Chapter 21; Leaving

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Please read the note at the bottom, please.

~ Elizabelle/Isabella's Point o' View ~

IT'S NEARLY TIME Maximum. I felt myself tense. Perfect.
Does it always have to come when I'm finally feeling better. Maximu-

I'm not Maximum! I don't know why you'd even call me that! Maximum isn't here! Because of me. . . . I felt a tear slip down my cheek, Maximum Ride left us all, all because of me. She thought I was trying to take Fang away and know he's gone forever, just like Maximum, Iggy, Angel, Nudge, and Total.

It's time, you know it as much as I Iza-

Don't call me that! I stopped being her millennium's ago! I breathed in deeply, awaiting for my 'Voice' to speak to me more. I was just so tired of it. . . It's why I left that persona long ago.

"Iz?" I ignored the call and closed my eyes, it was so horrible being like her. . . so many people knew me to well. . . But people know you just like that, you're softer know.

"Iz!?" You're so weak know. Aren't you? You're just so weak, the Major proved that!


"Shut up!" I yelled out, pulling my hair harshly. Die because you are only a worthless person. "Why?!" I screeched as I pulled harder, "Because I don't want to save the world with you? Because I don't like the way y'all do it! Just. Shut. Up!" I stood up, and screamed, just. . . screamed.

"Iz!" I felt arms wrapped around me and saw Jace in my line of sight, but then he was just. He just disappeared.

~ The Day Prior ~

I came downstairs after Jasper and I's time, and I noticed that Isabella, Jace, Alec, Magnus, and Rosalie weren't in the room. (A/n how many wondered where they went? You'll find out soon!) "Jasper? Where are Jacelend, Aleckins, Isabella, and Rosalie?" I said, as I turned to them.

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask that." he whispered, "They left Liz. They left but left you this note." I took the note from him and sat down by Carlisle.

Dear Little Bell

We're sorry we left you, but we had to. We love you so much, and when we saw you die, we couldn't stand it. We took Rosalie with us because she and I fell in love-she isn't and never was Emmett's mate. I love her Liz, so I am so sorry. I did love you, so much, but it's obvious you don't feel the same for me.

I chased you for so long Liz, and not once did you notice how I felt for you. I gave up, you be happy as will I. Goodbye Liz, I hope you are happy know.

We love you;

Jace, Rose, Alec, Isabella, Magnus

I read this note over 99 times, and after reading it over once more I began to sob. They were right. About everything.

Nothing about me is true. . . why am I so. . . broken. I closed my eyes in hopes to stop the oncoming tears, but it didn't work. The tears slid past my closed eyelids and down my cheek, as if it were trying to escape a jail cell stealthily and succeeded by sliding down.

~ Present time ~

I felt cool fingers brush my cheeks as more tears fell just like yesterday. "Shh. . . shh, its okay darlin'."

"No it's not my," -my life will never be okay. "-my, uh, my."

"Shh, darlin' ya have ta believe it will." Peter. It was Peter trying to comfort me, though I hadn't an idea why. "Darlin', I wanna comfort ya because I-" I frowned as I realized I had been speaking loudly.

I looked up at him, "You what?" He just shook his head. I sighed and realized I could feel his love for me radiating off him in waves. I sighed and nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck. "Peter 'm tired of hiding from everyone." I mumbled. I was just so tired in so many ways.

~ ♥ ~

It was midnight. On a full moon. I watched frightened as people kept moving my way, almost-no-in a predator stance. I was their prey.

I arose to run away,but felt something grab my leg in a vice tight grip, I turned and saw Luke, "Help me." he croaked out,I stared into his eyes, and knew I couldn't.

"I-I-I- I can't. . . . if I do you will only hurt me." I said, as I began to snivel holding back sobs.

"Ne'er has thou helped. . . " he croaked, and then jumped at me, extending his fangs. I screamed and ducked, I pulled out my knife and through it at a wall. But as it strikes towards the window Luke stepped in the way, as the knife stroke his heart.

I watched as he fell down, "No." I whispered and began to sob. "Why?" I let my tears flow ignoring the hectic chaos that was happening outside, the chaos caused all due to me.

~ ♥ ~

My eyes snapped open and I looked around. "Lucas. . . " my voice played in my head, "Lucas please don't die. . please I love you so much Lucas." I had said, as the sobs wracked my body, causing me to shake then, to tremble.

I sat up and stared into everyone's eyes; Jasper was on one side of me (most likely since he felt my emotions), Carlisle was to his left, then Emmett, Esme, Charlotte, and Peter stood right on my right side. "Why do I keep only causing pain?" I whimpered out, closing myself out to them, as I pulled my legs to my chest resting my head on my knees.

Harden you heart. Hurt the ones who can soften you, Izobel, hurt them so that they may not rescue you. I closed my eyes and made my split decision. I looked up into all the eyes of my loved ones, "I'm leaving." I stated while standing up.

"Wait, but, why?" Emmett asked, I saw how hurt and betrayed and broken his eyes seemed, but I had to do this. I won't risk their lives.

I laughed as if the reason were obvious, "Can't you see Emmett? I used all of you guys! I don't love y'all, nor will I ever. I do not care for y'all's well being! I hate you all, I always did. I never, ever have loved you all." I laughed again smirking before jumping out the window and running away I turned around so as to sill my fate, "I never loved any of you. I simply wanted Cold One Vampire in me. I. Hate. All. Of. You." I snarled before running away.

Please read

So I know you all probably hate me for not updating in forever, and I'm really sorry for that. My reasons are that Wattpad would keep stopping on me, took forever to load, and that I was having problems with my tablet. I really hope that these problems stop, and if not then please bare with me. I love, and appreciate, all of you, and I would hate it if you stopped reading this story.

Anyways sorry for that long note, and I'll be working on the next chapter know.

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