Chapter 13; Holding back ~ Pt. 1

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~ Jasper's POV ~

Before event, and while Izzy's asleep..

"You do know that we can't do much of this anymore right man?" Emmett said, feeling mad, sad, and heartbroken.

I smirked, "Emmett, we have seen how sneaky she can be, I'm sure she'd find some way to have fun with us." I said.

He laughed loudly, "True."

I chuckled then sighed, "The restroom is non arousal smell right?"

He nodded. Since yesterday we have been cleaning everywhere we had sex at, and all so that we wouldn't be caught.

Emmett started the video game, while I went in my study, and picked Iz up carefully, and took her to Edward's room. I then went back to my study, and cleaned it up a bit.

Soon I was downstairs reading - or trying too - a civil war book. We heard the door open. Suddenly I was grabbed and thrown into a wall.

I stood up, getting in a defensive crouch growling at the person who threw me. Edward. "Why'd you do that?!" I asked, my Texan accent coming out thickly.

"Edward!" Esme said, panicked.

I stood up straight, fighting to keep the Major or Ares for that fact in. "Why is your scent all over Bella?" he snarled at me.

I rolled my eyes, "Because she fell asleep while Emmett was trying to teach her how to play Mario Cart so I carried her to your bed." I growled out to him.

I knew he believed it, and he went upstairs without apologizing, only feeling....the same feeling I had gotten from Maria, Lucy, and Nettie, all before they betrayed us, me and thought of killing me...

"Jasper, calm down." Alive said, yet her emotions were of the same feelings.

I glared at her, and went sitting by Emmett playing Grand Theft Auto.

"Good morning love." I heard.

"What are you doing here?" Izzy spoke harshly as a reply, I chuckled along with Emmett who had a grin on his face.

"I'm sorry love, I truly am. Jasper told me that those freaks only came to visit him, and he asked them to stay. I'm sorry I blamed you." Edward said, I growled as he called Peter and Char freaks.

It's fine Major, he'll get what's comin' for 'im soon. Peter ytexted me, distracting me.

Alright fucker, you better be right or I'm not holding the Major in. I sent back, going back to the game as I had paused it.

I heard as Izzy came downstairs, "Love I'm sorry! You just really shouldn't hang pout with those freaks!" Eddie said again. I hit my tongue to hold in my growl as Emmett and I turned off the game.

"What makes them freaks?" Iz asked with calmness, though inside she was rather angry, and I didn't try to disflame it.

"Their scars." he replied, speaking the word like poison, making me feel madder and sadder.

I saw Izzy walk up to Carlisle grabbing his hand then walking back dragging him along. She then rose their intwined hands, and hit Eddie.

I gasped, out of shock and because it was sexy by the way she looked. "If that makes 'em freaks then I guess I am too. But, you know what all of you are. Because you have a scar too." Izzy spoke, back to a harsh voice.

"But that's different! It's different for you! Your scars make you beautiful! While their scars make them freaks!" I again not back a growl as Edward spoke.

Everyone stayed silent due to shock and anger, "What about Jasper?"

Edward laughed homously, "He's a freak like the others. Even Alice agrees."

Izzy turned to Alice - whom is supposed to be my mate, yet has thought such foul things of me. "You do?" I felt pain, knowing she did...twas one reason why I was - am insecure.

"N-no." Alice said, with much nervousness. Anger rolled in waves off of Izzy, as she glared at Alice and Edward..if looks could kill.. Well I'm pretty sure that its be as if Jane Volturi were here right know causing them pain mixed with Kate Denali's power.

Izzy pulled her shirt off making all of us gasp. "See Edward, I am a freak too. Way to ruin your relationship." Izzy said, as everyone looked at Izzy's scar.

They were beautiful..yet it made me and Emmett angry as people could harm such a beautiful creature as Isabella Swan. "This isn't all Eddie, here just thought I was to horrid and changed me. What were the words you used Edward? Scars only make you a freak, nothing more that that?"

Esme gasped, while anger rolled off all of us...all but Alice.

"You know what, maybe I should show them the real me. That'd be awsome, huh? I'm going to take a shower? Oh, and Edward, Alice? Jasper isn't a freak, nor is Peter and Char!mtalk about 'em fouly again - it won't be good on you part, trust me?" Izzy said in a low calm sexy voice with a sexy Texan accent.

Izzy walked up, and as soon as she was out of earshot Edward spoke. "Damn it Jasper! You and your damn fucking friends corrupted my Bella!" Edward spoke, "Emmett why didn't you fucking kocj them out!"

"Edward that's enough! I can't believe you'd say that to Bella! She is beautiful no matter what she looks like!" Esme yelled out, making us all shocked.

"She's right Edward! I can't believe you'd tell her she's ugly! She is far from it!" Rose yelled, again we were all shocked. I side hugged Rose, as I felt sadness come from her and she was beside me.

Even though me and Rose aren't real siblings, I still think of her as my younger sibling. I felt gratitude come from Rose and smiled one of my small smiles at her.

"Why are you both yelling at me!? Jasper and Emmett are the ones who brought those freaks in!" Edward yelled, me and Emmett both growled at him in warning.

As Peter and Char were here Emmett got to know the real them and grew to actually like 'em.

"Leave Peter and Char out of this Edward! I-Bella was right, you will regret it!" I yelled at him, as I felt the Major coming out.

He laughed, "You won't hurt me! I know it! Peter and Charlotte are only, and will always be freaks!" he snarled at me.

"That's it!" I growled out, as I let the Major out.

Next chapter will be with the Major guys! This is dedicated
too 1alicia1 since some time ago she asked if I could do a Jasper and Emmett POV.

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