Crazy Randomness Update (^_^) V

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This update will be a nonsense update from the author.. (I see what I did there~)

You may/may not read this crazy randomness scenarios of mine. EXO were still included but with a (slight?) touch of animé.

Enjoy reading~ ^^


EXO Randomness (ft. Author-chan and Kuroko no Basuke's Kiseki no Sedai) [Or Vice versa ^^]

Me: Sheesh... I'm bored~ What am I going to do? *puppy pout* Maybe I should call EXO or even Kiseki no Sedai members...

- grabs phone then dials somebody's number but... -


Me: Sheesh... who gonna be my visitor this time? *walks towards the door*


Me: *pissed off* EFF!! CALM YOUR TITS MAN!! *opens the door*

Kise: *suddenly hugs me tightly* YANNICCHI!! I REALLY MISSED YOU-SSU~ *le pouts cutely*

Me: *vein popped out* Fvck, Kise! I can't breath, you baka! Let me go!!

Kise: *on the verge of crying* B-But Yannicchi~ *puppy pout*

Akashi: *scary stares to Kise* Let go of Yanni, Ryouta. That's an order. And my orders were absolute. *looks at me* Now, shall we enter?

Me: *nods* H-Hai.. Please come in..

- Kiseki no Sedai members enter -

Me: Ahhh... by the way, where's Kuroko-kun? *curious face*

Kuroko: *monotone voice* Ano.. I'm here, Yanni-san. *raise hands*

Me: *screeches like a girl - LOL, I'M A GURL~ -* AHHHH!! HOW DID YOU GET THERE?! *pointed fingers to Kuroko*

Kuroko: *monotone voice* I was the first to enter your house, Yanni-san.

Me: *shocked* Really?! *whispers* Maybe I need a new glasses...

Aomine: *sits on the sofa* Oi, Yanni! You have some food? Bring it here, will you?

Me: Geez... Don't be such an emperor, Ahomine-kun! Try looking at the garage, maybe you'll find some foods there.

Aomine: But you don't have a garage!

Me: *veins popped out* Aho!

Akashi: Daiki, let me remind you that I am the only emperor here. You got that?

Aomine: Y-Yes.. *gulps*


Me: Hello?

Kai: Yanni-ssi! Annyeong!

Me: Ahh! Annyeonghaseyo, Jonginnie~ *smiles*

Chanyeol: Yanni-ah!

Me: Chanyeollie-oppa! Annyeonghaseyo~

Chen: What about me, Yanni-ah?

Sehun: Or me?

Baekhyun: Or me?

Remaining EXO members: Or us?!

Me: Arasseo, arasseo. Annyeonghaseyo!

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