This imagine was dedicated to @Kimberly_6121. Sorry for posting it late, chingu... And I hope you'll like it ^^
~ ☆YANNI LEE ☆ ~
Today's gonna be listed as one of your happiest days of your life. It is you and your twin brother's ____ [insert age] birthday and you're very excited about it. You have a very strong feeling that your big brother, Kris, older twin brother, and also your parents prepared somethings for this celebration. You're very excited not only for foods they've prepared but also for the guests they've invited and for their gifts they will be giving.
It's already 8 o' clock in the evening when the party started. You and Suho's birthday party was considered to be a simple one. Although both of you were not really fond of having too classy and too expensive parties. You know to yourself that you're not a tomboy but you've noticed to yourself that you're a little bit boyish - slightly in movement and slightly in style.
Fifteen minutes after the party started, you've decided to roam around. You've noticed that most of your relatives were present in your party. They've even greeted you as you've went to their direction. You've also seen some of your teachers, friends, classmates, and especially Kyungsoo - your bestfriend and your long time crush.
"Oh, ___-ah [y/n]! Saengil chukha hamnida!" he said as he saw you walking.
"Thanks, OWL-y..." you answered, teasing him.
"Okay, I'm going to ignore that OWL-y part, ____-ah. I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear that." he said, laughing. And because of his joke and his laughs, you've also started to laugh.
But all of these began to stop when the lights went off. The spotlight was eventually focused on Kris, who's standing on the stage.
"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Tonight is considered a beautiful and happy night for someone whom we all loved. From being a kid, now she's turning another year of her life along side with my twin brother. Let me call on my loving sister, _____, and brother, Suho." Kris said. All of the people clapped their hands as you've walked towards the stage.
You and Suho eventually went on the stage and thanked all of them for attending and for organizing this party. Both of you even gave them a 90° bow that served as your 'thank you's'@ and respect.
After that, the next part of the party started - the giving and opening of gifts for you and for Suho. You are chosen to be the first person who will be given a chance to pick some persons and will be opening their given gifts. Ten lucky persons were chosen. These 10 lucky persons included were your parents, Kris, Suho, your bestfriend Kyungsoo, 3 friends and 2 of your relatives.
Your parents gave you complete package of round trip tickets of a European tour for three persons. Your big brother Kris gave you a complete set of facial creams and other beauty products. And because of that, you just gave him a fierce look but he just gave you a sweet smile as a response to your action.
Suho, your older twin brother, gave you an expensive make-up kit he bought from France through online. Instead of saying thank you, you immediately slapped his shoulder due to frustrations. But he also immediately fled away after slapping him for the fifth time.
Your three friends gave you different genres of fiction and non-fiction novels while two of your relatives gave you gadgets. And now, it's your bestfriend's turn to give his birthday present. But before that, he began to talked and deliver his birthday message.
"____-ah, I know that you're really aware that we've been friends for 10 years. Isn't it amazing, right? I never thought that we've reached this long. And it can be considered as a miracle. But kidding aside, I want to thanked you for being my friend for these past years. ____-ah, frankly speaking, I've wanted to end this relationship. Not because I hated you but because I've realized that for ten long years, my feelings for you developed and began to mature. I love you, _____-ah. I love you very much." he said.
Tears began to fall from your eyes. But it didn't stopped from falling when he knelt down and opened a small box in front of you and everybody.
"____-ah, will you be my girl?" he asked.
Instead of answering him, you immediately hugged him tightly as a sign of your acceptance.
Hope you'll all like it~

EXO Imagines and One-Shots
RomanceA compilation of original EXO imagines and one-shots made by the author.