of me. I frowned and looked up, feeling hurt, I saw them looking at me.

"What's wrong Em?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Nothing Bella, we should of known." He mumbled.

Suddenly I knew, I laughed, I put my hand on his chest, looking into his eyes, "Are wittle Emmett, and Jasper jealous?" I asked.

"No." Him and Jasper replied to quickly and at the same time.

I giggled, "Why so?"

"Because Bella, you love Edward, and only used us." Emmett said taking my hand away from his chest, and sounding hurt.

I shook my head, and smiled, "Yeah, I do, and I didn't use you or Jasper. I enjoyed it a lot. I don't love Edward like I do you lads." I said.

Emmett looked at Jasper, and he nodded. "But how do we know you don't mean you love us like brothers? And Edward like your lover?" Jasper asked.

"Mhm, you tell me Jasper, what did I feel as we made love? And what did I feel when speaking to Eddie?"

"You felt love, desire, love, joy, happiness, and more.. But with Edward you felt aggrivation, and different love, friendly love... I'm sorry Bella." He said once finished.

"Me too." Emmett said, as they both brought their head low.

"Its okay mates, I would feel the same way if you had been in my shoes." I said kissing each of their cheeks.

"Eat Iz, we don't wanna starve you, especially after you showed us such a good time. " Jasper said.

I giggled, and ate. After I was done, I cuddled into Jasper and Emmett as we watched something. Emmett sat down, and I gasped at what he put, "" I asked.

He smirked my way, and shrugged,"Take it off." I said, and I may sound commanding, but I will not sit through watching porn.

"I agree Emmett." Jasper said.

Emmett just smirked and turned to the TV, fine, if he wants to watch people having sex, then me and Jasper will have our own fun. I stood up and grabbed Jaspers hand pulling him up, "Fine, you stay down here and watch that, me and Jasper will just have our own fun." I said, I heard Emmett whine and smirked. I then went upstairs to Jaspers study, closing the door, with my foot.

Jasper automatically pushed me into the door and kissed me heavily.

A/N: Next chaoter is of Jasper and Bella So I'd adivise you to jot read if you are uncomfortable with that kind of stuff.

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