Chapter 15; The Real Belle ~Pt. 3

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~ The real 'Bella's' POV ~

I smirked as I felt Jasper, Emmett, and Carlilse's lust raise at the real sight of the real me. "Mmm." I hummed.

Jace laughed, "Come on Lizzy, don't scare them all know." he said, as he arose from the ground.

I laughed, "Awe, then there's no fun!" I said, with a pout. Izzy, Alec, and Jace laughed.

"Hey, don't worry about it Belle, I'm used to people treating me the way he did, don't reveal yourself for the sake of me."

I looked at him, and shook my head, "Alec, brother, no one will make fun of you, not around me. Never. I do not care that I once loved him - that I still love him. I still love the real Edward. I will harm the monster." I said to him, looking at 'Edward' sadly.

I sighed shaking my head, and began, "My name's Elizabelle Flora Lightwood. My mother; Maryse Lightwood and father; Robert Lightwood had been so happy seeing me and my twin. Isabelle.

" But..they soon found a flaw in.,one of the many ones I have.. I would die.. So. So, they looked around, and they found a faerie. The Queen helped, she used her powers, and helped.

"But it soon failed, so my Mum asked for assistance from a warlock, a failed attempt. So she continued - not knowing the effect that each spell..curse..anything was adding to dangerous measures.

"Finally she prayed. Something she could have done first. The Angels heard the prayer..and sent it to the mighty God. Raziel, Angel Raziel sad of what hath happened to me, went to where I had been put.

"He helped me.. But the things that had happened before.." I sighed and let my eyes travel to the window and looked outside, " did bad things to me. So..they all joined together minus the Angel, and helped.

"Helped to an extent. I was dead. Dead for years.. My family... they knew I would be safe. For..for my blood if mixed with the Mortal Instruments will kill me if the taker wishes, and doom the world.

"So they changed me. As they became immortal. I turned into Isabella Swan. I became the Goddess of War to mundanes, and more people.

" I hadn't any clue of my life as Elizabelle Lightwood. Yet I remembered clearly of Clary Fray, Jocelyn Fray, Valentine Morgentstern.. I remembered Elizabelle'e family via dreams. " I smiled, and turned to Emmett and Jasper.

"When I was left with Em, and Jasper.. They helped. Though when Carlilse came back, it cured... I take it my family had since it, Izzy most likely, and they came."

I looked at Carlilse as I said his name, then at Izzy. "Though there is a key to me that you all should know. We are all - minus Magnus - Shadowhunters. We hunt down downworlders, and kill 'em. Though thethere are some we allow to live.

" Like y'all. Or, Simon, a vampire. There's lots of things you guys do not know of this world. Be careful. Any questions?" I asked.

Carlilse frowned, "How did I cure you as you said?" he said, sounding a little worried.

I giggled, and walked up hugging him. I stood on my toes, and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry Carlilse, it was good." I kissed his cheek, before turning back to everyone else.

"Carlisle helped due to a special reason, I cannot elaborate this though only know it is not bad."

"How did me and Emmett help darlin'?" Jasper asked, with a hint of a seductive tone, mixed with his Texan accent.

I felt my lust grow, and looked at them, my eyes changing to a purple and lighter one near the inside. I walked up t them and smirked, "Mmm, you know how." I said with a wink, before quickly turning and walking back to Carlilse, and sitting on his lap.

Why am I sitting on his lap? Because, why not.. I mean he is really hot. "Ew! Sis, I don't need to see that." Alec yelled.

I laughed and watched as Edward stood up to leave, "Oh, Denthen, I will get Edward back." I said.

He turned and smirked, "We'll see." he said in a dark voice before he was gone. Alice laughed evilly and left as well.

"Vell, great. Know I have to get Alice back too."

I smiled and blinked my eyes that were still purple and smiled, "Any more questions?"

I moved a little on Carlisle's lap, and smirked as I felt Carlilse heard in a growl.

"Why are your eyes purple?" Esme asked, kindly.

"You really don't want to know." Alec said.

I suddenly realized I haven't finished my introductions, "Right! Sorry! Anyways, that blonde headed idiot other there is Jace. That's Magnus Bane, my bestest-est-est-est friend, my bff, mì amigo, my partner in crime, my partner in making fun of Jace, my partner in making Jace mad, my partner-"

"I'm sure they get it Li." Magnus interrupted.

"-in - Why you gotta wound me man?! We are supposed to partners!" I said, as I fake sobbed into Carlilse's chest, "Why's ebrybody gotta woonding me!" I said.

I heard laughter, so I turned back to see Alec, Izzy, Jace, and Magnus laughing, "I see how it is! I shall turn you all into smurfs! Mundane size smurfs!" I said.

Every looked at me confused, as my eyes change to a green mixed with blue color. I said a little enchantment, and Jace, Alec, Magnus, and Izzy grew blue skin, changed to white pants, with white shoes, and a white hat, while Izzy got a dress and heels that were white.

I laughed and leaned back, "Never threaten lè Queen!" I said. I waved my hand as Emmett's booming laughter filled the room, and they became normal again.

I yawned, and cuddled into Carlisle, my eyes going back to a dark brown. "Nigh nigh, I wove you all..," I said in a baby like voice, before I fell asleep.

Bit short, so sorry. :) Anyways so how are you liking it so far?

16 read already! Thank you guys! I'm working on chapter 17 soon, so Chapter 16 will be up soon! Also, I'm going to stop putting 'Chappie' know, I'll be going back and checking on it and hope I can edit.

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